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View Full Version : So confussed

22-02-08, 18:25
Hiya all
Sorry to be a pain again but i fel so confussed and just need to rant a little.
After waiting for ages and being mucked about i am finally getting help. This is great news but i had a meeting today which i totally forgot about with the top doctor. He very kindly agreed to come to my house and seemed a nice guy. Pomblem was that he was bassically saying that i have a serious condition and the symptoms will not go away. He wants to put me on anti depressants and anti phycotics. I really hate medication and do not want to take it. Basically i guess though that they are saying they cannot cure me but can help to manage the symptoms and have a more normal life. I just feel so scared and confussed. Also they are going to arrange for a support worker to come and help take me out and get back into spending time with other people and that i also need something called DBT which is done in the city so i have to go there.
Its great that i am getting help now but the treatment also worries me and i know it is going to be hard. I feel so put down though knowing that there is no cure just management. Then again i guess its like having diabetes. Theres no cure but it can be controlled.
Right now i really wish i wasnt me. I wish i could just be normal and didnt have to battle every day. I want a rest.
Sorry to moan just dont really know what to do with myself at the moment.

22-02-08, 18:44
Hey Blackie :hugs:

Sorry to hear you're not feeling great at the moment. I'm can imagine it must be a hard thing to accept when there is no cure and only "management".

However, saying that, at least there is management for the condition and it can be controlled hun.

I'm not sure what the ins and outs of DBT are, I think there are some other members who could explain. I imagine it may cover some things which you may feel a little uneasy with, but I guess the old "no pain no gain" may come into play here. Things will improve, but it will be a little uncomfortable along the way.

Let us know how you get on honey :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

22-02-08, 19:37
Hi Blackie,

Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good at the moment. I'm glad you're getting some help now and hopefully it'll help you feel a lot better.

I've heard of DBT but don't really know much about it. I'm guessing it's similar to CBT but there will be someone around here that knows a lot more about this.

I hope you do start taking the medication, although you may hate taking them, I'm sure you'll start to feel better. If not then they'll try something else. :)

I hope you do well and good luck :hugs: