View Full Version : ectopic heartbeats

21-02-08, 17:45
i have had a ecg a chest xray, bloods and a 24hr heart trace done that picked up ectopic heartbeats dr said these were benign ''stress related'' ut i get them when im not stressed! i really think the dr is wrong i kow that sounds mad! i had a problem with alcohol 2 yrs ago for 2 yrs could these had caused these extra beats, i also get breathless with them does anyone else get that? i feel very tired all the time and get some chest pain ive got a 1 yr old and sometimes im frightened to pick him up in case something happens to me im so scared and noone arounnd me seems to understand, the breathlessness is really getting to me im sick of being told its aniety i dont think it is ive suffered from anxiety in the past and had nothing like this!!!:frown:

22-02-08, 13:50
if you have un even breathing it can cause it i believe.. my heart never stays at the same tempo long! its often faster then slower and get extra or missed beats.. most people dont notice them.. but when you look for something......

you should get the tests done when your having some relaxation sessions and see..

tayside lassie
22-02-08, 14:52
hiya liz ,honestly you would be amazed at how many people get these heartbeat problems i get them my self and my young daughter gets them
shes 19 fit and healthly she had tests recently and all was clear she still gets them now and again. the more you panic with them the worse they get try to stay calm and breath slowly
(easier said than done ) try and take your mind off them get up and do something not sure what but any thing that will distract you .hpe you feel better soon . :hugs: sally...

23-02-08, 21:21
thanks so much for the replies its just annoying i dont do the things i normaly would do :( just wanna be normal i get them when im not stressex just sitting watching tele

23-02-08, 21:26
I have just been told the EXACT thing and i think like you. I get them when i am as calm as i can be - so surely they're not stress related!?

Who knows!

23-02-08, 23:02
Hiya darlin,

your post nearly made me cry as i went through this only 6 weeks ago! My ectopics came totallyout of the blue.

I saw a cardiologist who said that nearly all of us have these, even people dont notice them get them...we just notice them more due to having/had anxiety.

He said that when we relax we notice them more because the heartbeat tends to be slower, so theres more space between normal beats to add an extra one - have you noticed them much when exercising hun?

When i heard this i understood there was nothing wrong with me - they happen to most peoplelike i said before...we are the unfortunate ones who notice. You are Fine!

Its very difficult to believe what professionals say due to the anxiety i know, but i have accepted these for what they are and low and behold iv only had 1 or 2 in 3 weeks! I used to get runs of them everyday!

Please dont worry, and take care xxxxxxx

24-02-08, 17:42
I had an ECG done on friday which picked up the ectopic beats and I'm worried too as i'm told i have to get an ultrasound done on my heart.....Hope they turn out to be benign like yours

22-03-08, 12:16
hi liz123
i was diagnosed with ectopic heartbeats last year after months of anxiety and panic attacks ihad aheart scan and a24 hour tape recorder on to record them.i still get the abnormal rythem which can be very scary my doctor prescribed propranolol which helped.i hope this any help to you. :)