View Full Version : Hi

stray electrix
19-02-08, 22:48
Am currently hunched in front of the p.c jittering away like a wasps nest and could do with a few sage words of advice.
I'v got all the symptoms of full blown attack (hot and cold sweats, impending feeling of doom, existence vertigo.... the lot) and really cant be arsed with it to be honest.
I'v read some of the stuff and it a lot of it seems to hit home, which is helping a little, but i think my real problem's lie elswhere.......
Basically, i know what it is i need to do to get better (cut out the drink, drugs, take better care of myself etc) but i seem unable to stop myself, almost wilfully putting myself into situations that are going to cause panic and distress. I was wondering if anybody else out there had self destructive tendancies, and if so what they do to combat them.
I'll be 32 on my next birthday and to be honest, very much like myself, this shit is getting old and i need to get something going to sort myself out.
Any suggestions or sharing of experience would be greatly welcomed.


19-02-08, 22:53
Hi Stray and :welcome: lots of advise here and support.:hugs:

stray electrix
19-02-08, 22:56
Hi Ellen cheers for the response....... not really use to this....

19-02-08, 23:19
Hi Stray,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

19-02-08, 23:27
Hi Stray,

Welcome to the Forum.
:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of advice and support here.
Taking action to cut back on things which make your condition worse sounds easy.It's sometimes not.
We as individuals have a big part to play in our recovery.
Being honest with ourselves-as you are doing-is a great way to start.
The more you cut back,the more you will feel like changing.The more you change,the better you will feel.
Give yourself time to get well.
Give yourself the chance to learn about your issues and how to deal with them.
You can do this!
best wishes,

19-02-08, 23:36
Hello Stray :welcome: to you!

First step to getting better is to want to - and you do.

Yep, cutting out the drink and especially the drugs would be a good place to start - but take it in easy stages. I don't know how dependent you are on eihter, so slow and sure would be bettter than quick and unsteady.

Set yourself one goal at a time - no matter how small, and then celebrate like mad when you reach it.....we'll certainly help you do that!

Have a read of the personal stories in the links on the left of this page, they're most encouraging. There's loads of information to be had too.

Glad you decided to join us here - pleased to meet you!


stray electrix
19-02-08, 23:46
Cheers Chalky. Thats the sort of thing i need to hear.
I'm pretty amazed at how by just reading about your own symptoms you can diffuse them slightly.
I dont know about others but when i get like this i just need to fill my head up with stuff to distract myself and talking seems to help as well. I haven't really discussed it with anyone in the same boat as me before. Seems a bit obvious now......

stray electrix
19-02-08, 23:55
Thanks GG.
I'd say the drink and drugs, ironically, are kept in check by the fact i feel so bad the next day- hence the mess im in just now.
I think i probably do it cos i need to at least feel happy for a little while even tho i know its going to have a detrimental effect in the long run. I end up scoring valium if it gets really bad but it doesn't take a genius to work out that that could be a bit of a viscious circle/ catch 22 situation in itself.
Sorry if im coming over as a bit of a whingeing git btw your words are very much appreciated.


stray electrix
19-02-08, 23:56
Thanks to you too Mandy.

20-02-08, 00:01
Well, if you're a whingeing git then we're all whingeing gits on here Stray!

Don't ever be concerned about posting how you really feel here - we all have our own story to tell and support one another as best we can :)

The fact you're here at all is a huge step forward, ok?

:hugs: :hugs:

20-02-08, 03:37
hi stray welcome to nmp youl find great info on here .and we all understand your defo not alone and i agree with gg if your whingeing git we all whingeing gits stray tc yes xx

20-02-08, 06:53
Hi Stray,

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

20-02-08, 08:32
hiya stray :welcome: to nmp its great to have you here :yesyes:. you will get lots of support and advice from all the great members here and you will not be judged for what you do or dont do. think of some positive ways you can help yourself on the way to recovery and give them a good try. there are lots of other ppl on here who have been where you are so you can do this with the right help. hope to talk to you in the chat room.take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:.

kellie xxxxxxxxx

20-02-08, 08:44
Hi and welcome..
I think if i was you, i'd give the "drink and drugs" and big fat miss and try that for a while, see if you're anxiety and panic reduced.
How's that for advice :)


20-02-08, 09:45
Hi Stray xx
welcome to NMP, you say that youv'e lived with this for a long time right but have never done much about it, well i reckon by being so honest and open on the forum especially about your drinking and drugs you've made a real positive move, giving up on drink and drugs is not going to be something you can do overnight though, when there are multiple issues at stake you have got to try and tackle one thing at a time, it can be done alone but would advise you if you haven't already to get some professional advice. But this is the first place to start and this site gives you links to other helpful sites as well. Also gives you advice here on meds etc
Anyhow all the best, take care, richie xxxxxxxxxx

20-02-08, 13:10
Hi Stray,

Welcome to NMP. If I were you I would do other things that give me pleasure, little things such as (well for me) reading, going to movies, hanging out with friends, etc., you get my drift. Do things that are healthy for both your body and your mind. You will in time change your lifestyle step by step. That is how we also help ourselves with anxiety and depression step by step. I know it sounds so easy but it isn't but it is how I have managed to keep on track. I sometimes fall off the track too but know to get back on when I fall off. I hope this helps.



20-02-08, 14:04

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

20-02-08, 20:39
Hi Stray and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

21-02-08, 12:45
Hello StRAy And Welcome I Wish Ya Well..........linda

21-02-08, 14:04
Hi welcome to NMP I hope to see you around sometime

Take Care

Emma xx

22-02-08, 22:00
Hi Stray

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.