View Full Version : Mothers day treat or nightmare !

22-02-08, 11:18
Hi my lovely daughter arrived last night with a brochure from the local beauty salon and ask me to choose a 'treat' for Mothers day !

Oh, I could choose from a massage, manicure, facial, pedicure even an eyebrow wax and shape, or a haircut.

But I went into immediate panic mode. She was so excited she said we could go together and it would be a great afternoon out.

I haven't been to a hairdressers in years as I can't sit there, my daughter usually gives me a quick trim.

I am so angry about my anxiety, I should be so happy, and infact my daughter thinks I am because in the end I agreed to a haircut, but not streaks as the thought of 3 hours in the salon is just too much.

Mothers Day should be such a happy time but I even have to go and visit my mum a few miles away which I worry about for days before !!

Life used to be so simple, but I am going to really try and enjoy me 'treat' and at least afterwards I'll have a new hairstyle.

Christine xx :flowers:

22-02-08, 11:25
Oh Christine this sounds so familiar to me too. The thought of that would also send me into panic.

Lets get it into perspective though - its a mothers day "treat".

As a suggestion why dont you have a pamper day in your house, before you go to hairdressers, do lots of relaxing stuff, try facials on each other and do each others nails. You will be so chilled that going to the hairdressers will be so relaxing. Once you come back looking wonderful in your new hairstyle maybe you could both curl up on the couch and watch a lovely film and get out a box of choccies - you deserve it.

I know you want to visit your mum to, but could you maybe do that the day before............just an idea.

Let us know how it goes


27-02-08, 10:28
Have just recieved my appointment card, Friday 12.45pm.

Anyone would think it was for the dentists not the hairdressers !!

I am determined to go !! and am not going to mention my anxiety once am just going to enjoy, drink coffee, have a chat, and come out looking a lot better than when I walked in lol

Hope you all have a great mothers day, whatever is planned.

Christine xx :flowers:

Pink Panic
27-02-08, 11:37
Hi Christine,

I hadn't been at a salon for about 3 years until a few months back when my partner booked me in to a posh place about an hour away. The girl who was doing my hair at home wasn't doing a very good job and i was getting depressed about it. The night before i had a sleepless night and in the morning i had mega anx and said that it was an ordeal and not a treat for me but i went and i actually enjoyed it and found it relaxing. I did tell the bloke who did my hair that i was nervous and he put me right at ease. I loved the final result and the third time i went i actually sat for 2 hours and got a colour. The only thing that's suffering now is my partner's wallet :D

I really hope you enjoy it. Happy Mother's Day to you too. :hugs:


29-02-08, 10:39
I woke up really relaxed and excited (although I still have a tummy bug !!).

But it is now 2 hours to go and my anticipatory anxiety is kicking in, I have chosen some nice clothes to wear and am going to put some lippy on lol.

I know this is silly but the old shaking and funny vision is coming on in waves. I am still determined to go, I laughed in the chatroom this morning and said can you imagine if I run out with only half a new haircut.

Think I will have a bath and try some relaxation techniques and EFT just before I leave.

Thanks for you messages of support they really do help.

Christine xx :flowers:

29-02-08, 10:45
Good Luck, sometimes we have to do things and when weve done them we think wow it wasnt so bad. sometimes i go just to stick my fingers up at anxiety. think of how much your daughter will enjoy it and hey if your like me you must be a good actress by now pretending its all ok but inside its not. sod anxiety have a fab time x

29-02-08, 10:55
You are going to have a fantastic time hun, I really hope you enjoy yourself.

Go and let them pamper you, because you deserve it :D

Jo xxxxx

Pink Panic
29-02-08, 11:04
Good Luck Christine. :hugs:

Have a great time.

29-02-08, 13:10
Hi Chris,

I hope we see a picture of your new Afro soon!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Have a great time being spoilt.
Best wishes,

29-02-08, 13:33
have a great time you will look fantastic enjoy xxx

29-02-08, 14:41
I did it, another thing to add to my achievements.

Wasn't easy but I never thought it would be, now supporting a nice new hair cut and eating a kfc as a treat lol.

The daughter who booked it, she never turned up apparently she is still in bed nursing last nights hangover !

Thanks for all the support.

Christine xx :flowers:

Pink Panic
29-02-08, 15:32
A massive WELL DONE to you Christine. :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:


29-02-08, 18:10
Well done christine. I bet you feel great. The biggest thing I have done in the past 6 months is to tell everyone that I suffer from mega panic and agoraphobia. I explain that I might want to run away etc. everyone has been great especially in shops. I bought some new tops a couple of weeks ago and had to have a few goes at getting in the changing room I also needed to go and stand at the door quite often. I explained this to the girls and they were really great and it started up quite a discussion.

29-02-08, 18:22
Well done Christine.

Oh I know that awful feeling about the hairdressers, you are supposed to look forward to it not be terrified, so you have done really well.


Pink Princess
29-02-08, 20:02
hey well done you xxx

although im a bit disappointed as would liked to have seen the photos of you with half the hair cut but never mind lol!

well done glad you went and had a good day xxxxx

01-03-08, 13:34
Well done Christine :yesyes: