View Full Version : Am I getting worse?

21-02-08, 11:06
Hi everyone,

I have this feeling that i'm getting worse. I've been having help for a while, and i've been doing things, going to councelling, going to a day centre, and a couple of other things.

And I started to keep having setbacks with the day centre. And I'd get a bit back on track, then i'd have a setback again. i'm currently having one again.

Then last Friday I went for my councelling, and my anxiety rose higher. And today i've been for an appointment at the day centre, and again my anxiety was higher.

I've been more anxious at home too. I know I need to keep positive. But I just feel with my anxiety getting higher and it's been harder lately, I just wonder if i'm getting worse? I can see some good things I have done but it just feels like i'm not moving forward overall.

I just feel like I'd like some comfort/reassurance.

Thanks for reading,

21-02-08, 14:05
Hi Heather,

This anxiety has a habit of changing on a daily, if not hourly basis!

I would say to just keep pushing forward, keep going to the day center even though your anxiety maybe high, and you will find that some days are easier than others.

The key is not to give up but to keep going.


21-02-08, 14:28
Hi Heather :hugs:

I agree with Kate - keep pushing forward hun.

Everyday is different, not every day will be anxiety free (unfortunately!).

I am having counselling and will be starting group therapy soon but I have been feeling more anxious lately.

The best thing is to not be put off by it, because all these things you are doing to help yourself are having an effect. Dont give up hun :winks:

Jo xxxxx

23-02-08, 04:54
I think we always feel worse when we begin counselling or therapies because it is the first step in confronting our fears.

Counselling will bring all our suppressed hurts from the past to the surface so that we can learn how to come to terms with them.

Given time, we should begin to feel better as our fears subside and our confidence builds. It can take Time though so patience is required.

Often others will be the first to notice changes and improvements in us that we are unaware of until someone comments.

Different therapies help different people but often we need to persevere with them before we notice changes and things begin to feel better.:hugs:

23-02-08, 11:34
Thank you all :)

Heather :hugs:

23-02-08, 11:44
Heather a friend of mine told me about something she'd read recently about our 'nerves/anxiety/moods' being called our 'internal weather'.

So much like the normal weather is changeable then so is our internal weather too. I'm finding it helpful to think of it in these terms too hun, cos my internal weather is a touch on the stormy side at the mo lol!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-02-08, 11:56
Yeah that's a good way to describe it, when you think about it, it is like the weather.

Thanks Piglet,
Heather :hugs:

23-02-08, 13:21
Hi Heather,
The replies you have had so far have been great.
I found opening up to a councellor to be very unnerving.I learnt that this was because I was moving completely outside my comfort zone.To my mind,this was not normal - a new threat or a new symptom.
Persevere and you will succeed.
Your mind will "learn" to accept this new way of living in time.
Give yourself time to adjust.
Best wishes,

25-02-08, 11:50
Thank you Chalky :)

25-02-08, 13:01
Hi heather.
I think this road we are on is quite a long one and just when you think you are coming to the end there is another hill. I've had four bouts of counselling over the past 30 years. Each time I have found it a mixture of stress and relief. I think once you pass the opening up stage which can be difficult to start with yu enter the this is ok stage and wow I'm feeling better. This is where I've always stopped before only for the panic to return. This time in my counselling I have gone onto the next stage of internalising the reasons and working on ways to change the way I think and feel. This is mega scarey for me and really hard work. I am putting so much trust in my counsellor at the moment and that is something I am not used to doing. but I am beginning to be aware of myself in a much more positive way and it feels good. I hope you manage to keep progressing we are all with you on this.

27-02-08, 15:54
Thank you Sheba :)