View Full Version : I feel like I can't breath :(

always scared
20-02-08, 20:54
Does anyone else get this?
I feel like I can't breath. My chest and back hurt and I'm always seem to be clearing my throat http://anxietyzone.com/Smileys/default/sad.gif
Being a hypo you know I'm thinking lung cancer http://anxietyzone.com/Smileys/default/sad.gif
The more I think and worry about the worse it gets.
This can't just be anxiety alone.
Should I be worried??????????????

20-02-08, 21:30
Always scared,
My main symptoms started with jaw pain. The last year or so its been upper back pain almost constanly which lead to panic attacks. Also a tightness in my chest and couldn't get a deep breath. I went to the doctors numerous times in tears and kept being told it was anxiety. Saw an osteopath who said i was so tense my back muscles were sending wrong signals down arms and causing chest muscles to contract making me feel breathless. I had ecg's and chest x rays. Nothing showed up. No matter how many times i was told it was all muscle tension/anxiety i could not believe it. 2 weeks ago i paid for an mri scan of my back/chest. Guess what, nothing showed up!
I am now on citalopram and feel alot better, Still have muscle tension in my back but the chest tightness doesn't happen very often now and doesn't last long. Im trying to learn how to relax properly and have started swimming.
Your symptoms sound very much like mine. Its all classic anxiety but very hard to accept its nothing more serious when your feeling it, but the more you dwell on it and worry the worse it gets. Thats how my medication has helped me.
I am also a smoker and was scared sh****ss it was lung cancer.
I hope that has reassured you a bit. You should of course speak to your doctor if you haven't already, but from what you have said, i really dont think its anything more than the anxiety.
I hope you are feeling better soon.
Donna x

20-02-08, 21:32

I know you pain, I have had this feeling before for 2 weeks straight and it sucks!!! I was convinced my lungs were collapsed but the doc said everything was sweet and it was anxiety related, maybe try going for a light run or strong walk thats what I do and the feeling seems to go away.

All the best


20-02-08, 22:46
I had this all day.. My anxiety was so high that my chest got tight and it felt like i couldnt breath well or take deep breaths.. All my breathing felt very forced today.. But now i'm at home and relaxing and its all passed.. Anxiety!

20-02-08, 23:08
Hi There
I occasionally get the chest thing and as for clearing throat been doing that for months was and am still concerned and as 3 family members have passed away in the last 3 months and 2 were near my age the panic set in. Silly really because i feel quite well aprt from the throat clearing thing also have lots a bit of weight since my op in october, anyway i have had a chest xray and blood tests am waiting the results which are due back next week. Everytime i have any tests done they always come back ok. Im sure yours is due to anxciety but see your doc if your worried.
Take care
Anne xx

always scared
21-02-08, 04:36
Thanks sooo much guys. Your replies have made me feel so much better :)
I've had this feeling before but it's never lasted this long.
Part of me is still worried and scared that its lung cancer. But from all your replies I see that it could very well be anxiety related.

Thank you :hugs:

21-02-08, 05:07
Hi Mary

I am 50 now, but had the can't breath thing since I was a child and am still here to tell the tale:yesyes:

You will always get enough breathe. What happens when you get tense is the lungs tense up as well and you don't breath out enough air, so next time you go to take a breath in you can't take as much air as usual because your lungs still have a lot of air in them. So you then panic, and tense up even more, letting even less air out and the cycle continues.

What you have to do is concentrate on the 'out' breath, make sure you have nearly emptied your lungs before you breathe in again.

Hyperventilating, which is what your doing, will make your chest and back hurt. I always pull my bra away from my chest, like it's too tight or something but it's my lungs that are tight. Try not to worry too much (easy for me to say) but if it was anything, I certainly wouldn't be here.

Hope you feel better once you've learnt to 'breath' properly. Try some deep breathing excersises. Breathe in for 4, hold for 4, then breath out for 4 (or whatever number you choose).

Sending good vibes your way, cause I know that it's frightening but you will always get enough breathe hun. Apparently the part in your brain that controls your breathing while asleep etc, will take over anyway.

Flowers for you:


21-02-08, 09:41
Hi There,
I get this and i must say of all the symptoms this is the worst for me.
I feel like i cannot draw breath properly and my chest and upper back hurt.
I,ve had it for a couple of weeks now and wish it would just go away!
Like the others have said i found that deep breathing and excercise definetely help.
Take care,