View Full Version : so scared

21-02-08, 06:02
been awake all night in a panic, heart feeling really weird etc spent half night on toilet also, just taken a chlorpromazine please god let me calm down now

21-02-08, 08:42
Hello Amanda. Sorry to hear you've had a bad night. Are you feeling any better now?

21-02-08, 08:44
thanks jenny for aski im still feeling same x

21-02-08, 09:31
Hi Amanda,Sorry to hear you had such a bad night, hope you are feeling a bit better now.Chunky

21-02-08, 10:33
Hi Amanda,
I was also awake most of last night feeling really anxious.
Today i feel absolutely shattered and would love to go back to bed but unfortunately thats not possible.
Hope we both get a better nights sleep tonight.
Take care

21-02-08, 11:14
Hi Amanda

I'd go to your doctors and ask to put you on a antidepressant. I'd also ask him for some Diazepam for a couple of weeks until the antidepressants start working.

21-02-08, 11:59
Hi Amanda sorry to hear your not feeling so good hun have a big hug from me :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: and I hope by the time you read this your feeling heaps better :hugs: :hugs: xxx

21-02-08, 12:10
thank you everyone im just worn out now mainly im on ads im on trazadone and chlorpromazine but nothing is helping xxxx

21-02-08, 18:06
I too slept terribly last night and feel worse today because of it....I had just been starting to feel improvement after a few weeks of Fluxotene even sleeping better....even a Clonazapam before bed didn't help much...I'm half way round the world from you folks so it couldn't be the weather causing the sleeplessness....maybe just the way the planets lined up or something...I agree you should try to get an SSRI and Benzodiazapam combination.


21-02-08, 18:14
hope u get a betta night tonight amanda perhaps u will feel betta when old man home hope so shug .:hugs: x x