View Full Version : Hi im new

23-02-08, 17:06
Hi everyone, im new to the site.

I knew about this site for about a week but never joined i found myself sitting here 2day alone, crying and not knowing where to turn to and who tell. I know there are people like me out there yet i feel alone, i feel like i have no1 to turn too. I have Agoraphobia, panic attacks, anxiety serve depression which im on antidepressants for. Sometimes hiding how im feeling helps cos if i smile and say im ok no1 will know that instead of being happy im hurting and crying. x

23-02-08, 17:31
Hi Babybug,


I'm so sorry your feeling so down and i promise you, you are not alone.
Anxiety and Depression together is just the pits hun, i know coz i have been there, i'm no longer depressed but do still have the anxiety. This site has helped me loads and i have opened up so much now and i don't feel as if i have to keep it to myself anymore.

I'm sure you wil make lots of new friends here and find people who are going through similar problems to yourself.

Please take care for now and i hope to chat to you soon.


23-02-08, 17:36
aaw BaByBug :welcome: to you!

Biiiig hugs for you:hugs: I lurked around for 6mnths before joining 18mnths ago and am so glad I did.

This is a good thread about agrophobia and how the members here are coping and, in some cases , conquering it:

http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=24387 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=24387)

You're certainly not alone here and there are plenty of us to help and support you, as we do each other.

Although I've not suffered agrophobia myself , my mother has been a sufferer of it for most of my life - and I have suffered depression, social anxiety and panic attacks so drop me a PM anytime if you would like to chat ok?

Have a read through all the info by following the links on the left of this page - they're very helpful.

Glad you decided to join us - Pleased to meet you!


23-02-08, 17:40
hiya babybug

welcome to no more panic :grouphug:

i am sure you will get lots of help from this site and chat with people who understand what you are going through.

jodie xxx

23-02-08, 18:23
hiya hun :welcome: to nmp its great to have you here :yesyes: . lots of hugs for you hun:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: you are not alone and never need to be. you will get lots of support and advice from all the great ppl here. we are always here to talk to so plz dont think you have to say your fine when your not.talking about things will make you feel better about yourself.we have a great chat room where we help and have a good laugh to so i hope we see you in there. take care hun.


23-02-08, 20:54
Hi hun, a big warm welcome to NMP :)

You'll find lots of helpful advice and support here hun.

Jo xxxxx

24-02-08, 13:12
Hi Babybug

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

24-02-08, 14:39
Hi BaBybug and a warm :welcome: from me as well,

You have made the first of many more positives steps by joining this awesome site.

Quote: "I have Agoraphobia, panic attacks, anxiety serve depression which im on antidepressants for. Sometimes hiding how I’m feeling helps cos if I smile and say im ok no1 will know that instead of being happy im hurting and crying. x"

I understand your emotions and feelings completely. I also suffer severe depression which when extreme stops me leaving my home for weeks at a time.

Just the thought of running into someone I know at the shops depresses and scares me so much I find it safer to stay at home. Also when I'm like this I honesty can't be bothered doing anything anyway. I find the only thing I really want to do is crawl into bed and hide myself away from everyone and everything.

During my severe episodes my front flower garden gets swallowed up by weeds, the hedge gets overgrown and some times, I only venture out to my mailbox every other day.

My daughters also miss having a normal healthy mother around. That is the most depressing and self-loathing symptom of when I get ill. Letting my daughters down 'again' seems to only add to my own feelings of worthlessness, which then only makes my depression worse.

I am slowly learning that when I am ill, kicking myself, and punishing myself, only makes the symptoms worse.

When you are feeling like you are now, and I am slowly learning this, that if I accept the fact that, OK, I am sick now, but all I need is plenty of rest and relaxation and I will get better.

Sometimes depending on the level of depression, it can take me weeks to get well. However, we always do, so do not beat yourself up over it.

Without any doubt at all, night always turns into day, and before you know it your depression will be under control once again allowing you to resume functioning and enjoying your life.

I will be back at work myself very soon, my girls will have healthy meals again, my garden will be once again blossoming with flowers and not weeds and the past few weeks will only be a dim memory.

The most destructive thing we can do to ourselves when we are ill is beat ourselves up over it.

So BaBybug, once again welcome and I know from personal experience, it won’t take you long to feel right at home here, they are a great crowd.

Love and welcome

PS: I'd love to know a little about you also, do you have kids, husband/wife, job, where you live, blah blah. (I'm just nosy)


buzzing bees
24-02-08, 14:43
hi there friend we are all here for you 24/7 yes day or night,,
we wil help you .. so your not alone i no i feel al alone but since iv joined here i no everyone here are fab friends take care friend hugs to you from us all

24-02-08, 15:36
Hi Babybug,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.

Best wishes,

24-02-08, 16:50
Thank you everyone for all your kind replys. You haev all made me feel so welcomed and i have not felt part of something in a long while

I have been looking around and reading the site and it so nice to know there are people like me out there. It is like i can see some hope and most of all i can have people to talk to.:)

Sarajane - I have not worked in in about 18months I am a special needs teaching assistant and i miss working so much. I live in (Shropshire) i have no friends & no family near me just my other half which as you can guess is so lonely on times. What i would do to see and talk to a real person. I have lost contact with a lot of my old friends as they would say pull yourself together etc and i cant.

I am getting help for things at last and have a home visit each week from a lovely lady and without her i know it would be worse. I used to live in Kent with my family till i meet my other half and fall in love and moved here all within a month. I lived with other half familys for 2 and half years it was hell as his family picked on me, treated me like a slave etc i feared leaving our room as they were so horrible to me but in Oct i got a flat as my gp pushed for it as i hit rock bottom and could not see a way out. As a result of being depressed i have gainned around 10stone which makes me feel worse i am on Slimming World and have lost 1 and half sone so far which is making me fell better. I do this at home as meetings area big no no.

We don't have kids yet i would love them but for now i could not cope with them. Atm i have not left the flat in 10 days 2mor i will need to go out to see gp so im dreading the whole going out part again as i have a fear of seeing other halfs family.

Im trying to take each day as it comes but on times i feel like everyone is pushing me a little to fast and i just cant cope with it all.

Today i can say i feel a bit better then yesterday but im still finding it so hard and trying to tell people im having a down day is not easy as they cant really understand how it feels. Yet i have just told you all how im feeling and it feels so nice to talk xx

24-02-08, 19:08
I Have Felt Like How U Feel ... And I Feel So Alone Sometimes 2 ....coz I Hide My Problems So No1 Really Knows How Depressed I Get Its Very Lonely Place ... U Need 2 Talk 2 People Coz Alot Of People U Know Might Even Have The Same ..... ? I Think U Need To Try And Get Outside ..... And Do Something....wats The Worst That Will Happen ..?? Nothing .... If U Stay At Home And Do Nothing But Think About It Only Makes U Feel Worse , I Know Coz Ive Been There .. Panic Attacks R So Terrifying I Know ... But They Will Go If U Dont Fear Them And Fight Them Just Flow With Them .... Xxx

24-02-08, 19:42
Hello babybug,
you have definately come to the right place, as you can see by the above folks comments:hugs:
It is true NMP is here when no one else is 24/7:)
So if you have any problems no need to hide here>
Also if you just read the forum you can see there are loads of people who feel the same way or similar
Lots of hugs Richie:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

24-02-08, 20:14
LouLou - I do try and talk to my mum about it but dont want to worry her and the only other person i have is my other half so not really got any1 to talk to really.Sometimes by not talking it is easier to cope with things. 2mor im going out so will see what happens when i do, sometimes i can go out without a panic attack so im hoping 2mor is one of them days.

Richie - Thanks for the hug is amazing how a hug can make you feel so much better when instead your hurting and alone. :hugs:

It is so nice to read about other people feeling the same way as me xx

24-02-08, 22:08
Hi Babybug and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

24-02-08, 23:15
Hi Babybug,


As you can see, you will get lots of help and support on here, there great people.



25-02-08, 00:30
Hi BabyBug,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here who feel just like you do and will get tons of support.



25-02-08, 06:31
BIG HUG from Australia for you

Like I said in my first reply to you, talking to us can help lighten your load. People are here 24/7 as we are from all over the world.

Good luck going out, I understand how it will be very hard for you. Please let me know how you went.

You are welcome to pm me anytime.

Love Sarajane

25-02-08, 10:13
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_39.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm860YYGB) hiya babybug welcome to nmp youl get loads of advice and meet some great ppl to tc xxx

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb098&pp=ZCxdm860YYGB (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb098_ZCxdm860YYGB&utm_id=7926)

25-02-08, 11:17
Hi Babybug,
Hang on in there... you are not alone x

25-02-08, 16:33
Hello Babybug And Welcome........i Wish Ya Well.........linda

26-02-08, 17:48
Hi and a big warm welcome to NMP you will get loads of good advice here and make lots of friends in the process, hope to catch you some time in chat

Take Care

Emma xxxx


03-03-08, 18:30

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

03-03-08, 19:02

Welcome to NMP, you will get loads of advise and support here and make many friends also......Don't forget to visit the chatroom !! :hugs: