View Full Version : Panic out of nowhere

23-02-08, 19:53
Does anyone else find that panic attacks come on for no reason what so ever...for example I've been fine all day, which is rare this week....but I am just starting to feel as if I have a brain tumour again, out of no where... I dont understand how this can JUST be panic attack...why do they come on for no reason, and why do they mess with how you feel SO much... :(

23-02-08, 19:58
When your body is in a sensitized state panic can flash at any time. I think the better question is why do you think you have a brain tumor?

23-02-08, 20:01
I dont know really...I just start to worry I do as the panic comes out of no where and then I get a numb feeling and a slight headache...but that could be just the result of panic...?

24-02-08, 02:32
Yes it can very easily be a symptom of panic...remember your body is stressed and it's telling you that...but it's not harmful and will pass every time...

Have you been seen by a doctor?

24-02-08, 19:50
Hi there,

When we suffer our first panic, there is always a trigger for the first, it may be that you have had truama in your past or, weeks months or years of stress. From what I know, this first panic is a warning, its your minds way of telling you your sooo stressed, try to destress yourself, address your problem, problems, but any other panic after that is fear of another panic attack, your body and mind stays on high alert looking for danger, so any feeling you feel with your body, you will notice and you question these feeling and ALWAYS come up with something negative, eg, brain tumour, you have to try, dame hard to replace these type of negative thnking with more positive reasuring ones.

Have you notice how panic, anxiety, does NOT have anything good or nice to say, it all has to be horrible and scary, panic, anxiety needs scary thoughts to survive, feed, the scary thoughts with more scary thoughts and your anxiety levels get higher and higher, till, pop, PANIC.

Hun, when scary thoughts jump in, replace them thoughts as quick as you can with happy thoughts, try using distraction, if you find it hard, right your positive thinking down, put peices of paper around the house with positive thoughts on so you can grab them to remind you of what positive thoughts you should try and put into your mind.

I was tought, BY THIS GREAT SITE, to label my panic, anxiety, 0 being normal, 10 being full blown panic, learn what is the worse for you, learn, what is panic and what is anxiety. 10 is panic and everything in between is higher or lower levels of anxiety.

By doing this, when you hit full blown panic and you use your distraction, you will find that your level of panic drops to levels of anxiety. From what I have been told, panic in full blown only last for seconds or a few mins, then drops to anxiety, lets say a 9 8 or a 7 then drops again and goes away, or when you are acute with panic, anxiety, its possble for you to stay on a highter lever for awhile. If you feed your anxiety after panic, with scary thoughts, this will rise your levels of anxiaty and pop, panic, so on and so on.

I know for me, when I was acute, I was on alert 24/7, this was say, a 3 level of anxiety, my mind was looking for danger all the time, I had a hell of alot of scary thoughts, some of them I am ashamed to mention, sooo, on altert all the time, scary thoughts more scary thoughts, anxiety levels getting highter, highter, more scary, thoughts,hence, panic.

I am trying to help you understand, that all symptoms, are not panic OR panic related, they ARE anxiety related and anxiety symptoms, BUT, anxiety symptoms DO NOT always lead you to 10, which is full blown panic.

So hun, your feeling of having a brain tumour, is this YOUR 10, or is it a level of anxiety? levels of anxiety can be scary too, but there not your 10.

I found when I labeled it like this and gave my anxiety levels, If I hit a 10, I uesed distraction, singing, dancing, ohh and many other things, I did notice the drop and if I had any other symptoms I would give them a lower number, to make it less important, by doing this, using a hell of alot of positive self talk, the feelings always passed.

The fear of a brain tumour was one of mine too, I had had checks by my gp soo I had this good memory to recall on, told myself at that time, that these thoughts where Mrs anxiety playing with me, I am fine it will pass and would always go do something with my kids, games, anything to distract me away from the scary thoughts.

You may notice, that one day you feel fine, than BANG, full blown panic, 0 to 10 in a second, which seems to have come without warning, hun, at the mo, you have programmed your mind to think that any different changes within your bodys leads to panic and fear, Please try and remember, anxiety symptoms do not always lead to panic.

I do feel for you hun and I know how scary this is, the mind IS a powerfull thing, try to understand that FOR NOW, just for now, your panic button is stuck, YOU CAN unstick it,

What help and support are you getting at the mo, do you have anyone you can talk to at home? I found talking to my mum and sis, about this site helped lots, they where my rock and still are.

So, what evidance do you have, that you have a brain tumour, I used to ask myself this, mmm, and say to myself, cos, Mrs anxiety, Mr panic, told me so, mmm, but I know dame well, they NEVER have anything at all nice to say, so off I'd go, trying dame hard, AND IT IS HARD, changing my negative thinking to more positive reasuring ones, the feeling and the thoughts always passed.

It is great to haar you have been fine all day, ohh WELL DONE, Please don't be to hard on yourself hun,

I know that this may sound silly, but my negative thinking when I was acute was overwhelming, even making a cup of tea, I would prase myself, telling myself how nice my tea was LOL ohh boy, I was in a mess, I had to start somewhere. Day in, day out, I would put puch positive thinking into my head, even when talking about panic, anxiety to mum and sis, I would try and talk positive, eg, I WILL GET BETTER, did you know and go on to tell them all the symptoms of panic, anxiety and what I was leaning, this to me, was ME, trying to reprogramee my mind to believeing what I was reading.

I know when you are trying to recover, no matter what you are trying to do, Mr P, Mrs A is always there with there negative trying to trip you up, but I kept pushing, pushing, pushing, all the postive thoughts. Ohh boy, dame hard work.

I know its dame hard for you right now, but for NOW, JUST FOR NOW, eccept that you have panic, anxiety, BUT, keep telling yourself, YOU CAN GET BETTER see this and BELIEVE IT.

Hope this helps a little, even if it is just knowing, YOUR NOT ALONE and it IS possible to get better.



24-02-08, 20:08
Hi there. Has the panic come from nowhere or is it because tomorrow is monday and that means work and yu had an attack or friday and now you are scared. That's the nightmare that is panic.

Today I went to a garden centre. Somewhere I used to love going. While there I had 3 attacks and they were pretty bad but I had decided that no matter how bad they were I was not going to run back to the car even if I died on the spot I was not going to leave and if necessary I was going to come back and haunt it forever. It was hard and at first I really didn't think I'd manage it but I did and now I am so pleased. By the way I have convinced myself that I have a tumour in my throat so I know how scared you are. I hope things go well tomorrow.

25-02-08, 00:50
Hi there,

How are you today hun?

Thinking of you

wishing you well,


25-02-08, 21:02
Hello Panicsalot

I find its not where the pain is it is what you imagine. I first started imagining I had Cancer and I thought about being in hospital with my kids visiting me and the consultant telling me it was terminal. I would imagine the full works and would frighten myself stupid. So where am I going with this one, well what I mean is that it is not the ache or pain that worries us its the video that we attach to that ache or pain. People who are afraid to fly are afraid because they imagine the plane crashing and the fire and the screams and there children crying around there grave. This is enough to scare anyone. If we can stop the automated thoughts and visuals that these thought trigger we would have no anxiety.

Just a thought


26-02-08, 13:36
Hi there,

How are you today hun?

Thinking of you

wishing you well,


Hi Jill,

Was fine yesterday, but today is pretty bad, sitting at my desk TRYING to distract myself but feel TERRIBLE!! Just want these panic attacks to stop, I don't know why I'm having them!! Until I find out why I dont know how I'll be able to combat them! URGH!!x