View Full Version : Round and round in circles!

21-02-08, 10:28

Ive posted before on here but not for a few weeks as i have been feeling a bit better recently. My problems started 6 months ago with a sudden attack that made me feel like my blood sugar had dropped (it hadnt) and cloudy eyes, shaky and sweaty. this lasted on average for 1 hour a day for 3 weeks, funny enough always in late afternoon / evening, anyway i had every symptom going but as im such a chilled person never believed it was anxiety. my symptoms seem to go round in circles one week its vision, next trembling / popping muscles then fatigue etc etc etc. anyway i have been admitted to hospital and had CT scan which was clear and 3 weeks ago had a brain mri which was clear. problem is ive had 3 good weeks but the symptoms still hang around and last night had my first major atttack for a few months, its more of a viral attack than just anxiety!

Been to the docs today and have had urine test (about the 10th) which showed changes so has been sent off to lab aparently something called ebus??? virus or something. also have asked to have all std checks to rule these out as even though im married i did have a past before and ned to make sure all is ok.

So im off work today as confidence has been knocked and feel shattered and vision bad again (i get a feeling like my eyes are straining then they go blurred and i feel like im going to loose control) this passes but scares me.

anyone have an opinion on this? if i say my familly believe me that its symptoms causing anxiety rather than anxiety causing symptoms as i can be so relaxed when the symptoms arnt present then suddenly there back and i get anxious.

any comments welcome as i have to get to the bottom of this!

23-02-08, 14:08
Ho Jon, yes it does go round in circles, I have health anxiety and the symtems cause me anxiety wich causes more symtems. Take heart from the fact you have had scans that were clear, no body has offered me scans just a HNT appointment which proved nothing.Prehaps some counseling would help, have you considered it?
Take care:hugs:

23-02-08, 14:25
Hi Jon,

Push your Doc for some CBT-got to change the thinking.
Best wishes,

23-02-08, 14:37

you poot think sounds like you are just having a realy bad blip at the min
my anx dose the same to my eyes to and when i am realy bad i get very tired and moody .
i have found myself thinking i was fine, why do i have all these symptoms
i was not anx ect ,i do feel my anx is set of by symptoms and not the other way round but then i think ppl with pa,s ect do think like that
i think chalkey is right get some cbt it will help you i am sure

jodie xx