View Full Version : Confused about Blood Pressure...

21-02-08, 16:59
Hi all... Long time sufferer of panic attacks and anixety I got my blood pressure checked when I was panicking and an ambulance came out.. it was 168/112 (im 23yrs old) they wouldnt let me stay at home and took me to hospital.. 5hrs later i got sent home after it lowered to 145/87 at 2am..

I got told I need to keep check of my BP 3 times in a sitting twice a day.

Ok fine but I am very confused about BP and especially confused about the results im getting..

If I am completely relaxed laying on my bed Im around 120-130/70-80

bpm about 72..

but If I take it when im say sitting at the table it varies from 130-150/80-90

I walked from the front room to the back room where the BP monitor is and it was 170/113!!! did it again straight after and it was 145/90 then again a minute or so after and it was 131/87

my question is, is my doctor only interested in the resting BP? and is there differences between active and resting BP as there is with heart rate?

Im only 23 and within normal weight (just) but I trapped a nerve in my spine a year ago and havent really done much since.. Also ive had a repeat tooth wisdom tooth infection that is due to be removed on wens 27th..

I eat really healthy and dont drink or smoke or do drugs.. But I do have high anxiety..

can someone just shed abit of light onto this because as like most im worrying myself rotted..

what confuses me most is when im relaxed its like 115-128/60-70 and when im semi active its higher 138+/70+

I was told that people with high blood pressure it remains high when resting too.. ????????

As with most doctors sergeries your in and out and dont really get a chance to ask questions!


pps I also dont drink caffeen i drink only water other than the odd cup of tea.. no more than two a day! and i dont eat chocolate..


21-02-08, 17:35
Hey Dan :)

I think you're getting yourself into a stew over something that is pretty normal.

It's perfectly normal for your resting BP to be lower than your active one. Anxiety can also have a big effect.

I used to be on the pill and you have to go for 'pill checks' where they monitor your BP. I'd always check it before I went and it would be fine - on the low side. When I'd get there, it would be high. They used to send me into the waiting room to calm down and check it again, and it went even higher. Once I got home and relaxed again, it was fine again. It just used to fly up when I was anxious.

I've also been in hospital a couple of times and my BP goes all over the place - 160/90 when I've been in pain, 80/40 when I've been sleeping, and about 110/70 at other times. Lots of things have an effect.

From what you've said you are very healthy, and so there is no apparent reason for your BP to be a problem. Exercise is a good idea, not least because it will help to take your mind off things. You might find that if you stop worrying about it, your BP will be absolutely fine.

Probably a good idea to talk to your GP for some reassurance.

xxx :flowers:

21-02-08, 17:39
Hello again! haha.. we always seem to meet posts! well i just did it now 3 readings and it was 152/80on all of them! :(

my head really hurts too :(

21-02-08, 18:21
Just had the biggest panic attack ive had in a long time! that was scary.. was nearly sick BP was so high..

live is so hard :(

21-02-08, 18:47
Are you sticking to what they said?

Check it 3 times in 2 sittings.

Don't check it any more than that.

xxx :flowers:

tayside lassie
21-02-08, 20:43
hiya ,my blood pressure goes up and down all the time depending on how im feeling with my anxiety .when taking your blood pressure try not to do anything for about 20 minutes no smoking ,drinking tea, liquids ,no eating ,no excercise ,go and sit at a table for 5 minutes or so then take your reading .
this was what my gp told me to do ,he also said never to take a reading when feelings of anxiety are present even mildly .my highest reading 210/112
at the doctors surgery, at home relaxed and calm 117/61 ,if you get a high reading take a break for 10-15 minutes then try again . hope this helps take care .

21-02-08, 20:53
When resting it should be 120/80, this is a healthy person. if your bp is getting really high just from walking around ur house then you shud get it checked out.
Your doctor is there to serve you, do not leave the room just because he or she says goodbye, if you have questions then ask them.
It seams to me you have high blood pressure, nothing to worry about, just eat less salt and do gentle exercise, to help out ur doc might give you pills for it.
Blood pressure always goes up in hospital or docs, cuz its a place your not comfy to be in.

Also people with anxiety generaly have a higher blood pressure, because of the constant worrying.

Blood pressure can be fixed easily dont worry just do somthing about it.

