View Full Version : The brit awards

20-02-08, 22:02
Why do i sit year after year whatching this rubbish, and what was going on with amy winehouse, paul mc,cartney was about the best artist of the evening, kylie looks more like debi harry each time i see her on the t.v.And the ice monkeys , who the hell are they.Next we will have the adds on pushing the albums . As i post this , what do you know one has just been on.:shrug:

20-02-08, 22:14
LOL Domino

I just watched it too, who are these people i have never heard of half of them!

Bring back the Bay City Rollers and David Cassidy i say !:yesyes: :yesyes: lol


20-02-08, 22:27
LOL...I said Kylie looked like Blondie!
I am happy that the Foo's won and very surprised that Amy Winehouse didn't.

21-02-08, 06:42
I didnt even know the Brit Awards was on! I must have missed the adverts!

I think it would be safe to assume that Amy Winehouse would have been high on something, poor girl. It makes me wonder whether they actually want to help her or whether its more beneficial for the record company to keep her in that state as it generates more publicity!

Jo xxxxx

21-02-08, 08:35
sharon osbourne wanted to be the star of the show as usual.

The bet bit for me was paul and leona , why lenoa didnt win anything i dont know , she can sing better than all of them.

21-02-08, 09:10
I sat through the whole thing for the first time ever. I laughed my head off at the Arctic Monkeys who were so plastered they couldn't even speak. I admired Amy Winehouse - she is on prescription drugs to manage her withdrawal from narcotics. She was put on them by her rehab psychiatrist and not by her record label. She was looking healthier than she has for ages and it was nice to see her putting on a little bit of weight.

21-02-08, 10:56
Kylie minogue..erm why:shrug: Such a nice girl,brave too.But why the huge superstardom..i simply dont get it:huh: Amy seemed back on form to me,,now her i get:yesyes: Now the ditty that paul mcartney sang ..oh come on..even he cant get away with that ..reminded me of a song you would sing to your 2 year old:roflmao: Made up with it with hey jude tho:D And as for Sharon foul mouth osbourne.she makes my teeth itch!!!!:huh: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxx