View Full Version : Gland up in groin..

20-02-08, 21:06

Its swollen and causing loads of pain in my left leg. I have no other symptom.

Has anyone else head of anything like this?

20-02-08, 22:08
Try this ....


20-02-08, 22:12
Hi Bluebell

Sorry that you have this. Hope you soon feel better. I was told by a doctor that the glands swell up to fight off infection, like if you have a cold, sore throad, flu....some kind of infection, your body's natural thing to do is try & fight it itself. Apparently that's also why we get a temperature when we have an infection.

Do you feel out of sorts in any way? Although I know that I have had glands swell up and I don't feel that I have anything wrong, but they went down in a few days-a week.

Try not to worry, could be just a small infection that you don't even know that you have.

Take care


21-02-08, 20:32
hey - i have an enlarged lymph node in my groin. i discovered it about a year ago and totally freaked out. i had a doctor check it out. he said it was nothing, but i was still worried. so they did blood work and everything is clear. the doctor said that it has probably been like this my entire life, i had just never noticed it before. anyway, if your's hurts it's likely nothing to worry about. your period can make your glands pop up or if you've done any shaving in that area....i'm assuming you're female. :blush: any number of things can make your glands swell and most of them are nothing at all to worry about. if you are really concerned though, head to the doctor, explain your situation and request a blood test. this will put your mind at ease.

21-02-08, 22:02
yeah infection , I got this with chicken pox.

Hope it goes away soon :hugs: .