View Full Version : costa coffee question

21-02-08, 21:32
Hi all,

iv been doing well recently, felt normal for a good couple of weeks again now.

Today however I had a hot chocolate from costa and iv felt really panicky tonight. Not racing heart or anything but i get this weird sensation in my head, like a rush through it. It makes me feel really distant.

Is this a panick attack?

Also, do any of you have this? and especially after costa coffee/other coffee place?


21-02-08, 21:34
Caffine causes your body to keep your adrenaline pumps open, causing anxieity, also caffine screws up the chemicals in your body&brain,
Caffine is THE worst thing you can consume......period.

Its normal to have a bad effect coming down from the "high"

21-02-08, 22:26
is hot chocolate bad for caffeine then? i thought i was safe picking that over coffee?

21-02-08, 22:31
forgot you said hot chocolate, should'nt have any caffine in it, so yeah should be safer, but make sure you dont put loads of sugar in it, as this also effects anxiety.

22-02-08, 00:31
Hi cassi23,

did you eat/drink anything else other than the usual?I got the shakes once after a cappucino.I sometimes find beauty products/scents can bring on panic like symptoms in me?

bet x

22-02-08, 05:10
I think hot chocolate might have 'some' caffine in it, I saw somewhere in a site that listed everything that ever contains caffine. Not as much as coffee of course, but chocolate in and of itself contains a bit. So maybe that particular cup has some, I dunno! But yeah, caffine can do things to you that make you feel panicky, ditto to the above posts.

22-02-08, 09:23
Just to add....

Chocolate does contain Caffeine :)

They say caffeine is bad for anxiety but I just can't live without it!

xxx :flowers:

22-02-08, 10:48
Bizarrely I used to wear this perfume but had to stop as the smell made me feel really anxious and panicky! That was a few years ago now but nothing else has had that effect.

I dont drink tea or coffee and the only caffeine hit I get is from chocolate but I dont eat that very often either.

Jo xxxxx

22-02-08, 11:04
Caffine is'nt even that great, dunno why people think they cant live without it, its like nicotine, the more you use it the more you want it.
Sad really, just go cold turkey

22-02-08, 11:43
Morning Ace!!
I agree the bext thing to do is go cold Turkey - i had a bad panic attack while having a cig 2 years ago and since then have not had another one (and i liked smoking)
Read something on here about caffeine not being good for panic and i havent had caffeiene since either!! lol
Love my caffeiene free PG tips.....:yesyes:


22-02-08, 11:51
Morning hun :)

Yeah nothing wrong with a good o cuppa as long as its got no caffine,
i wont touch it now, dont need any more reasons to feel nervous lol

22-02-08, 11:59
I say hot milk at bedtime, and drink plenty of water during the day.One the milk will help you sleep, and two the water flushes out any crap that,s in your body, it,s good for loosing weight too. and it makes you skin look healthier. xx

22-02-08, 12:01
mmm hot milk, i liked it boiled, makes it taste sweeter and creamyer without having to add stuff like sugar.
Makes me sleep like a babe.

Yup our bodys are 80% water and just like anything else water-based that water needs replacing, so drinking lots of water is a must.:)