View Full Version : Don't think i can go through with it !

21-02-08, 11:49
well after much thought and desperately needing the money i applied for a job, a big decision from someone who hardly leaves home and if it was not for needing the money i would not of done it.
The thing is i am now in a right panic cause i have just recieved a letter inviting me to go for an assessment which lasts approx 3 hours.
I really need this job but i just do not know how i will cope, right now i feel sick thinking about it.
Why do i have to feel this way?
Helen :scared10:

21-02-08, 13:23
hi helen,, at my worst, i was in the same boat as you hun.. but i went to my induction and got thro it!! felt paniky but just rode it thro.. mine was 3 hrs as well. i got the job and it was the best move i eva made, made new friends. im occupied which is a godsend when were anxious. go for it hunni youve nothing to lose, thats how i looked at it!! xx becca

21-02-08, 13:47
Hi Helen,

Well done!!

I understand how it is natural for you to focus on the negative thoughts about this.
Sit and write down all the positives which could flow from this-from being out and about again,to the financial benefits.
Look at this as a big step forward in your recovery.
There is so much here to be positive about.
Best wishes,

21-02-08, 13:50
Hi Helen, just go for it. You have nothing to lose. The worst thing that can happen is that you will be in the same place as you were before. So just go girl go! And please let us know how you go ok.

21-02-08, 14:57
I really want to do this and hope i can.
I know in the long run it will be good for me, its just that i have not worked with other people for a long time and i am afraid of making a fool of myself.
I have another week until my assessment so i shall have a week of worrying and not sleeping. I just really hope i can do it.
Thanks again

27-02-08, 10:23
Well the day has arrived and i have woken up with a horrendous headache and an upset stomach now i dont know what to do. I dont know if i am ill or whether it is nerves.
I have the letter in front of me and am so tempted to ring and say i cant make it.
I feel awful at the moment and do not want to be ill while i am there, 3 hours is a very long time and dont know if i will cope.
Really cannot make my mind up, as much as i want to go i do not know if i can.
I will see if i feel better in a bit if not i may have to cancel, but i dont know if i will get another chance to attend and i may feel bad on that day as well.


Pink Panic
27-02-08, 11:41
Hi Helen,

Just sending some positve vibes your way and wishing you well :hugs:

Do what feels right for you :hugs:


27-02-08, 13:50
Hi Helen. Hope you are ok and that whatever you're decision this morning was just know that it was the best one for you then. let us know what you did. I think even writing it down on here was a step in the right direction.

27-02-08, 22:06
Well i went, i still dont know how i did it, i think it was purely down to determination.
I knew that once i went into the building i would stick it out because i wouldnt want to make a scene by walking out.
I had a few scary moments, we had to do tests and talk to the other people there which i found a bit difficult.
Anyway hubby said he is really proud of me, i think he thought i wouldnt go.
Will find out in a few days how i got on.
Thanks for your messages

28-02-08, 17:04
fantastic news. that was a huge achievement well done you.

28-02-08, 17:14
:yahoo: :yesyes: OMG that is soooooo brilliant helenclaire- what a massive acheivement, you should be very pleased with yourself, good luck with it all and hopefully this will be a turning point for you - well actually make it a turning point!!! take care emma:flowers: :winks:

Pink Panic
28-02-08, 18:50
WOW WELL DONE HELEN :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Best of Luck to you :hugs:
