View Full Version : Illnesses/Medical Emergencies I've had

19-02-08, 18:30
Well, I haven't had any of them, but I was CONVINCED I did.

Here's my list:
Heart attack - Turned out to be heart palpitations brought on by anxiety.
Lymphoma - Turned out to be nothing. Just an enlarged that I've had for years. Blood tests all clear!
Colon cancer - Turned out to be harmless piles. (TMI??)
Breast cancer - Turned out to be lumps that come and go with my period.

And that's just in the last six months. Anyone else have a list like this?

19-02-08, 20:33
hi sarah,well i was told i was astmatic since i was 14yrs,& have taken 2 inhalers everday 4 over 20yrs,but i am very doubtfull i have astma at all!! i believe it was my panic & the feeling of not being able 2 breath,but i am so used 2 my inhalers that if i dont take them i imagine i cant breath!hope u sort everthing out babe,take care xleisax

20-02-08, 01:21
OH, I have quite the list:

(In the past 6 months)

1. heart attack: actually harmless palpitations brought on by anxiety
2. brain aneurysm: actually tension headaches
3. abdominal aortic aneurysm (because I could see my pulse on my stomach): Later found out that thin people can often see this.
4. Colon Cancer: Actually IBS
5. MS: temporary tingling from panic/anxiety
6. Lymphoma: swollen gland from three huge bug bites in the area.
7. Ovarian cancer: IBS
8. Celiac disease: IBS
9. Brain Tumor: overly strong eyeglasses prescription the first time; dehydration/anxiety the second time.
10. Diabetes (because my blood sugar results were high from a blood test): Actually b/c I had eaten candy and drank orange juice shortly before the test.
11. Hernia: Actually just a floating rib.

I've had verification from doctors for numbers 1,4,6,7,8, 9, 10, and 11 (yep, I've spent much of my last 6 months in the Dr.'s office--9 visits, I believe). The rest I stopped worrying about on my own after symptoms died down.
Right now I'm freaking out about lymphoma and ovarian cancer again, thinking the dr.'s are incorrect. Maybe someday I'll give it a rest...

:blush: aurora

20-02-08, 09:02
Hi all,
Oh how familiar these all sound!!!. I am sure if i looked in a medical book at every known disease i have had it at some point or other LOL, at the moment it is throat cancer (feel a lump there and have to keep swallowing and clearing my throat-really scary feeling) and stomach cancer (get terrible cramps almost like labour and very tender) and while i am rational enough to know that i have globus and ibs it doesn't stop that niggley little voice in your head when you are wide awake:scared15: at 3am saying yes but what if?. In the past i have had my family in fits of laughter with some of the unbelievable prognosises i have come up with and i must admit to having a little chuckle when i read yours but only because it seems so familiar and now that i have discounted a lot of them i realise i made a bigger fuss than needed, but at the time all rational sense goes out of the window and i know if i have a little twinge anywhere today i will be straight onto google :doh:.

Jacq x

20-02-08, 10:18
Well I’ve convinced myself I’ve had the following:

Brain haemorrhage
Breast cancer
Skin cancer
Bowel cancer
Detached retina

Dr Google diagnosed me of course :ohmy:

20-02-08, 11:08
how much better do i feel now!!! i to have self diagnosed.breast cancer, ovarian cancer,skin cancer,bowel cancer..all seems to be cycle related!! xx

20-02-08, 13:39
It is amusing, isn't it? I'm on Zoloft now and love it...it has helped my HA so much. I can actually laugh at myself. At the same time, it is awful to feel this way. No one else understands and you work yourself into a frenzy thinking your about to drop dead and no doctor or medical test in the world can convince you otherwise. But, at the same time, you know you're being ridiculous. It's maddening!:lac: