View Full Version : Really worried about these symptoms

23-02-08, 18:49
I am getting a lot of symptoms and they seem to be getting worse, i really don't know whether they are down to anxiety or partly down to anxiety or whether it is something more serious.

I have been sleeping well recently but i am feeling very tired after only being awake for 4 or 5 hours, also the longer the day goes on the more weak and dizzy i feel, i am feeling quite lightheaded right now.

Also my whole body feels wobbly like jelly like i am just about to collapse, i feel quite floppy and this is worrying me.

The overwhelming tiredness is something that is really annoying me and i just don't know what is causing it or how to make it better.

I have been taking omega 3 fish oils, multi vitamins, vitamin c and selenium recently but they haven't helped at all.

I'm worried that it could be something serious, i would like to know if it is anxiety or not but i don't think anxiety can make you feel this bad?

I feel like i'm about to hit the floor or die, that's how bad i feel.

23-02-08, 19:07

well i know just how you feel i have had the tired feeling befor, and have had it a bit this week it is not nice no but i do think it is due to anx .
i used to get up and within 2 hours i was realy tired and feeling very low ...wanting to get on and do things but just to tired to and weak dizzy and jusy yuk .
it is worth going to chat with your doc about it if you have not told him about this befor but i am sure it is just the anx doing it. there are a lot of ppl who get this a lot due to anxiety.


23-02-08, 20:03
hi i think its anxiety also im tired from moment i wake up till i go to sleep do you sleep ok at night?

24-02-08, 20:23
Thanks for the reply, I am just not feeling better, i feel worse if anything, last night i had difficulty getting sleep because i felt so weak and dizzy and i started feeling a little panicky but i did get to sleep in the end after about an hour or so.
The thing is i feel so weak, especially my arms and legs, i feel totally knackered after only being awake a few hours, my head feels like it is going to fall off, it feels like jelly like my arms and legs.
I'm feeling terrible, i am going to the doctors tomorrow but i don't want to be fobbed off again about having a virus, i know i had enlarged tonsils two weeks ago and they are start quite large but i don't want the doctor just saying you have a virus and send me home, how do i make them do something? i want them to take it seriously instead of simply saying it's a virus it will go away soon.

24-02-08, 21:27
Hey! I know exactly how you feel! I have been feeling the exact same way and it's all the time it's ridiculous. Please post what you doctor tells you. Mine keeps telling me it's from anxiety. My arms and legs are always always weak and I always feel like I'm going to colapse. As the day goes on I feel worse just like you said and I know it's because I'm tired. I just don't know how I can be this tired all the time after I good nights rest. It scares me the same it scares you. Sounds like we are going threw the same thing and I'm glad I found someone just like me!!! I have all the same symptoms. Like I said please post about what your doctor tells you.

PS: Do you often feel like you are losing some corrdination in your arms and hands??

24-02-08, 21:41
I will post what my doctor has said as soon as i get back :)

In reply to your question yes my arms and even my legs feel like i am losing some co-ordination, my arms feel so loose and wobbly like they are going to fall off and now and again i drop my fork when i am eating, also when i am walking sometimes i feel as if i am drunk and sort of stumbling and a little clumsy, they feel like jelly.

24-02-08, 21:54
Yeah I always feel clumsy too. Good luck at the doctors tomorrow. I'll keep checking back for your reply!!!

24-02-08, 23:29
Hi guys, sorry to hear about the troubles your going through right now.
Reading your posts, because you are experiencing the same thing really shows it is due to anxiety doesn't it!
When I found out many other people had my symptoms and had anxiety I stopped worrying a bit, so I hope that'll help you too!
If you've been to the Doctors already, then I doubt it's something serious.
They'd notice if it was. Even though it's not nice that your not feeling better, them not worrying about it shows you you shouldn't worry :)
It's shocking how bad anxiety can make us feel, and what it can do to our bodies.
I didn't have the same symptoms as you, but I felt awful, and like you I didn't think anxiety could do that much to my body. But it was all due to anxiety.
When I started feeling mentally better, the physical things went away.
I'd reckon what's happening to you right now is a combination of being a bit under the weather, and the anxiety doing funny things to your body.
My advice to you would be to just relax, and try not to worry about it.
Easier said than done I'm sure! But taking your mind off it and relaxing will really mentaly help you feel better, and your body will follow.
I know how hard it is, and how awful you must feel right now.
You have my sympathy, and best wishes,


25-02-08, 01:03
If the doctors say anxiety trust them!!!!!

Truly you need to change your view of the symptoms, accept them, and in short order they disappear. Trust the doctors, if you need an second opinion get it, but then move on and accept that it is anxiety.

You cannot heal until you are ready to accept.

25-02-08, 13:18
The doctors never ever say anything about anxiety!!!!!!

I went to the doctor's this morning and told them that i am feeling exhausted all the time and that i feel dizzy/faint and very weak and like jelly, i was fobbed off saying that i probably had a virus and was out the door within about a minute, no checks done, not willing to do any blood tests, i feel terrible, well to be honest i feel like death yet nothing was done at all despite the fact that i have a family history of diabetes and i have had low iron levels before.
I am very very annoyed to be honest.

Pink Panic
25-02-08, 13:33
Hi Yorkshireguy,

So sorry you are feeling bad mate :hugs:

Your Doc sure should have at the very least checked you over. Could you possibly make another appointment with another Doc at your practice and voice your concerns to him/her?
You have every right to be annoyed as you should be given proper care when you attend a Doctor and you don't seem to have got it.


25-02-08, 13:47
If you continue to feel this way i would keep going back until they actually do something, i know doctors are very busy but they are there to help so if you still feel unwell explain your worries or see another doctor.
Best wishes

25-02-08, 14:43
I'm really sorry they did that to you again!! We're just all gonna have to go threw this together and we'll heal each other.

25-02-08, 14:53
I'm not taking much more of it though, i'm going to keep going back until they do something, if they don't do anything and i find out that there is something bad wrong i won't hesitate to take legal action against the surgery.

25-02-08, 15:55
Well the thing is i have a family history of diabetes, also in the past i had low iron levels which meant i didn't have anaemia, i sort of had borderline anaemia.

My partner was at the reception desk getting a prescription, i was so quick in the GP's room that when i came out my partner was still at the reception desk.

I would have liked to have been checked over and at least had my blood pressure done etc but i was just fobbed off.

I was told 3 weeks ago that i had a virus which is fair enough, but this locombe GP who i saw today looked at the screen and said it's probably a virus, like he just presumed that these new symptoms were being caused by a virus, in my opinion that is negligence.

25-02-08, 16:11
Yeah that's not right at all. They need to check you over better than that!! Keep us informed!! How are you feeling today??

25-02-08, 16:18
I'm not feeling better at all, if anything i feel worse, my whole body feels very weak and i feel dizzy/faint, my arms and legs just feel really loose and like jelly and i keep feeling like i am going to pass out, i have been feeling like this for at least 4 or 5 days, i'm not sure whether it's anything serious, it could be something minor or it could be something quite bad, i am going to take action against the GP's surgery as i feel i have no option, i am so angry and annoyed and frustrated, doctor's just seem to be getting worse and worse and it's not acceptable.

I am considering going again tomorrow to keep annoying them and keep going until they do something but i don't want to go through the same thing tomorrow that i went through today.

25-02-08, 16:34
Does anyone agree that this is negligence by the doctor that i saw today?

In my opinion doctor's blame things like stress and viruses too easily as doing so means that they don't have to do anything or do any tests.

I really don't know what to do, do i go back and see a different doctor? if so what if that doctor does the same thing and uses an excuse to fob me off again? i think the way that doctor acted today was out of order, doctor's have a duty to investigate problems and do tests to rule things out.

I want to be checked properly and also i want a full blood count done.

25-02-08, 18:19

sorry you didnt have a good experience at the doc,s today

i think what is best is that you go back and ask for some texst to be done you do have the right to ask i am sure of that, and you can ask to see another gp for a second opinion .
i am sure this is all anx but i understand that you will feel better if they took a good look at you and cleared things up with the test so you can get help for anx rather than thinking it might be somthing else.

jodie xxx

25-02-08, 18:31
Hi Jodie,

Thanks for your reply, i just want things ruling out and then it will reassure me and i will know that nothing serious is wrong.

They just don't seem to want to help me at all and that is very frustrating.

25-02-08, 18:40

yes i know what you mean well go back to see the doc and ask him to do some tests and put your mind at rest then deal with the anx side of things mabe get some cbt ect i am sure that will help you .
i know from my point of view i started to go to the doc a lot for tests done with diffrent symptoms i was having and in the end i had to tell myself it is anx and deal with that rather than looking for somthing wrong .
i hope you get a better result for the doc next time you go and if he rule,s out anything that is worrying you than he might start to help with the anx

jodie xx

25-02-08, 18:55
You Can Get Over It .... Just Dont Be Scared Of Those Horrible Feelings They Will Pass And They Wont Hurt Or Harm U In Ne Way .... Dont Fight Ur Feelings . When U Feel Panicy .... Check Ur Breathing And Try And Breath Slowly And Tell Urself It Will Pass Soon ... And Get On With Doing Something Else To Take Ur Mind Off It ... Deep Slow Breathing Really Helps .. Try Not To Drink To Much Caffine It Makes It Worse !!! Take Care Xx

25-02-08, 19:19
You've described my day exactly.
I am asleep again within an hour or two of being awake.

25-02-08, 19:28
Hi again! Sorry you aren't feeling well again today. Yesterday and today I have been better but alot of the times I'm just like you are describing. I've been trying not to think of my symptoms and it seems to help. The more I keep thinking about them the worse I feel. Like LouLou said try not to drink too much caffine because it does contribute to it. I've layed off that and sugary snacks. My body was wanting those for a few days but I just kept saying to myself I can't have it and don't need it. I know how you feel though, they symptoms make you feel so awful that something is seriously wrong. Just hang in there. Lets hope for the best and that there isn't anything extreme wrong with you. Talk to you soon!


26-02-08, 13:55
Hey! I was just wondering how you are feeling today??? Last night wasn't too good for me. I finally had to take a xanax and finally I fell to sleep. Today is ok so far but I'm feeling a bit weird still. Talk to you soon!!

27-02-08, 15:06
Just an update, i don't feel any better, i am feeling worse if anything.

The thing is my skin is pale and i am very tired, weak, also i feel faint and dizzy and a little out of breath.

Thing is around 4 years ago i had low levels of haemoglobin, i wasn't anaemic but i was just above, these symptoms above match anaemia symptoms.

Maybe it isn't anaemia, maybe it is something else or maybe it's nothing serious but the fact is the doctor's are not helping me in anyway.

I have made another appointment today to see a different doctor and i will be seeing him on friday morning so hopefully this time some action will be taken, i am not going to be so laid back this time, i am going to request a blood test and see what he says, apparently from what i have read on the internet people who have a family history of diabetes are entitled to have a blood test once a year, i haven't had one for 2 years.

27-02-08, 16:40
I was wondering whether anyone on here has had anaemia? i would be interested to hear what you felt like when you had it.

Does anyone on here think i have something serious wrong with me? i've been feeling terrible especially for the past 6 or 7 days, maybe something would have happened by now if it was going to happen, it's just i have honestly never felt so tired all the time and so weak, i keep feeling lightheaded/faint as well and i just feel like a zombie.

27-02-08, 19:22
Hi! I hope your doctors appt goes well for you this time. Hope they look further into things and get you some tests done. I really don't think anything is wrong with you just anxiety/panic because I have the same symptoms as you. I could be wrong though. I hope you find out soon!!! Keep us posted!!!


27-02-08, 19:26

sorry you are still not feeling so good .

not sure this will help but today i kinda feel the same, very tired carnt be botherd with much at all feel weak dizzy and just not right BUT i realy think this is anx i have had this befor and each time i have gone through all the things it could be and it never turns out to be any of it .
but with you having low levels of haemoglobin in the past ect mabe go back see another doc and get some advice of him if he thinks all is ok mabe that will put your mind at rest and things will pick up for you .

jodie xxx:hugs:

27-02-08, 23:42
i totally see whats happening to you, if your worried go to the doctors, but you might have what i get, the only way i can describe it is a week long pa, i feel like that for days on end, short of breath also, its very hard, and it comes and goes or it stays for the entire duration. Lucky me i get panic attacks that last for days. perhaps that is what you have, like i said im not a doctor, i think its always best to get it checked out for your own sense of relief. but it does sound familiar.

29-02-08, 12:25
Just an update........I've just got back from seeing a doctor (a different doctor to what i've seen before) and i told him my symptoms and he asked me whether i thought my symptoms were down to anxiety, i said maybe a few but i think there's something else causing my symptoms.
He said he would look at the situation from both angles as in he will look at the anxiety and also investigate whether anything else is going on. (Hooray, a doctor that actually does his job properly!)
So on monday i will be having some blood tests done and i should get the results by thursday/friday next week.

Thing is why do i keep thinking that i might collapse or die before next week? it's probably because i feel so bad.

29-02-08, 12:43

sounds to me like you did the right thing now you will get the tests you want and put your mind at rest and if there is nothing wrong with your health(im sure there isnt) then you can look at getting all the help you need for your anx.
i am sure you wont collaps befor next week mabe that in just the anx setting in

good luck

jodie x

29-02-08, 12:46
Hi YorkshireGuy,

You seem to be in limbo at the minute.
Waiting for a definite diagnosis can be very frustrating,especially as the negative thinking can have a field day during this time.
I am delighted that you have found a supportive GP.That is a big step forward.
Until you have your tests,try to adopt a one day at a time approach.
Eat properly,good fluid intake and rest properly.Make an effort to distract yourself-reading,music,etc.The negative thinking can only overwhelm you if you leave mind space for it.if your mind is engaged in positive action,you will not feel so down.
It is good to see that you are really trying to get these things out in the open.Congratulations on your effort.
Best wishes,

29-02-08, 15:04
That's great you had a better experience this time with a different doctor! Hope the tests come back ok but I'm sure they will. Try and relax over the weekend I'm sure everything will be just fine!!! Keep us posted!!

29-02-08, 16:00
Hi YorkshireGuy,

You seem to be in limbo at the minute.
Waiting for a definite diagnosis can be very frustrating,especially as the negative thinking can have a field day during this time.
I am delighted that you have found a supportive GP.That is a big step forward.
Until you have your tests,try to adopt a one day at a time approach.
Eat properly,good fluid intake and rest properly.Make an effort to distract yourself-reading,music,etc.The negative thinking can only overwhelm you if you leave mind space for it.if your mind is engaged in positive action,you will not feel so down.
It is good to see that you are really trying to get these things out in the open.Congratulations on your effort.
Best wishes,

Hi Chalky, Thanks for the message, yes it is very frustrating waiting for a diagnosis, i'm just glad that i finally managed to find a GP who will investigate my symptoms, it has taken me quite a few attempts to find one who will take me seriously.

Does anyone get this symptoms? i've had this for a few days, basically it feels like someone has their fingers in my mouth or something, it's a weird feeling in the mouth and it never seems to go away and is very annoying.

Also for the past 4 weeks i have felt like there is something stuck in my throat, it feels like a golf ball or something, the doctor who i saw 4 weeks ago said it was to do with my tonsils and my tonsils were enlarged but they have gone down quite a lot now but the feeling is still there, it's uncomfortable when i swallow and it feels like something is there, i don't suffer with heartburn or anything so i don't think it is due to acid but i'm not sure whether anxiety can make you feel like something is stuck in your throat constantly for so long.

29-02-08, 16:12
Hi Yorkshireguy, look up 'globus hystericus' on this site -its the feeling of having a lump in your throat and down to anxiety, never fear!

01-03-08, 22:54
Just an update...............

I'm still feeling terrible unfortunately, i am managing 8-10 hours sleep per night but the thing is it doesn't seem to do me any good whatsoever.

Take last night for example i went to bed at 1am and i woke up a few times and i got up at 12pm so i had a fair amount of sleep.

By 6pm i felt so tired, it was overpowering and i had to have a nap, i had an hour's nap and now i am feeling very very tired again and it makes me feel very weak, it seem's to make me feel even more anxious as well which i find odd.

I am still very concerned that i have something serious/life threatening wrong with me, i know i am having some blood tests done on monday but even that seems a long time away and i won't get the results until friday and that seem's like years away to me, i don't think anxiety alone is responsible for these symptoms.

I presume if my blood tests come back negative then the doctor will just put my symptoms down to anxiety? i know other things can cause extreme tiredness and they cannot be picked up in a blood test.

I have felt bad in my time but i've never ever felt this bad, the overwhelming tiredness is terrible and very frustrating.

I keep feeling like i cannot breath as well but people say that my breathing looks fine from the outside so that's weird.

01-03-08, 23:42
Hi there,

Just wanted to say that I have been anaemic a few times in the past and it did make me feel like you have described. I was constantly tired and could easily sleep 12 hours at a time. Also the thing about feeling like you can't breathe properly was another symptom. I really don't think you have anything serious wrong with you and could be either something like anaemia or could be down to anxiety and maybe depression?

Please let us know how you get on with the blood tests.

Hope I have helped a bit!

Nikki x

01-03-08, 23:53
Hi there,

Just wanted to say that I have been anaemic a few times in the past and it did make me feel like you have described. I was constantly tired and could easily sleep 12 hours at a time. Also the thing about feeling like you can't breathe properly was another symptom. I really don't think you have anything serious wrong with you and could be either something like anaemia or could be down to anxiety and maybe depression?

Please let us know how you get on with the blood tests.

Hope I have helped a bit!

Nikki x

Hi Nikki,

Thank you for your reply, your advice is much appreciated :)

I have been thinking about anaemia for the past week or two, i do have some symptoms of anaemia such as feeling tired all the time, shortness of breath, also my whole body feels very weak and i know weakness is a symptom of anaemia as well, it could be anaemia or it could be something more serious (hopefully not though).

I could sleep all day & night and i wouldn't feel any better, well i don't feel too bad for the first 3 or 4 hours after getting up but after that time i start getting very tired and very weak and start getting other symptoms as well, i don't usually look forward to going to bed but recently i do because it's the only time when i don't feel all these symptoms and constant tiredness.

My pulse seems quite fast recently as well, i am also more aware of my heartbeat, also i have some tenderness around the left breast area and it feels very bad especially if i touch it slightly, i mentioned this to the doctor but he didn't say anything about it.

I'm just hoping that the blood tests come back negative.

06-04-08, 11:25
Tell them you want a blood test, I had a virus and was very run down and stressed and my symptoms were still there after 6 months eventually got the doc to give me a blood test and I have low B12 which can cause your symptoms, try some B12 tablets if they won't give you a blood test they can't hurt you only help if it is this.