21-02-08, 22:38
Hi there, i deal with blood pressure in the surgery on a daily basis and can tell you some facts.
For a start i think that the availability of blood pressure machines 'over the counter' has made a problem exist for a lot of people. I see pharmacists with their machines at the entrance to super markets and cringe!! This will obviously frighten a lot of people as when you have been rushing around a big supermarket, doing you shopping and bumping into people for half an hour then standing in a queue for ages and spending money, this is enough to make anybody's bp be high. Then the wonderful people with their machines, in their infinate knowledge, drag you in for a quick bp check!!! It obviously reads high and they say that you should go to your surgery to get checked out. The amount of people i see on the basis of these 'so called readings' is immense.
You are a young person with no risk factors that you have stated and suffer from high anxiety! This is also a vicious circle, you have anxiety and have a high reading so you worry about it and it stays high or gets higher, this is normal.
Our blood pressure should be checked after sitting for 15 minutes. Not after rushing around or walking around, then it would be up and this is perfectly normal too.
We recommend an arm monitor and this should be placed with the tubes an inch from the crook of your arm and rested level with your heart. You can get your machine callibrated at your surgery if you ask. Your body temperature can also affect your bp and such things as taking it on a full stomach too. A lot of people own a wrist monitor and even though these are handy machines they are not as accurate and are even more affected by body temperature. If you are hot then your reading can be lower and if you are cold then your reading can be higher.
We loan our machines from our surgery so people who have problems like anxiety can bring in their reading for us to record.
The reading that you have stated have been elevated but this sounds like the anxiety that caused this. Also you had a high reading after walking, this is normal.
You also stated that you took a reading while lying in bed, i would not recommend this while checking your bp as it will read differently whilst lying down.
Try and sit and relax for 15 minutes then take it then and see what your reading is. Please feel free to PM me if you want to.

Now, Acerimmer!
I was just wondering if you have medical knowledge as it seems to me that you have just diagnosed this person with hypertension! As a person who suffers from anxiety myself, i do not think this is a very good thing to say to someone who is already stressed out by high readings. We need reassurance for the anxiety.
I am an avid dwarfer, love the programme!!! Please don't think that i am having a go, that is not my intention at all, i just thought that saying something like that could frighten people.

22-02-08, 11:10
I believe in truth, not buttering things up for people, i do not have a medical degree or anything like that, but i do know that blood pressure should not raise too highly when just walking around the house.
Also the fact she said it would raise to the point of thumping headaches and feeling sick.

Dealing with things is better for your anxiety then burrying your head in the sand.

Edit: Frighten? you seamed to have missed that i also mentioned its nothing to worry about and easy to fix.

tayside lassie
22-02-08, 12:34
hi aceRImmer ,what i know from advise from my doctor is NO ONE should take their blood pressure after doing any activity even walking round the house .
thats why some people get there selfs in a state because they are not going by the book . a true B.P reading is when someone has rested for 30 minutes ,10 of them minutes sitting at a table quietly . also B.P should never be taken if one is very anxious .

dlou84- if i was you i would go back to gp he /she will then tell you the correct way to go about doing a proper reading or try the british hypertension societys website i think they have a video to look at .


22-02-08, 12:41
Hi, yes im fully aware of that, but the point is it should'nt get THAT high from walking from room to room, obviously it raises due to muscle movement.
What i was consernd about is the fact of how ill she felt.

But i agree you should seek more information from your gp, and tell him/her how you've been feeling.

As a side note, my mother has high blood pressure, it was ALOT higher then yours but now its almost perfect again, so dont worry :)

22-02-08, 13:12
thanks everyone for your posts.. I'll keep on top of it :)

22-02-08, 13:16
Make sure you let us know how your getting on:)

22-02-08, 13:27
just did 3 readings after relaxing for 5mins.. 116/62 1st 116/62 2nd 132/82 3rd

22-02-08, 13:32
Sounds ok, 3rd is a tiny bit high, that cud be anything though. u might of thought of somthing distressing for example.
Seams like it only gets real high when you move about, correct?

22-02-08, 13:46
yeah when im completely relaxed i get really low readings.. I am really unfit to be honest due to a trapped nerve that stopped me getting about and other mental issues.. but i used to be really active football etc.. then after my panic attack i stopped doing anything that made my heart race..

well my doctor just told me that when people lift wieghts or anything heavy there blood pressure can and should rise over 200+/120+ this is to feed the muscles with blood so they can do whatever it is..

if me simply being active requires higher BP due to being inactive for over a year maybe that is the cause..

I am looking to get fit again and I am going to start with walking but i did that yesterday and had a huge PA but I cant and wont let that stop me..

btw id be happy with the 3rd reading!!

