View Full Version : Panic Attacks

23-02-08, 18:01
Hi everyone, this is my first post - I have been suffering from what feels like chronic Panic Attacks. They first started sporadically, about 3 weeks ago on the train to and from work, then about a week ago - continuously on the train everyday to the point where I just couldn't go back to work. The worst attack I had lasted all through the night and into the next day, where I had to see my Dr. He prescribed beta blockers & told me to take the rest of the week off work & rest. He then suggested that I take a train journey on the weekend to see how I feel. Well, I couldn't even make it to the station - I ended up having 2 attacks on the way. This is really depressing me as I'm scared this is it! I'll never be able to live a normal life. I really don't know what to do. The attacks just happened out of the blue and haven't gone away. Why??? Does anyone have any help or advice they can give me? Should I see a therapist? How long is this likely to last? I would be grateful for any suggestions?


23-02-08, 18:37
hiya :welcome: to nmp its great to have you here:yesyes:. im sorry you are haveing a bad time at the moment. you will get lots of support and advice from all the great ppl here. as this only started not long ago i think some cbt theropy might be good for you. look back to before your panic attack and think what may have triggered it off. panic attacks dont normaly just start for no reason there is normally always a trigger. take a good look at self help section on the left( first steps, how to cope, finding help). i hope to talk to you in the chat room sometime. take care hun :hugs: :hugs:.

kellie. xxxxxxxxxxx

23-02-08, 20:00
You can be normal again, if you want to chat more PM me.

23-02-08, 20:17
Hi there,


Please, take a good luck around the site, there is lots of great info behind the site and on all threads.

As, Kellie, has said, your first panic may have seemed to come out of the blue, but there is always a reason for your first pa, its finding it that can be dame hard.

Hun, the panics after your first pa, is YOU fearing another one, you have labeled the train as a trigger of your panic, this is not so hun, your first pa has come from somewhere else, do you know what triggered your first, have you been under any stress at all?

What are your fears hun, what are the thoughts running around your head when you panic, Pick away at your panic, remember panic is fueled by our fears, if you don't fear it, it will go, but I know dame well its hard not to fear panic, distract yourself.

I can see that one of your fears is that you will never be the same again. I felt like this when I was acute, ohh hun, don't do this to yourself, YOU CAN get better, with alot of hard work, time and support. You have to see this, negative thoughts will only fuel your anxiety, panic. WORK, on this thought, re programme your mind, tell yourself, you are like this FOR NOW, JUST FOR NOW, BUT YOU WILL GET BETTER.

You say you have taken time off work, thats great hun, but please don't stop doing the other things you have always done, no matter how you feel, keep pushing, go for little walks, to shops, I know this can be dame hard, but if you show Mr panic your not going to let him stop you, this helps us move on a little.

You have come to the right place, there are lots of nice people here who understand what you are going through and know how hard it can be, they will help and support you.

Keep posting, keep venting, this helps.

You take care


23-02-08, 20:55
Welcome to NMP hun :)

Jo xxxxx

24-02-08, 13:11
Hi there

If you are reading this please can you mail me at nomorepanic@btinternet.com

It seems that we have removed your user by mistake but I can re-add it so please do mail me.


24-02-08, 13:56
Hello maechaz:welcome: to you!

Sorry you're having a horrible time - but please don't think you'll never get any better, beacuse with help and support you will.

You've come to the right place for that and there's loads of information in the links on the left of this page too.

Hope we can get you back online again!:winks:

Pleased to meet you!


25-02-08, 00:46
Hi Maechaz,

Welcome to the site. I'm sorry you are going through a rough time right now. If it continues I would either see a doctor or a counselor for help. You can also go into the chat room here to talk things out with others. Good luck and let us know how things go.

Hope to see you on-line soon!



25-02-08, 00:56
Hi Maechaz,

Ohh hun, please email Nic, this site is a great place to be, you will get lots of help and support, there a fab bunch of people here.

You take care, hope to hear from you soon

wishing you well,


25-02-08, 16:33
Hello Maechez And Welcome .....i Wish Ya Well................linda

26-02-08, 17:47
Hi and a big warm welcome to NMP you will get loads of good advice here and make lots of friends in the process, hope to catch you some time in chat

Take Care

Emma xxxx


28-02-08, 17:36
Hi Maechez and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

03-03-08, 18:27

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

03-03-08, 19:41
Hi Maechez,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
best wishes,

03-03-08, 19:50

Welcome to NMP, you will get lots of advise and support here and make many friends along the way........Don't forget to visit the chatroom !! :hugs: