View Full Version : HELP

22-02-08, 13:23
I feel terrible...I've been having panic attacks EVERYDAY now...and I just want them to stop...problem is I feel like it could be something more, which I know everyone can relate to...Im dizzy, my left leg and arm are going numb, I keep feeling I'm going to pass out...going hot and cold...tingly round the mouth, and when I touch my skin, it doesn't feel like its mine...I'm even getting that feeling if I'm not touching my skin.

I'm so scared and I'm at work, no one knows I'm having a panic attack obviously but I just want to go home, I'm all clamy and scared I have a brain tumour or something. please help, someone! Just want to go home!

Pink Panic
22-02-08, 13:29
Hi there and welcome, :hugs:

First off i can identify many of the symptoms you are describing as anxiety from having them myself.
Have you seen your GP and are you on any medication and have you tried any form of relaxtion to try and help ease things?


22-02-08, 13:49


I know how hard it is for you right now, but you must stay focust, keep, telling youself that these feeling will pass. All your feelings are anxiety related, even the feelings coming from your skin, this is your nerve endings hun.

You have to try and learn to understand that it is your fears that are keeping these symptoms going, I know its dame hard, not to fear them, but try and distract yourself, try and think of anything, eccept how you are feeling, mmm, I know this is dame hard when you are sooo scared, but if you can take the fear away, the symptoms will get less.

When I was acute, my thinking when high on anxiety or in panic, was that I had a brain tumuor, I know now, that this thought is Mrs anxiety trying to scare me. Anxiety, panic, needs our fear to survive, Please, please, try and focus on something else, these feelings WILL pass.

I know your in work and you feel like coming home, but hun, ride it out, go to the loo, swill your face, the feelings you are having WILL NOT harm you.

hope this helps a little hun, BIG HUGS TO YOU

There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.


22-02-08, 14:06
Hallo Panicsalot,

The bizaare sensations you are feeling are those induced by panic. Our nervous systems are funny things and react in a big way when we're stressed out; I'm going through the same thing -you are not alone!

Human beings are funny creatures. Ever seen a cat have a panic attack? Doubtful. Why? Because they have better things to do like eat, sleep, wash and enjoy their lives. Lets take a leaf out of their book eh?


Ed ;-)

22-02-08, 14:07
Hi panicsalot. What work do you do. Can you take a break for 15 mins. If so go and make yourself a drink even water and take yourself somewhere quiet. The loo if necessary. Take a deep breath in and hold it for a count of 3 and then repeat this 2-3 times. Shrugg your shoulders up to your ears and screw up your face and then let it all go quickly. You may feel a bit woozy the first time thats normal I promise. Believe what others are telling you this is classic panic and you can make it go away. I find telling the panic to go and that I can't be bothered with it helps. Have you had many panic attacks or is this new to you.. I found that it helped to let others know I was suffering from panic attacks that way they didn't see my behaviour as unusual. Is there anyone you can talk to at work. If not come back on board and we will help you get through. Keep talking

22-02-08, 14:24
Hi Panicsalot,

It sounds as though you are caught in the Panic Cycle.Anxious thinking leads to Anxious Symptoms leads to Panic.Breaking out of this cycle can be done through distraction..anything to take your mind away from its current path.
Music,a book,a chat about anything with a colleague,fresh air,relaxation breathing.....
It will pass.
Best wishes,

22-02-08, 20:54
Hi there and welcome, :hugs:

First off i can identify many of the symptoms you are describing as anxiety from having them myself.
Have you seen your GP and are you on any medication and have you tried any form of relaxtion to try and help ease things?


Hi Pink,

I'm not on any medication, but looking through different threads I see that there maybe medication I can take...is this right? I have tried meditation too...


22-02-08, 21:03


I know how hard it is for you right now, but you must stay focust, keep, telling youself that these feeling will pass. All your feelings are anxiety related, even the feelings coming from your skin, this is your nerve endings hun.

You have to try and learn to understand that it is your fears that are keeping these symptoms going, I know its dame hard, not to fear them, but try and distract yourself, try and think of anything, eccept how you are feeling, mmm, I know this is dame hard when you are sooo scared, but if you can take the fear away, the symptoms will get less.

When I was acute, my thinking when high on anxiety or in panic, was that I had a brain tumuor, I know now, that this thought is Mrs anxiety trying to scare me. Anxiety, panic, needs our fear to survive, Please, please, try and focus on something else, these feelings WILL pass.

I know your in work and you feel like coming home, but hun, ride it out, go to the loo, swill your face, the feelings you are having WILL NOT harm you.

hope this helps a little hun, BIG HUGS TO YOU

There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.


Hi Jill,

Thank you for your message, I'm at home now, lying on the sofa wrapped in a blanket watching rubbish tv...bliss!! Although I'm still feeling rubbish...ridiculous when there is nothing that I can think of that should be making me feel this way.

I've had panic attacks for as long as I can remember and I always seem to 'relapse' I just want to feel normal again. How did you get over it or do you still struggle?