22-02-08, 13:49
Yes the more unfit you are the harder your body must work and thus your blood pressure rises, i had a feeling this might be the case.
Try doing very gentle exercise like walking around your house and slowly up&down the stairs, this will make a base-line of fitness in which you can slowly build apon, think of it like the foundations of a house.

As always if your consernd about anything, talk to your doc, their there to help even if they do treat us like cattle somtimes lol:D

edit: when your walking, talk to yourself (inside your mind) and keep telling yourself that the walking is making you stronger and fitter, this will help keep your mind from panicing

22-02-08, 13:55
i find that the further away i get from the house the worst it gets.. im thinking of getting an ipod or something.. i just need to chill out lol..

i also have insomina that comes and goes.. sometimes i have 3 weeks of perfect sleep then one of bad.. or none.. last night i got very little and today is a hard day..

i eat really well and try to stay postive but rarely do.. the words im going to die are often spoke when im around..

Paul McKenna said if someone was in your house putting you down and telling you things you didnt want to hear would you let them stay in your house? then why do you allow them to stay in your mind..

I was taught to replace the negative with a poss.. again very hard to make it stick after 3 years day in day out!

currently laying in bed on the laptop doesnt help either lol

22-02-08, 14:03
Your subconcious mind is a sponge, if you say "im the uglyest person in the world" 100 times or hear somone call you that enough times you will believe it.
Same as if you say "im the best person in the world and i love me" you will start to believe it.

Obviously you need a balance between self hate and self love,
so saying to yourself "im glad im me, im unique, and even though i have problems i will over come them" will help alot.
I know it sounds silly, but it works.

You wont die, the only thing you will kill is your confidence, so get out of bed open the windows and make yourself somthing nice to eat.:)
Action is the best medicine.

Listening to music while your out helps alot, i know it helps me, i just listen to some rock music and enjoy the guitar solos lol
Its bound to get worse the further away from home you are, not because its "home" but because your body is constantly sustaining the exercise, and if your not used to it then you will feel bad.
Hope you feel better soon :)

22-02-08, 14:31
Hi there,

Some very good advice on this tread.

I don't suffer high blood presure, mine has always been very low, I will not use the work suffer because knowing and understanding my own body, helps me stop it from going lower, mm sometimes hard and I make mistakes like not eating enough before I go out, this results in me feeling like I'm going to hit the deck, the only thing I can do when this happens is, lay on the floor and GET something to eat.

What I would like to say is, get to know your own body, I think it is possible for your blood presure go a lttle high going from room to room, BUT only if your anxity levels are high or if you feel stressed. If blood presure rises when in panic, it can also rise with higher levels of anxiety. So, if you are suffering anxiety on a daily bases mmm is it not possible your blood presure is going up and down because of that.

Hun, you do really need to work dame hard on your way of thinking, positive thinking is sooo much a must when we suffer pa's, anxiety.

The hardest thing I have ever had to do, is to learn about pa's, anxiety, but what was even harder was learning about myself, the way I think, the way I see things, the way I deal with things. I have had to learn many different things, all taking a hell of a long time, ever years.

I remember saying to Meg, Meg used to be an admin on hear, "oh boy, where do I start" she said, with what you feel you can change NOW, start with the little things.

**I was taught to replace the negative with a poss.. again very hard to make it stick after 3 years day in day out!**

This is right hun and YES, it is dame hard. I myself am changing a habit of a lifetime, I am mm how old am I LOL 43 mm years young LOL and I have been a negative thinker all my life, so I know where your coming from on this one, it IS dame hard, BUT, BUT, BUT, not impossible, I have been changing my thought pattens for awhile now and things DO seem to be getting better. Still have alot to learn.

You have to change the way you think of your problem, don't see it as being hard, allthough we know it is, think of it as being possible but taking time, programme your mind to see its possible, keep telling yourself you CAN change and you will change, positive self talk is a must.

I have been panic free for a long time now, yaaa go me, (positive self talk LOL) but I do have this site to thank for that, but I still feel I NEED, to keep a check on my thought pattens, after al, I am changing a habbit of a lifetime hear and its going to take time, time and more time, oh I have lots of time LOL I feel I need to know more about myself. There are times when I can feel anxiety present, but for me, right now, its at a manegable level.

I cannot stress how hard it is to change the way you think, its dame hard, every time a negative jumps in, replace it with positve more reasuring thoughts, its a battle, but this battle is worth doing, because you will win in the end.

Ohh sorry woffling LOL, have I made any sense ? paro kicking in hear, one of my problems I need to address, LOL

You take care


tayside lassie
22-02-08, 14:42
hiya dlou84 ,i was like yourself with panic but i really could not leave the house at all for over a year ,but i started getting better mentally and would have the odd walk here and there about 6 weeks ago i found out about BACHS RESCUE REMEDY SPRAY its helps with anxiety ,i started just walking in the area where i live then as my confidence built up i went into town on MY OWN 10 days ago and i felt fine ,i really would recommend you try it .
if you Google bachs you ll find info .

try not to let your B.P worry you ,i became paranoid about mine taking it all the time ended up on too many B.P tablets that i started feeling faint and wanting to past out all the time because my B.P was so low . i was told just to do mine once every 2-3 weeks now ,and remember when your ill with say a tummy bug or infection of some kind this raises your blood pressure too ,you now even simply going to get a glass of water raises your B.P .
just remember the most importent reading is the one you take when your completly rested ,and ALWAYS ,ALWAYS if in doubt visit you doctor .

take care - :hugs: sally....

P.S- according to my gp the british guideline for B.P is 140/90 and under , used to be 155/90 and some doctors still go by this .

22-02-08, 15:23
Wow thats scarey, thanks for strengtening my doubt in the british NHS.
it should be around 120/80 while resting, my mom's blood pressure is 137 over 80 somthing and she's still on pills,
so if you ask me 140 and 155 is very high.

maybe he ment thats the national average? that would be more like it, seams 90% of people have high blood pressure and dont even know it.

Im gona check out that BACHS RESCUE REMEDY SPRAY stuff you mentioned., is it herbal or somthing?

Edit: thinking about it 140 and under would be national average of the "normal" range,
120/80 is considerd perfect, then you have Normal, low-normal and high-normal.
anything outside this is when you start to worry.
Personaly mines 137/84 i think it was, so mines high-normal.
So your doc is right but did'nt explain it like he should've
Personal opinion still thinks 140/150 is high though.

tayside lassie
22-02-08, 15:39
hiya ace , them guide lines are safe ,a person B.P that stays 140/90 and below are less at risk from strokes/heart attacks . at one point my readings were 210/112 at the doctors but at home an hour later normal .

if you have anxiety you should really give the bachs a try i use the spray and the pastillies ,you can take as much as you need till you feel better ,worth a try ,bachs also have a web site with info on their products


PS my resting bp on a good 115/60 anxiety day 155/78 im on two tablets for my BP , pulse at rest 56 ,anxiety 80 max .was always worried about my resting pulse but gp never concernced so i dont worry either

22-02-08, 15:41
Yeah i agree safe, but not ideal.
Could you PM me the link to their site? think ill give it ago:)

22-02-08, 19:08
Hi there.

BP has been driving me mad for the past 20 months. Mine is certainly above the normal top level of 140/90 at its highest it was185/105 and that was whilst taking two different bp meds. In the end my practice nurse suggested a home moniter and most of the time it is around 130/80 after sitting still for 20mins. Trouble is each time I go to the surgery it is higher than this. But then I haven't rested for 20 mins. Why don't they get us to do this? I have also noticed that if I take it without the 20 mins rest it is higher about 155/96. I really don't know what the answer is. I just have to have reg. checks at the doc. I now take it once a week at home and hand the results in
I must lose some weight and also need to get some exercise but suffering with anxiety and agoraphobia make this very difficult. I hope this helps and although it is not easy try not to worry like I have because it really isn't that bad. - according to my doctor!!!!

22-02-08, 19:29
I use the guidelines set out in the NHS everyday and they are:
120/80 optimal
130/85 normal
130-139/85-89 normal
140-159/90-99 grade 1 mild hypertension
160-179/100-109 grade 2 moderate hypertension
above 160/above 100 on more than one occasion grade 3 severe hypertension, start treatment
200/110 treat immediately and review in one week
If diastolic is above 130, that's the bottom number, then refer to hospital.

These are the guidelines set out for the NHS and the guidelines that doctors and nurses follow!!
I test blood pressure day in and day out and if the blood pressure was 140/85 or below then that would be classed as normal.

22-02-08, 19:31
Thanks Angie :hugs:

Couldn't have put it better myself!

xxx :flowers:

22-02-08, 19:59
Well everyones blood pressure goes up in a NHS hospital/docs
Not surprising really.
Personaly i would consider my blood pressure high if it was 140+ and do steps to fix it.

but hey im a perfectionist.

Do a lil walking up&down the stairs at home, this way you can do some gentle exercise without having to go out :)

22-02-08, 20:19
No problem Swan, lol. :hugs:

22-02-08, 21:56
Angie thank you for that it was most reassuring - infact I wonder whether Nic might consider putting that last post as a sticky, or in with the information section then we don't all go off on one cos we've gone abit higher on occassion (which we all do).

We also need to remember that high bp anyway is perfectly treatable with tablets and incredibly common as people get older and not in the least just about anxiety.

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-02-08, 13:05
1st: 121/75 HR 100
2nd: 132/73 HR 98
3rd: 123/74 HR 90

13pm after shower and resting for about 10mins


23-02-08, 13:14
Perfect :yesyes:

23-02-08, 14:45
hi. my bp is usually 115/65 - fairly low but it has gone up when i've had my pill check and when i had a virus i had to go back a week later and have mine read again because it was high for me. to be honest i have been in the middle of panic attacks and my blood pressure has been ok - i have also had times of really high anxiety and it has still remained normal.

my friend has high blood pressure she takes tablets for - it can be genetic. like others have said it is easily treatable so it should be kept an eye on especially if you are feeling physically ill with it. x

23-02-08, 18:47
:ohmy: Gosh I feel its so sad that BP monitors were ever put on the market!

Its primarily the diastolic which is the number to be concerned about (the lower number) and as discussed throughout this thread the BP varies so much dependant on what doing or over 3 three readings taken in succession.

Therefore my suggestion is :- why are you worried about your BP? If you can answer then go to GP to get it monitored - if they are worried they will monitor you over a period of time.

If you happen to own a BP machine then why take it? If you want a true reading do it at same time every day for a week and take the mean reading!!!! if the diastolic remains above 100 then yeah why not go to your GP to discuss it.

Anxiety WILL increase your BP, as will alcohol, ciggarettes, exercise, the possibilities are numerous! but when in doubt go to GP cos you certaintly cannot take a one off reading as red as your 'bp' it needs properly monitoring.

At end of day I feel selling BP monitors willy nilly is scare mongering and ignorance really increases concerns which are unnecessary.

A lot of good advice on this thread please don't take one off readings and when concerned go to GP.:yesyes:

23-02-08, 19:16
hi - meant to add that bp does go up an down all the time - even the weather can affect it so sax is speaking a lot of sense - maybe i'm odd in that mine does not even seem to increase that much when anxious! x

tayside lassie
23-02-08, 19:49
hiya , sax read your post and actually that was the best thing they ever done WAS to sell bp monitors .ive had hbp and white coat bp for nearly 10 years have suffered with anxiety too ,although anxiety was worse the last 2 years but better the last couple of month . 2 year ago after a personal matter in my family was visiting the gp my bp readings were HIGH 210-220/110-115 this went on for a week or so i then had to add another bp pill which brought it up to 4 different pills then had 1 pill dose doubled (at the time i didnt have a home monitor ) the outcome of all this was one morning when i got up i couldnt speak my partner asked me a question and i replied like a 6 month old baby gurgling i had to lie down before i fell down ,i thought i had a stroke and so had the gp it turned out i had to much pills and my blood pressure dropped dangerously low .after buying myself a monitor my pills were reduced from 4 different pills down to 2 ,on one of those dose reduced by half .sorry bit of a long story (the point being not everyone can sit calmly at the gps and get a perfect reading ) at one stage my bp was 85/58 pulse 48. ive been doing readings at home for my gp for about 18 months now i just cant sit and have my bp taken in the doctors and im sure there are lots of people like me .


p.s ,forgot to say when we thought i had taken a stroke doctor said it was the massive panic attacks that were keeping my blood pressure up ,so that iwas awake and aware of my surroudings .

24-02-08, 02:16
Since high blood pressure is my biggest health anxiety I thought I would post.
My BP problems are related to postpartum problems. I have had severe severe high blood pressures to the point of almost having seizures. I was on 4 medications for awhile and I am currently only taking half of one pill now.
High Blood Pressure can be scary. It takes quite along time of consistent high pressures to do any damage. The only time when it is really really a issue is if its a hypertensive emergency and those are not common at all.
If your BP is high it can create little nics along the blood vessels which over time could cause problems such as clots etc.
I would honestly say more than 50% of the population have or will have BP problems.
It thankfully is one of the easiest things to control. There are great medications and sometimes even lifestyle can make a huge difference.
As a panic sufferer, my anxiety level affects my blood pressure ALOT! If I am having a good day and am not anxious my blood pressure is about 104/64 at the most. If I am anxious it tends to be more 120+/79+ which is still considered okay but is a definte climb from when I am calm.
Worrying about it makes it go up, without fail everytime. I have walked around my house for a day with the stupid cuff attached to my arm taking it about every 5 minutes and of course it went higher and higher. I would take it 50+ times in a day and get high numbers because it was my main focus.
I have slowly learned to control it and things are much better.
My best advice is, dont worry about it, its hard I know. Get lots of exercise, not only is it great for the BP but great for the anxiety as well. Watch your diet, read labels for hidden sodium etc. and take up something like yoga etc. Or even relaxation tapes.
Each time you go to take your blood pressure be sure that you are not at all focused on it. Be thinking of something completely different. Count if you have too but do not think about it.
I am sure things will be okay for you!!! Hang in there and feel free to message me anytime!

24-02-08, 14:02
Piglet, i think a sticky would be great idea as i know that BP is a concern for many of us.

Those latest readings are wonderful, no need to worry there! Well done with that.
Still feel free to PM me if you ever need to.

24-02-08, 14:12
so i just made dinner walked up the stairs and sat down immediately doing my bp just out of curiosity! ;) and it was 168/87 HR 100 and then second was 147/82 then third was 123/82 HR 97..

I guess its good as its came down fairly quickly!?

My doc said he would be more worried if it didnt go up when I was active lol..

I hear even sneezing can spike your BP.. aswell as bending down heavy lifting etc..

the 168/87 was abit of a shock. Ive kinda be trying to catch myself out as its really low when im doing it now haha.. and im not worrying about it :)

Also its nice to know that one of my posts can be stickied for everyone to use as knowledge of infomation! :)

24-02-08, 15:43
That's good Dan.

Yea I think it's fine to be honest, as it came down quickly. You are right in saying that anything really can affect your BP.

Good news :yesyes:

xxx :flowers:

24-02-08, 22:26
Yep, as we are active our blood pressure should go up, that is normal. It happens to us all. When i was testing mine a lot i used to walk about and then sit down quickly and do it and mine was the same as yours, up!!! This in turn then starts the vicious circle of worrying about it and it either staying up or going up, lol. However, once we have sat, as we are supposed to do, it comes down which is the normal thing to happen.
My pulse is about 115 when i am walking around at work and that began to freak me out too. But once i sit down it comes back down to normal again.
It is bound to go up when we are moving, that is what it is supposed to do and now we know this we have just got to learn to deal with it and not worry about it, lol, easier said than done isn't it. Ha. I wish i knew the trick to it.x

25-02-08, 12:47
You know how we are now like one big family! haha..

I think its great that we have this place to come and express ourselfs and hopefully change our lifes for the better.

Its good to know that their are people still out there kind enough to take the time to offer advise and reassurance to those that need it.

I find most of us in this situation dont get the support we need from the people around us, they either dont understand or dont want to.

Like its wierd but when you DS reply I sort of take what you say and actually believe it.. strange because I dont believer doctors when they tell me im fine!!!!

My gran was one of the last queens nurses and she raised me I lost her and along with it someone to go to when I needed reassurance she used used to go "come here lets have a look at you.. go in my cuboard get this out" take two of them.. there you go.. haha..

Those medical books that tell you everything about the drugs.. you know the ones.. A-Z she was a walking version of that!

anyway now that ive told part of my life story il be off haha..

havent done my bp today yet but i had a great nights sleep :)

I'll do it again shortly but I kind of feel that I dont really need to now as its consistantly within the normal ranges now.

anyways thanks all D x x x

25-02-08, 19:20
just felt really funny light headed did my bp and it was 178/100!!!!

its slowly returned to normal 134/83

but it stayed in the 150-160's for about 20mins! :(

hate this feeling!

was getting yelled at by my abusive stepdad at the time.. but we wont talk about that..



just did it again its 128/82 126/68 127/65


26-02-08, 00:10
Awww Dan.

Your post was really nice, and it's interesting to hear about your Granny :hugs:

Definitely don't check your BP when someone is yelling at you. It seems like it came down really quickly and is now looking perfect, so it's all good :)

Hope you get a good night's kip

xxx :flowers:

26-02-08, 15:04
hey.. had a good sleep yes thanks :)

It seems like even walking short distances makes me out of breath and makes my heart race!

I dont want to over do it but I want to get fit.. I just went for a walk but only lasted a few minutes :(

Did my bp when i got back in the house was 168/67 hr 122 came down to normal again..

i guess laying around the house for 2 years does that to you!

only resently started going back out!

going to walk up and down the stairs for 5-10mins.. or maybe around the garden so im not to far away :)

pps. Someone said you should measure it while doing day to day things so you get a better overall view on what your BP is most of the time as you're not constantly resting.. any truth in this?


26-02-08, 20:18
Nope, sorry Dan, don't believe there is any truth in that one hun as it will be up and that would be normal. That is why the guidelines say that you should sit for 15 minutes before taking it.
There are machines specially made for taking bp that way though and your GP would have to either set this up if they have one or refer you to the hospital for this. It is called a 24 hour blood pressure monitor and it takes it every so often during the day no matter what and then drops the frequency during the night time whilst you sleep. This would only be used if the GP thought you warranted it and from the readings that you have shown me through this thread i don't think that would be needed at all. Your bp seems fine and dandy.xx
p.s. If you don't think that you need to check your bp then please don't check it, once you start believe me, it is so very difficult to stop and can become an obsession, i know as i had been there for a long while. When you were 'being shouted at' it is normal to go up as Swan said, as for the lightheaded feeling that would be a consequence of that and a probable anxiety attack, doesn't feel nice but it does eventually go hun. You know where i am if you need me.xx

27-02-08, 11:33
hey thanks again :) I have my operation today at 2:30pm.. got to have an impacted wisdom tooth removed at the hospital. keeps getting infected so it needs to come out.

a little scared to be honest..

I'm sure I'll be fine.. I mean im in the best place if something was to go wrong! lol.

thanks again for all your comments.. walking to the ward now scares me as that will make the bp rise and i dont want another attack..

:( Dan x x

27-02-08, 16:59
so ive had the operation.. home now.. had 3 panic attacks while there and they were about to send me home and say I had to have it general.. but they did it and i made it through!!! :)

they had to cut my gum and remove the wisdom that didnt come through.. was ok.. a lil pain but not a lot :)

27-02-08, 17:21
well done dlou84 I'm glad you got through. I found the thing about panic is when you have a 'real' reason to panic like you had today then it is much easier to accept the panic and get over it. I bet you feel tired now. Take it easy for a while and I hope your mouth is better soon. once again well done.

27-02-08, 17:45
Awww well done you!

Glad it's all over and you coped brilliantly :yesyes:

xxx :flowers:

27-02-08, 22:21
Wow Dan that is a fantastic achievement. I could never do that as i have a total phobia of dentists and could never have anything taken out unless i was asleep, lol. You have done fantastic and you should be very, very proud of yourself for that. Have a good sleep now to get over it and if you can cope with that, you can cope with anything!!!xx

04-03-08, 11:07
Morning all.

Let me tell youa little story about blood pressure and how it makes us worry!

I went to my GP last week, reading was 136/86 = fine, nothing to worry about. I had it checked this morning by the nurse as I had the appointment some time ago and it was 136/93 then 136/97 - why had it increased? I will come on to that in a bit ...

Went to see another nurse to have my ears syringed after my BP check, I told her what had happened so she said she would do it again for me. Guess what .... 128/88 - best it has been for ages.

Why had it fluctuated on 10 minutes? Stress, waiting around? thinking about it? NO, the first nurse uses an electronic machine and the better readings were off the old fashion 'pump' machine.

One nurse swears by the electronic one the other by the old fashioned method. In the future I will be asking for the old style test! I DO NOT trust electronic ones now.

Good news is I do not have to go back for 2 months now. Although the 88 was a little higher than normal it is still fine as it is below 90.

Mat x

04-03-08, 19:27
thank you everyone for all your kind words! :)

btw now i have low blood pressure! haha I cant win!!! lol..


07-03-08, 14:06
Hey everyone.. D/S - Angie.. My autie has blood pressure problems and she said they get her to do one standing aswell as sitting? I did this and it was alot higher than the sitting bp..

also I found this: Everyone has a different blood pressure and it can change in the same person during the day and night. Your blood pressure varies by large amounts, depending on what you are doing. The lowest blood pressures occur when you are asleep or if you relax all your muscles. Standing up, exercising or anxiety all cause an increase in blood pressure. In a single day your blood pressure may vary by 30 to 40 mmHg systolic with similar proportionate changes in diastolic pressure. This is why when you have your blood pressure level assessed it is so important to have it measured under the same conditions every time.

source: http://www.bpassoc.org.uk/information/measured.htm

08-03-08, 20:45
one last thing! I've noticed my left arm is CONSTANTLY in normal ranges and CONSTANTLY lower than the right arms readings (my dominatant arm)

i would get 110/67-120/70 readings in my left arm then in my right 130/70ish...

i did it yesterday it was 147/89 in my right arm but something like 122/80 in my left!!



08-03-08, 22:09
In my booklet that came with my monitor it mentions this as being normal. They even tell you to take both arm readings at first and then choose the one with the highest reading as the norm. I don't think it gives a reason for this just sort of states it as fact.

I don't know whether this will help but like you I have been paranoid about my bp. For the last 2 years nearly it has stayed way above normal. Readings of 185/105 were common and they averaged at 165/95. I became convinced I was going to have a heart attack or stroke any minute. Two things have helped me 1. my gp told me that at 185/105 I would still pass the medical for HGV drivers (not that I want to do this) and 2. reading your posts. They have really made me listen to you and recognize that the high readings are anxiety related and I can see the same pattern in me. I hope this gives yu some peace.

09-03-08, 12:50
Hey :) yeah I am the same!!!

Just did it now and its 122/62 HR 82

which I am pleased with!

I think its fine for blood pressure to temperarily go high.. its just your body adjusting to the situation its been put in.. Like when I have a panic attack my bodies setting me up to run from a sabre tooth tiger lol.

We are the same humans from when we lived in caves we have evolved medically scientifically and socially but we are still made with all the suvival mechanisms that they had..

Our hearts race to feed our muscles with OX (because we arent using it, like if we were running) some kind of acid can get trapped and make all your limbs shake and stuff.. (its the same if you work out and down "work down" after)

the reason why our hands sweat is to give us extra grip..

And the most interesting one! We're sometimes are sick, this is infact to stop the preditor were running from; eating us!

A panic attack is actually a method of suvival!! Who would ever of thought it eh!?


09-03-08, 22:12
yu sound a lot happier which is great. And what you have said is true we just need to keep that in mind.

10-03-08, 13:44
hmmm still confusing the hell out of me.. heart rate is 72 yet my blood pressure was 158/81 149/78 132/70

then did it abit later and it was 122/68!?

During exercise what should my blood pressure be around?

Im now scared to do too much in fear of raising it even more :(

10-03-08, 15:05
I think that we all obsess about our BP at some point. :huh:

Mine went from 160/99 a few weeks back to 127/82 with no dieting or exercise and still smoking! BP has a mind of it's own, this is what you have to remember.

My nurse took a reading of 145/96 then 10 min solater my GP said it was 128/88. The fact is it fluctuates a hell of a lot and you cannot work yourself up over it.

For example, I have a monitor at home, yesterday it was 155/97 at one point, 2 mnutes later it was 127/79 - how strange is that?:mad:

Remember, even if it is 'high' (over 160/100 constantly) it would take years for any real damage to be done and your GP would put you on medication if he/she thought you were at risk.

I have a small monitor at work, just done mine, it is 149/94, am I worried? I used to be, not now, I am at work and bound to be more stressed. I also beleive when I move in a few weeks it will shoot through the roof - it is to be expected.

What you MUST NOT do is obsess over it, just get in checked every month at your surgery.:yahoo:

Mat x

10-03-08, 16:51
hey :) that makes me abit more at ease :)

I JUST WALKED FOR ABOUT 10MINS STRAIGHT :) I know thats probably nothing to most people but it was more than ive dont in ages.. I just walked up and down the local street then it started to kick it down so I came in haha..

Im going to aim for 30mins of walking a day. and then gradually 30mins of biking too..

I run a business from home so I have the time (NOT ALWAYS A GOOD THING!!)

anyways Mat thanks for that reply really made me feel better!

thank you.


derrick rawvegan
18-02-14, 04:32
Some sound advice it may be your adrenal glands caus high blood pressure the symptoms are nervousness lose of focus etc... do you ever get excited fast if it brings your heart rate up that's the problem stay away from sugar stay away from to much salt your daily intake should be 400mg stay away from processed foods grains caffeine fast food. The food s that Will help you are garlic celery vegetables a little fruits nuts and seeds eat like this for 30days and you will never need medication also I forgot buy a organic multi vitamin supplement :yesyes: