View Full Version : Pain/mumbness/tingling in calf

22-02-08, 19:09

I had a nervous breakdown two years ago which resulted in panic attacks, scared to leave the house and general fear/unpleasantness that we all know so well, then a couple of months later I went away for the weekend and it was just too much for me and I started to get tingling in may arms and legs, pain in my calf muscles and twitching muscles. To cut a long story short I saw a neurologist 3 times and was discharged with abnormal nerves and possibly carpel tunnel. That was 18 months ago.

Since that time I still have pain in my left calf all of the time and sometimes wake up with a numb hand/arm. The pain in my calf gets worse when I lie on my back in bed at night making me think (hope and pray!!) it is a trapped nerve. I have had a MRI scan recently due to whiplash/lower back damage from a car accident and it didn't show a problem with my spine such as a trapped nerve. Also my short term memory is virtually non existant which also scares me.

I had to have a hysterectomy in January (due to abnornmal cells - not cancerous) and have found that I now have started to get problems with my eyes - double vision, eye strain, dizzyness. I saw a consultant who looked into the back of my eyes and said it wasn't a tumour but I didn't ask about MS and I so wish I had. Do you think that if she had of thought that she would have said? She did say that it was probably the stress of the operation and referred me for an orthoptic test. The orthoptic consultant had now referred me to a professor and said that I am a complex case!

Sorry about the long post but you can see that this has been going on for a long time and it just seems to be one thing after another. On the one had I want to go to the Drs and ask if it is MS or some other awful neurological thing and on the other had I think that if I don't go I can convince myself that it is a trapped nerve. I just want to be normal and feel better :) . I am off sick from work at the minute due to the hsyterectomy and my mind is running away with me. I don't feel stressed as such but I think that my body is so used to being tense with anxiety that this is just the norm for me.

22-02-08, 21:29
Hi Pen , as I am waiting to find out if i have ms (awaiting tests)and from what ive read , it shows up on the mri as white areas on the brain. Now as you have had a mri I wouldnt think you have m.s.
But always discuss these things with your gp, to put your mind at rest.

Also a lack of potassium , can cause cramps , so maybe try eating more banannas ?:hugs:

23-02-08, 21:36
Hi Mirry

Thanks for your reply, I had noticed your recent post and I hope that you get on ok with the tests.

I am hoping that I am just worrying myself into a frenzy. I think that I had forgotten just how powerful anxiety can be and how the symptoms of ms are similar to anxiety.

I didn't have an mri on my brain unforunately, just my neck and back but I did have a retina examination by an opthamologist 3 weeks ago who said my optic nerve was healthy. I don't know what all of the symptoms of ms are and I'm not going to google but I remember hearing once that they can tell by looking into the eye. Does anyone know?

I have also started to mis-pronounce words, again could be just the anxiety.

Oh hum - at least with my shocking short term memory I usually forget what I am worried about after a while (lol) :)