View Full Version : Sharp pain in head

22-02-08, 11:21
Hi Everyone

This is my first post on this website, I have been reading everyone else's posts for a few months now but feel brave enough today to post my own message.

I have been suffering with anxiety for years, normally about my health and I also have panic attacks. I have something wrong with me everyday, palptations, stomach problems, headaches, aches and pains in my back, shoulders, neck etc. My latest problems is that I am having a sharp pain near my temples, not very often maybe 5 times in a day, I have had it for a few days now and the area where I am having the pain feels tender to touch. I mentioned it to the doctor a few days ago when I went there for one of my other problems which they are now looking into and she said it wasnt anything to worry about and come back if it gets worse.

Does anyone else get this or ever had it? I just want some reassurance really so maybe I will stop worrying about it so much.


22-02-08, 11:44
Hi Missy,

As a health anxiety sufferer myself I sympathise with you hun :hugs: I get the pains your talking about regularly its like a sapping pain and I usually get mine anywhere in the head but mostly at the back. I too suffer and have done for years now with aches and pains in my back neck and shoulders as well as the stomach problems. I hope this helps to give you a wee bit of reasurrance hun as I know what its like when my mind settles on something :hugs: xxx

22-02-08, 12:18
hi missy,well done with ur post,i can relate 2 u babe,i have pains in my head but it probably is anxiety,my head feels tender aspecially on the top but get pain in my temples,this is due 2 me clenching my teeth all the time or chewing the inside of my mouth,so try not 2 worry,anyway if it was anything serious u would of had loads of other symptoms with ur pain in ur head,the doctors no when it might b something more!! take care babe & try not 2 focus on it xleisax

22-02-08, 13:28
'Allo Missy,

Yes I suffer from these pains too -sometimes in my temples, sometimes on the top of my head and sometimes down the back. I'm not a doctor but most of the aches and pains I get seem to be down to tension and anxiety -relax :-)

Ed x