View Full Version : Any words of encouragrment

14-03-05, 09:22
Hi all
As i have posted before i have had anxiety for 10 yrs, been on and off meds. now been on sreoxat or paroxetine for 3 wks and although i think there has been a little improvement i still feel very down, and anxious. i am trying positive thinking, watching my thoughts etc, buy find this very hard. yesterday i actually woke up without any symptons and could see the light at the end of the tunnel, but today i feel all my physicals symptons have come back and feel im going to be like this forever, sorry to be so negative but any words of encouragement will be gratefully received
love Longie

14-03-05, 09:42
Hi Longie

Glad you had a good day yesterday, today will seem worse because you were so good yesterday, but it's one small step towards recovery.
Next time you will have a couple of good days and so on, each day is one small step forward.
We all have bad days , I get at least one a weekk although I feel 95% better.
So chin up and take it day by day

Take care

Elaine x

14-03-05, 10:05
Hi Elaine
thanks for the reply, i hope you dont mind my asking if you are on meds or not. this seems to be my focus at the minute after a discussion with my husband yesterday, who suddenly said i shouldnt be on meds adn sould do it all by positive thinking. this really upset me because i really dont think i could of got through it this time without meds, especially for my kids not being affected by it, i now feel a real failure again as i dont know that any one of my friends has needed meds, i hate the thoght that i do it all to myself but at tha same time i cant help it, the thought of panic makes me panic
love Longie

14-03-05, 10:30
hi glad you had a good day im sure with time you find you get far more good days than bad

fan x

14-03-05, 10:52
Hi Longie
No, I am not on meds as such, ijust take St John's Wort, Vit B complex and Omega 3. I couldn't cope with prescribed medication, I stayed on Cipralex for 4 days, but the thought of taking them was worse than the anxiety.
Don't beat yourself up about taking meds as we all deal with this differently, once you are feeling better you can review your meds but at the moment it's obviously your best course of action.
Do you use any relaxation techniques, i.e. cd's, warm lavender bath, ME time, gentle exercise, sensible diet.
You will get through this,and don't let your husband tell you what to do as , unless he has suffered he doesn't really understand how you are feeling.

Take care

Elaine x

14-03-05, 10:53
Hi Longie,

I have been taking medication for the best part of ten years now and I'm not worried. If my tablets mean the difference between me being ok or not, then I will gladly take them forever. Don't let anyone make you feel as though you are failing because you take tablets. Unless they are living it, they don't understand it!

Love Christine

14-03-05, 11:21
Hi all

thanks for the replies so far.
Elaine i do use a relaxation cd but only get time to do it at bed time, and then i fall asleep listening to it within about 5 mins, so probably not getting any benefit from it. me time is not something im good at, sometimes the thought of being alone with my thought makes me panic, if that makes sense, my 3 rd chiold has just started pre school and this is the first time in 10 yrs that i have some time to myself, but i seem to have lost who i am,and it scares me
thanks for listening
love Longie

14-03-05, 11:24
Hi longie,
Everyone has given up really good advice already. I am not on any meds but have asked my docs over and over if I could be. Apart from general panic attacks etc.. I get regular ectopic heartbeats, which just add to my anxiety, but because my doc says they are just related to my anxiety he will not prescribe anything. If you are being helped by your meds do not feel guilty about it and as Elaine said DO NOT let your husband tell you anything about how you feel unless he has gone through it. I too, get good days and bad days. When the good days come I still find myself worrying about when the symptons will re-appear, which is not good because that means all the bad thoughts are still in my mind. I wish there was a miracle cure to make us all feel better.

Take care,

14-03-05, 11:40
hi. Thats the start of better days i found, at first u seem to have a odd good day then seem to get more and more. Its slow and u still get quite bad days but keep a diary of how u r doing and when u look back u see at one time u had no good days so one is a start? Like you I try affermations relaxation and all sorts of thought control nut, think u have to realy keep doing it over and over and dont give up. and as for the meds its like Jolly said if they make u feel better whats wrong with taking a little tablet? People take other types of meds every day for headaches. and all sorts? I started back on meds after stopping for years and if i feel a little better I am not going to worry about it. Take care. Vernon

14-03-05, 12:13
Hi Longie

One of the reasons you could be feeling so down is because your 3rd child has now started pre-school and it's giving you far too muvh time to think.
It's a big step when your youngest child starts having a little independence, your body and mind have been programmed to be on call for your children 24/7 and now you really do have some time to yourself you feel as if you have lost some of your self identity, I was the same as I gave up my career to care for my children when they were born.
Have you thought about taking up a hobby or meeting with friends when your child is at school, a little distraction would do you the world of good as it sounds to me as if you have too much time to think all these negative thoughts.

Always here for a chat

Take care

Elaine x

14-03-05, 14:01
Hi there

No need to feel bad about being on meds, if they're helping that surely thats a good thing? I'm so glad that I'm taking them again and that I pretty well have my life back after a really acute episode of panic/anxiety nearly a year ago. At first, improvement does seem to happen all too slowly but be patient and you'll soon be feeling better again; don't let your bad days cloud the fact that there are so many good ones ahead. Hope you start to feel much better really really soon hun.

Love Jo xxx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

14-03-05, 14:16
Hi Longie

I was a bit like you, my anxiety and panic arrived about four weeks ago like a torrent and I have feared everything since then!!!!

With the help of the good people here I am amazed at my progress. Meds were not for me, the side effects landed me in casualty with the worst PA ever. I am trying to self heal, determination, support and my desire to get back to normal ASAP are all doing there bit to help.

Don't beat yourself up over the meds, if they are working, no side effects and you can see an improvement then surely they are a good thing for you right now.

Take care, you will soon start having more good days than bad.


14-03-05, 15:32
HI ,

The normal pattern of recovery is suddenly out of the mire comes a good day, then another and then a blip or two and then a slow transition process of more good days than bad .

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

14-03-05, 15:38
Hi Longie
I'm not any meds at the moment, but i know when i went on prozac the doctor told me it could take anything up to six weeks before i felt any different, so maybe you just need to stick with it a bit longer and then you'll feel better.
Take care

14-03-05, 17:51
Hi all
thanks for all you words of encouragement,today was a real shock after yesterday am pre menstral so maybe that has something to do with it. my middle child asked to go swimming today we havent been since i have been ill, the thought of it made me panic, but i was determined to do it, and i actually took all 3 kids swimming on my own,so there must be some improvement cause i could barely leave the house a few weeks ago
thanks again
love Longie

14-03-05, 17:58
Hi Longie

That is great news, you made yourself go and you coped, that is a great improvement.

Hope it has given you some well deserved confidence.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

14-03-05, 18:09
Hi Longie

Well done you for taking them swimming, so, see you must be feeling better. My anxiety is always worse pre-menstrual Iv'e often wondered if there is a link.

Take care

Elaine x

14-03-05, 18:54

Well done on going swimming. If it is something that you would never have done a few weeks ago then you must be making progress!

Stick at it ok?
