View Full Version : Back pain - sciatica

19-02-08, 20:29
Hey everyone.

I was picking my little boy up a couple of weeks ago and pulled muscles in my lower back. The pain was awful and now I have developed sciatica in my right hamstring area.

Have been to the docs and they said that I've probably inflamed my sciatic nerve and prescribed me anti-inflamatories and painkillers.

That was on Friday and tonight I tweaked my back again. Its so, so, so uncomfortable and I'm starting to worry that I might have done something to my spine? Does anyone have any experience of back pain/muscle pain and how long it can take to heal?


Pink Panic
19-02-08, 20:45
Hi Dan

I have had proplapsed discs first on the left side then on my right side and the pain was excrutiating. Also suffered the odd bout of Sciatica inbetween and it's an awful thing to endure too so my thoughts are with you. :hugs:
Try to keep mobile and be aware of your posture, not slouching or lying awkardly. A rolled up bath towel wedged in the small of your back also helps with posture when you are sitting. Also a nice hot bath may help or a hot water bottle.
If things don't improve in a few days ask your GP for a referral to Physio.
As for how long this can take to heal it all depends on the individual and how badly it's inflamed etc., Take things easy mate.


20-02-08, 20:18
Hi Dan,

I know how you feel mate. I have had back problems for years, and still do, but find when I have a bad one, I get down to my local chiropractor and they sort it out for me.
If the sciatica is down to your knee, they can help so book yourself in whenever. If it is going past your knee, get down to see them fairly quickly as the sooner they start work on it the better.

Nothing to worry about in the long term I dont think, but if you can afford the £30-£35 I recommend you find a good chiropractor, preferably one with a referral. If you are anywhere near the Essex area dro me a PM and I can recommend one for you.


21-02-08, 21:16
Hello Mate,

I am currently sufferring with a prolapsed disc in my lower back. Had it since December. The problem isnt the pain in the lower back but the sciatic pain down my left leg.

Doc gave me Cocodamol and Diclofenic, which if I was to be honest aint all that great. I have a bit of mobility now so am doing physio twice a week, have also started to see an osteopath. Both seem to be hepling but progress is slow. Seem to take two steps forward one back.

You gotta take each day as it comes. If it is a prolapsed disc it could take months to heal and may even require op.

Try swimming and ice packs. When pain subsides some palates excercise.

Keep Smiling
