View Full Version : general anxiety

14-03-05, 11:30
hi everyone
just to let you know that im feeling better today, as you know i had a throat infection, i was put on anti bs, well they upset my stomoch, i came of them on saturday, i think it was worse than the throat infection, i got to try and calm down again now, as my anxiety is at its worsed, do you think it will settle down[?]
luv sue:)

14-03-05, 11:44
Hi sue, i am sure it will calm down after you get over the trauma of the weekend. Hope you feel better soon

Rach xx

14-03-05, 12:16
Hi Sue

Of course it will settle down again mate.
It takes time to come back down again after feeling so stressed, but you will get there

take care

Elaine x

14-03-05, 13:54
Hiya Sue

Sure you're gonna settle down again really soon, you've had a rough old time with your throat and anti-b's. Glad to hear you're feeling a little better today hun.

Jo xxx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

14-03-05, 15:46
Hi Sue
Feeling ill brings everyone down and low in spirits. I'm sure after a couple more days you'll be feeling alot better.
Take care

14-03-05, 17:16
Glad to hear that you are doing better. Give it a few days and I'm sure you will have fully recovered. :D

14-03-05, 17:59
Hi Sue

Your anxiety will calm down, and as you thought the antibiotics upset your stomach and not the anxiety.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.