I usually drink water, lots of it anyway, but more so when I'm panicking as it gives me something to do...almost like how you suggest I do that, I also disappear to the loo SO often. BUT with the water, I have been drinking about 3 litres a day, and was told by someone today that it's not actually very good for the body...so that made me feel panicky...and when I go to the loo I worry about how long I'm away from my desk. I just can't seem to get myself out of it.

This evening driving home I had my sister on my handsfree and I didnt feel panicky, but I suddenly felt like my heart had stopped and my brain had frozen...isnt panic in the conscious mind...? If so, if I'm waking up with panicky 'symptoms' and well if theyre happening out of the blue...does it mean there could be something wrong with me...AND (goodness listen to me going on and on...!?) I just want a TOTAL check up, blood, urine, stool etc etc samples but where does that as my local GP didn't last time I went...


22-02-08, 21:06
Hallo Panicsalot,

The bizaare sensations you are feeling are those induced by panic. Our nervous systems are funny things and react in a big way when we're stressed out; I'm going through the same thing -you are not alone!

Human beings are funny creatures. Ever seen a cat have a panic attack? Doubtful. Why? Because they have better things to do like eat, sleep, wash and enjoy their lives. Lets take a leaf out of their book eh?


Ed ;-)

Thank you for your cat fact....do you reckon they ever do have panic attacks?!:) I wish I were a cat, these panic attacks are seriously getting to me. I've got a hair appointment tomorrow morning and I'm already worrying about having my hair washed in the basins as I always panic I won't be able to move my neck (argh just scratched my head and it didn't feel like my skin...:( ) uuuuuuuuurgh! Id happily just not go anywhere ever...so fed up of panic attacks.x

22-02-08, 21:12
Hi panicsalot. What work do you do. Can you take a break for 15 mins. If so go and make yourself a drink even water and take yourself somewhere quiet. The loo if necessary. Take a deep breath in and hold it for a count of 3 and then repeat this 2-3 times. Shrugg your shoulders up to your ears and screw up your face and then let it all go quickly. You may feel a bit woozy the first time thats normal I promise. Believe what others are telling you this is classic panic and you can make it go away. I find telling the panic to go and that I can't be bothered with it helps. Have you had many panic attacks or is this new to you.. I found that it helped to let others know I was suffering from panic attacks that way they didn't see my behaviour as unusual. Is there anyone you can talk to at work. If not come back on board and we will help you get through. Keep talking

I have a very demanding job in PR/events...we dont get lunch breaks or short breaks for that matter...or so we're told by people we work with...I go to the loo for breaks whenever I can but I worry about how long I'm away for, especially when we dont 'do' lunch...

Your advice is great, thank you, I'll make sure I follow those steps about breathing and screwing up my face and shoulders and things...Im just SO annoyed. I dont want to be feeling like this all the time and it really does seem to be getting worse!Every day this week I have had a 'funny turn' at work...which makes me worry more as this makes me feel I DO have a brain tumour or am about to suffer a stroke...SO tired with it!


22-02-08, 21:14
Hi Panicsalot,

It sounds as though you are caught in the Panic Cycle.Anxious thinking leads to Anxious Symptoms leads to Panic.Breaking out of this cycle can be done through distraction..anything to take your mind away from its current path.
Music,a book,a chat about anything with a colleague,fresh air,relaxation breathing.....
It will pass.
Best wishes,

Thank you Chalky...it's DEFINITELY a panic cycle, I just want it to stop SO badly...sleep was my only escape but the other day I woke up in the middle of the night, panicking, which made me worry I was dying yada yada...and there that cycle was again! ARGH!!x

22-02-08, 22:23
Hi panicsalot. Glad you are at home relaxing. I'm no medic and can only speak from my own experience but you sound as though you are going through a very acute phase of panic. This doesn't mean it is anything more than panic but it is really affecting your daily life. When I was in my 20's I'm now 52 I was a primary school teacher and I lived in that acute phase for the best part of two years before I got any help. I had panic attacks every few minutes day and night. I honestly don't know how I kept working and looking back I should have taken some time off. Eventually using the summer holidays I went to my gp and got some anti depressants which helped enormously. I was able to return to work in september and I then carried on overcoming the panic until I was panic free for the best part of ten years. My mistake and probably the reason why the panic has returned 3 more times (see my intro) is because I never got to the cause of the panic. This is something I'm working on now with the help of counselling. In an ideal world you would be able to give work a break and get the help you need but for now you may need the help of medication and obviously you need to see your gp for that. Be aware that some if not all have side effects and you need to discuss this with your doctor. I hope that you get some help soon. Meantime this seems such a supportive place to be (I'm new too) Dealing with panic is not easy but it is definately possible even when you are worried about so many alarming physical symptoms. Everything you have described is classic anxiety related please try and believe it. I haven't cracked it yet myself but I tell myself this all the time and it is getting through.