View Full Version : Starting a new job

22-02-08, 17:12
Hi everyone,

I'm starting a new job on Monday and I'm getting a little worked up about it. It's in the same department that I work at the moment but it's a step up and it's going to be managing people and sounds like it's going to be a lot of hard work.

I'm terrifed of something but I can't put my finger on what it is. Where I am at the moment, I love the people I work with but the work has become mundane and I've done it for too long so I know I need to leave. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and I'm scared to death that I'm going to fail and not be able to do the work, even though everyone says I'll be okay. I'm also scared that I'll be working with people I've never worked with before and I'm really big on who I work with, for me a lot of the motivation is my colleagues and I'm scared I'm leaving behind a good team for some people I won't like, even though I'll see my old colleagues every day - all I'm doing is moving down to the other end of our office.

Why am I so scared and anxious, moving to management is a big step but i'm losing all confidence in myself and wondering why I applied in the first place. I know I did it because I need to move upwards now, I can't stay in my comfort zone forever, but I'm scared that if i'm this anxious about moving just down the office, how will I be when I leave the company.

I'm probably not making much sense but it's helped a little to write it down. If anyone has any suggestions on how to build up confidence when moving into management or changing jobs etc I'd be really grateful.

Lucy x

22-02-08, 18:06
Hugs Lucy :hugs:

It's only natural to doubt your abilities when you've had promotion/changed your job. but the people who appointed you know you and must think you are cabable of doing the job. Try not to worry so much (easy said I know). You can always pop to see the people down the other end of the room if you need a chat and some reassurance. Will be thinking of you monday morning - take care and try and have a relaxing weekend.


22-02-08, 19:28
Hiya Lucy,

I felt the same way when I was moved up into management at work. You just need to believe in yourself. I felt that I wouldn't be able to do what was needed but you'll soon notice that if you are ever stuck with something, there's always someone there to help. Just remember to ask questions when you need to and you'll be fine. :)

I bet you'll get on well with your new colleagues and hopefully you'll make a lot of new friends. :) You could always just go and see the others every hour or so as cardmaker said so you feel a bit more relaxed.

Good luck in your new job and I hope you do really well. :hugs:

22-02-08, 22:01
Just wanted to wish you GOOOD LUCK!! I am sure it will be ok every new job/position is daunting.

23-02-08, 22:55
You do not have to know everything your first day. I often think I have to know everything the first day, but take your time, it often takes a year or two to really learn a job.

24-02-08, 17:47
Just wanted to wish you the best of luck for tommorow I do hope it all goes well.


Take Care,

Love & Positive vibes to you,

Pip's X X

26-02-08, 17:37
Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for your good luck wishes, it gave me confidence when starting on Monday.

Just to let you all know that I stocked up on Kalms and rescue remedy at the weekend and took lots yesterday and I got through it, even though I was pretty brain dead last night. Today has gone okay as well and I'll hopefully start picking things up soon.

Just wanted to let you all know that your replies helped me calm down and I appreciated it.

Thank you :hugs:

26-02-08, 23:05
Hi Lucy

Just caught up with your post and so pleased to hear things have gone well:yesyes: , Im sure your confidence will grow and grow hun. GOOD LUCK !:hugs:


26-02-08, 23:34
Best of luck Lucy:yesyes:

Im sure you will be cool:yesyes:

Kaz x x x:hugs: