View Full Version : I HATE Ciraplex

19-02-08, 21:00
Hey Everyone,

I have suffered with panic attacks for 13 years and am currently on 20mg of ciraplex (I started in Nov 07)

I have found that as the dosage gets higher I have become more and more anxious and find I am having really extreme thoughts of terror, for example when I am sitting in the car i start to panic someone is going to shoot me. Extreme I know!! I sleep around 12 hours a night a still feel exausted, my mouth is constantly dry and now my sex drive is completely gone!!!

The only good thing is alot of my panic attacks do not develop into full ones and I have stopped getting one after the other, so my doc and psych are keeping me on them as they belive they are working!!

Is it worth all of this!? Anyone else suffered on Ciraplex?

Gem :blush: