View Full Version : Pushing Your Limits. Yes, you!

22-02-08, 05:56
What's a limit that you've pushed lately?

I noticed that as of late, my limits are further than they used to be. I used to be scared of even washing the dishes! Now, I feel like I can do anything except maybe fly in an airplane or run a mile. My limits used to be tiny, I couldn't even walk up the stairs without freaking out. But now my limits are a bit further than they used to be, and it's because I pushed them, I went up those stairs even though I knew it would be tough and I did it anyway. My panic attack limit is a lot further now--i.e. it'll take a lot more to scare me into a panic attack than it used to. Yeah, I'm not going to try out for American Idol or anything (I can't sing, either! :D) but at least I can wash the dishes and climb them stairs.

I think pushing our limits adds to our confidence, too.

So what's something that you've done that's made you feel better, something that you couldn't do before and now that you can?

(I don't suggest pushing limits in a negative way, i.e. eating a thousand hot dogs to see how much you can hold. XDDD )

22-02-08, 09:12
For me its this..

Instead of standing my side of the road and watching my son go into the school gate on the other side of the road, i went across with him and stood at the school wall and waited there.


22-02-08, 10:34
I sat with my daughters while they ate their breakfast this morning and i was terrified!!. I am pretty much confined to the back room, the kitchen and the downstairs toilet and my daughters sit in the front room untill it's time for school when i usher them out the front door (we moved house to be opposite a school as i can't go out anymore). I sat with them for 10 minutes and watched tv, and even though i wanted to run out the room and get back to the computer i stuck it out and will try again on monday. I too can't go upstairs if i am on my own, how stupid does it sound writing it down!!! i thought i was the only one, also can't shower unless my husband is in the next room!! Keep taking little steps:yesyes: .

Jacq x

22-02-08, 12:44
For me it's being able to get a train to London and see my boyfriend. We live together in Bristol but he has to stay in London during the week because of work. This terrified me to start with but now I am fine during the week and can go and visit him instead of the other way around whenever I want. I can also get on the tube if he is with me (next step is doing it on my own). I never used to be able to go anywhere beyond my road on my own.

22-02-08, 13:04
For me it was last night i picked my mum and my nan up and took them to the theatre so i drove, (not far but still i cant usually handle people in the back of my car)and sat in a theatre for 2 hours (although i had to have the isle seat)

(for me the main thing is being able to do things alone without the safety net of my mum or my boyfriend) maybe i'll be able to post on here again if or should i say when that happens.

22-02-08, 15:09
I went on a bus :D

The only way forward though is to keep pushing your limits. If you wait until you are "better" you will put it off and never do it. The "right time" to push forward never comes, believe me, I know! The only way is to just do it. You wont die, the worst that will happen is you will panic, and, as we all know, this to will pass.


23-02-08, 04:23
Going out without intrusive thoughts or worrying about needing a loo.
Coping without medication.
Resisting repeating things due to OCD thoughts.
Learning to cope without the need to self harm.
Learning not to be afraid of panic attacks or anxiety symptoms.

Pink Panic
23-02-08, 12:42
I went to the Local Shop (about a 10 minute walk away) on my own. I walked there and back. You should have seen the look on my partners face when i brought him back the paper :ohmy: Priceless! Lol!

I feel like a proper grown up now after having to get someone to go for me for the last 2 years! :yesyes:

23-02-08, 15:45
Bless you all! how inspiring you all are to be so brave.
I managed to walk to the local town and back. I've also started to force myself to speak to people instead of avoiding them - but this is very difficult.


24-02-08, 07:45
a year ago i could barely walk around the block-way too dizzy....

now, ive just started a fulltime job, and tho i still get sick lots, i feel i do keep pushing, just a little every day.....

24-02-08, 08:23
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_11.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm860YYGB) hiya peach well don keep it up i to push myself .and well don to all of you its great achievement keep it up tc xx

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb114&pp=ZCxdm860YYGB (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb114_ZCxdm860YYGB&utm_id=7922)

24-02-08, 08:42
Pushing limits is good, but make sure its small steps, and they are limits YOU want to push.

25-02-08, 14:37
Hi Everyone

Because of this thread i've decided to keep a written record of every time I push myself to do something that I want to either run away from or can't be bothered to do. I'm going to try and do something every day then I can see that i'm actually moving forward.
Todays entry is ' finally went into citizens advice bureax and asked for advice regarding asbestos'. This has taken me 2 months to do but at least I've done it!

Thanks for the idea!

