View Full Version : Please help with symptoms

19-02-08, 21:43
Hi, I haven't posted for awhile. Here's the situation....I was very nervous about going to the snow with my family. Very nervous and shaky and on edge the whole weekend there. I started getting this weird feeling in my throat, almost like my heart was going to start to beat funny and flutter. It's not a sore throat however kind of like a fluttery feeling which doesn't make any sense to me. It's high up in my throat, I don't think it's my chest. I know this sounds crazy but it just started this weekend while being so nervous and scared about my kids playing in the snow. I was convinced I wasn't going to feel good up there and now this weird symptom won't go away. Can anyone PLEASE help me or am I really going crazy? Thank you.

19-02-08, 21:52
Hi Shelly,

Every line of your post is sceaming "Anxiety" at me.
I have certainly read many other posts reporting similar symptoms in the throat area.
You were pre-disposed to have some form of pysical symptom given the rising levels of anxiety you were suffering over this whole period.
How to break free?
Distraction-do something different.Consciously make the effort to take your whole focus away from this.Recognise that you are not in any danger.Accept that this will pass-just as other symptoms have.
Best wishes,

19-02-08, 21:55
Thank you Chalky for your quick reply. It's really making me feel horrible that I'm scared something bad will happen. I'm so scared. It's so real, I know it's a real feeling and it won't go away.

19-02-08, 22:03
Hi Shelley,

Now is the time for you to do the hard work.
Anxious feelings feed on themselves.It is a vicious circle which is causing your symptoms.Change your thinking-any form of distraction-and this will pass.
Lie down-do some relaxation breathing-repeat to yourself-This will pass.
focus on this not the anxious thinking.
You can do this-we all have done this!!
Best wishes,

19-02-08, 22:10
Hi Shelley, sounds like some kind of tension. I always get it in my throat when I get too wound up about emotional stuff, especially concerning my kids. I'm not one who cries easily and I'm sure a good old sob would do me good so much of the time. Try not to repress your emotions, if you can't have a good cry just find some hilarious movies to make you have a really good laugh and see if that helps.