Pink Panic
25-02-08, 14:57
Well Done Bunty :yesyes: :yesyes:

Go Girl ! :hugs:


25-02-08, 16:03
:yesyes: i believe (along with the professionals) that the way to overcome agoraphobia is to do something that frightens you EVERYDAY!! yes ppl you heard it EVERYDAY!!!!!:scared10: now im by no means there but today i was on my own until 3.30pm and i dealt with my anxiety without resorting to my usual self-defeating behaviour (call somebody who gives into me) and i also went into my town alone, even though this is fairly new to me and i hadnt had a good nights sleep and didnt feel too hot - very lightheaded and dizzy, but settled down and talked myself into doing what id come to do:yahoo:from now on this is the way i intend to go - stop avoiding and start doing!!!:scared10: well done to everyone else too:yahoo: emma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

25-02-08, 18:16
Wow, it's so encouraging to see everyone getting further along! :D Well done everybody!
A limit I've pushed lately was I went bowling and ignored my fears about ectopics and did it anyway.

That's awesome Bunty, making a list is a great idea since you can see it.

Emma: That's a great point, and well done. :D

Can you imagine what other people without agoraphobia would do if they were told "You have to do something that frightens you everyday?" They'd probably be like "What? No way!" How brave everyone must be to do this.

25-02-08, 20:33
Emmas, you are so right, what a good post :D

We can avoid all we like, but this will never enable us to take steps towards changing our thinking. As I said before, if we wait til the "right" time to face our fears, we just keep moving the goalposts. The only way forward is to make changes NOW.

Well done to everyone :hugs:


26-02-08, 08:54
:yesyes: hi guys, unfortunately as painful as it is this is the only way to get better. it is hard to accept and even harder to do - but the rewards are massive - you get to be in control again and to like who you are! what you said about waiting kate is spot on, ive done it for years and years and things just get worse and worse i found and im sure lots of you feel the same? this is a great post gryp, because this is tackling the behavioural part of the problem which cannot be avoided:lac: take care all and lets kick this thing in the ass!!!! emma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

26-02-08, 11:59
:D What a great post.. It's all positive which has to be a good thing. I pushed myself into going out on saturday night I never go out unless my sister is coming with me, but she was sick so could'nt go. It was my brother in laws birthday. I sat for hours in my bedroom thinking of all the worst things that could happen if I went out but in the end I told myself it's either sit in on my own or go out and see what happens. so off out I went and what a night I had, I only ended up in the toilet once doing my breathing thing, but the rest of the night was brill..Nice big hang over the next day but No gain with some pain..so I plan to check out this post each day for some encouragement. so keep pushing:) :D :yahoo:

26-02-08, 12:11
Today i took my son to school and walked him inside the school grounds and waited outside his classroom for the first time in...well, a long time! Last week i was saying how i crossed the road and waited at the wall, but now i've done this.
It may only be a matter of 10 mtrs...but better than nothing!


26-02-08, 14:04
WELL DONE BLUEBELL!! AND EMMA and everyone else..

todays acheivements:
walked into town(50 min walk), exchanged an item in Debenhams(very nervous) and on the way home spoke to a man who had just been sick and asked him if he was okay and could I call someone to come and get him!!!
I even managed to go into a jewelers and try on 3 rings despite panicking and being really dizzy. my reward is that i've ordered one of them!!! (£165 naughty naughty!! It was my birthday last week and I've used my birthday money to buy it)
And last night I wrote a letter to my neighbour explaining that they shouldn't be doing DIY at 1.30am and waking me up!!! They were so quite last night I actually got a good nights sleep!! hoorah!! today is a good day - I haven't had one of those in a while!!

26-02-08, 14:52
:hugs: :yesyes: awwww im feeling really happy for you bluebell and bunty (and obviously everyone else contributing to this thread). BLUEBELL that is brilliant!!!!! those extra 10 metres every day are what will get you better:yesyes: and BUNTY you did great too - what a fantastic feeling it is to be part of the world again:yesyes: i dont know about you but i was able to go into my town for years and years with my husband, but i knew i didnt want to stay dependant for this thing (other things will have to come later) and also for going to some supermarkets that i have to drive to. so doing these things is still bringing a smile to my face - it still feels new and lovely - even if it is hard. next step things like having a drink in a cafe that ive not been in, currently i can go into a starbucks on a retail park but i have to leave it till after 6pm, but im going to try and have a drink somewhere else and in the day - the way i see it is that if i can do these things with someone else it stands to reason i can do them alone! but it is hard, but it is also great, i feellike a little kid doing things alone for the first time!!! i agree we can all support and encourage one another. today ive been alone again without being crippled by anx, and im going into town again after school ends with my daughter so will maybe do the cafe thing then? ill let you guys know. best wishes to all and like gryp suggested KEEP PUSHING!!!!:hugs: :yesyes: love emma xxxxxx