View Full Version : And again I've gotten myself into a panic...

23-02-08, 22:13
It's so fustrating, every little health thing that comes along and get into a huge panic.
Usually it sorts itself out, due to seeing Doctors or talking to my parents and friends, and I realise how irational I'm being.
Today it's my mouth.
I've had this small sore, and cut-ish thing on my tongue for about 6 weeks now, I'd just quit smoking when I noticed it. After getting into a huge panic about it being tongue cancer, or mouth cancer or something (which I know is silly, i'm only just turning 16 after all!) I realised it was probably due to one of my teeth.
I fell over on Christmas Day 2006 onto my kitchen worktop, I cut open my chin and the impact on my jaw chipped one of my back teeth.
It's very sharp because of it and I noticed the sore and pain on my tongue was around that tooth, so it all made sense.
I'd shown it breifly to my Doctor a few weeks ago who said that that was probably what it was, it's totally normal and it was nothing to worry myself about.
I went to the dentist on Thursday and they filed down my tooth, said to leave it a few weeks for my tongue to heal up, and if it still wasn't feeling better to go back and they'll file it down more.
It's only 2 days after and I'm getting panicky about it because my tongue doesn't feel better, and I've noticed 2 little parts of my gums hurting, totally normal stuff I know, but I'm getting so panicky about it :weep:
Agh i hate how irational I am.
What should I do?

24-02-08, 21:24

24-02-08, 21:35
Wait, and heal :) takes time to heal in the mouth cuz its always being poked&proded. Wait afew more days and then if its still like it talk to the doc
Try to stop thinking about it, listen to some music :)

24-02-08, 23:17
Acerimmer is right mouth things do take longer to heal. If its not getting bigger or showing signs of infection then I would try something like bongela on it to sooth. Also the tooth may need filing down some more so that will delay any healing. I bet you keep touching it too with other parts of your mouth cos that is what I would be doing. Really make yourself leave it alone. Oh yes what about using a good mouth wash or salt water rinse that might help it heal more quickly.

24-02-08, 23:18
one more thing well done for giving up smoking that is the best thing you will ever do for your health.

24-02-08, 23:26
Thank you :)
And thank you for the advice sheba2 and AceR1mmer.
It's tricky to leave alone, but I'll try my best.
My mouth is feeling pretty much fine today, it's just my tongue I'm worried about.
It isn't getting any bigger or showing any signs of infection, and I'll use the bonjela (luckily I have some in my cupboard!) and some salt**ter to wash it every day for a week.
If it isn't better by next week I'll pay another visit to the Dentist I think!
Do you think it's anything to worry about?



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24-02-08, 23:26
Oh I just realised that the salt water spelled something else, lol.

24-02-08, 23:31
No. If the doctor has seen it and the dentist then I'm sure they know what they are talking about. Leave it alone and get the tooth fixed if you need to. You'll be fine

24-02-08, 23:39
Thanks :)

25-02-08, 11:22
lol thats a nice way to trigger the forum filter:roflmao:

Yeah the salt water will stop any infection from even starting so you'll be fine,
if there was anything seriously wrong with your tongue, you would know about it way before now, and your doc&dentist would've noticed it before it even started.

Yup give it a week and then go from there, im sure it will be healed and you'd forgotten all about it times then:)

29-02-08, 02:24
So it's Thursday night and it hasn't healed up. I've been gargling with salt**ter every night.
It's so weird, it isn't healing up but it isn't getting worse. It doesn't hurt too bad, it never has really.
I'm getting really upset about it, I know it's silly but I can't help it.
I'm gonna ring the dentist in the morning and book and apointment, I'm sick of feeling so worried about this. Like when I went to the Doctors several times when I thought I was dying (anxiety/panic attack sypmtoms I didn't accept were actually anxiety symptoms haha), once I knew what it was I calmed down a lot.
I know though when this goes away the next little thing that comes along is gonna bug me too.
Agh :(
I'm so sick of this.

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29-02-08, 14:37
sounds like it probably is the tooth rubbing on it. Probably when you are asleep. The fact it hasn't got any worse is a good sign but the dentist should be able to put your mind at rest. Have you told them that you are worrying that it might be something worse.

29-02-08, 14:42
No, I didn't want to sound silly.
I showed it to the Doctor a few weeks ago, and said I was worried about it being serious, she said nothing to worry about.
Ah well.

29-02-08, 17:12
lol you should be banned from checking it in the mirror hun,
i told ya you gota wait a week at least, not 4days lol

Its not getting worse, thats a very good thing cuz if it was somthing to worry about it would be obviously alot worse by now so stop worrying, it heals very slowly in the mouth.

Keep gargling hun

Dont worry about sounding silly, doctors hear alot worse then that:)

29-02-08, 19:59
Lol, yeah I should probably ban myself!
I've already banned myself from googling symptoms though haha
Booked another appointment with the dentist for next Thursday, calmed down a lot about it now.

I keep thinking it's mouth cancer/tongue cancer or something. I've noticed the sore and cut-like thing since I quit smoking about 7 weeks ago, and I'm so worried it's due to that.
I'm only 16 and I was only smoking a few years so I know it's silly to be worrying about it now, especially since I've quit now (yay! by the way haha) but it keeps troubling me.

29-02-08, 22:38
lol hun if it was mouth/tongue cancer you would know!!! lol
have you seen pics of that? its gross and like huge!! u wud not mistake it lol and neither would ur dentist or doctor.
Good girl for giving up smoking, never saw what was so great about it myself, i gave up real easy.

Watched kettles never boil.........well they do but it takes fooking ages lol
so stop watching it hoping it'll be gone lol
distract yourself with making somthing or learning somthing:)

29-02-08, 23:06
Thanks for reassuring me haha.
I mean seriously, it's little things like that people say that make the world of difference!
I know deep down it can't be anything serious, when I first got bothered by all these little things the Doctors looked in my mouth and such, and so has the dentist, so they'd be able to tell.
I'm just worrying too much.
Thanks :)

29-02-08, 23:10
Yeah they are trained to detect the early signs of anything bad so if there not worried then neither should you be :)

Glad ive been helpfull:D
let me know how the dentist trip goes

29-02-08, 23:23
Will do!
Thanks again

29-02-08, 23:25
*bows* lol

01-03-08, 18:38
So my inside cheek's hurting a bit. I can't see any ulcers or anything, it just seems like maybe I've been biting it/poking it around or something?
But I've gotten really paranoid about it.
Argh :(

01-03-08, 19:00
you've most likely biten it, or you've got an ulcer that has'nt "appeared" yet, like still under the skin.

01-03-08, 19:04
Okay, cheers :)

01-03-08, 22:26
acerimmer is spot on alicia. your mouth is recovering well

01-03-08, 22:30
Yup im not just a pretty face ya know :yesyes: lol

06-03-08, 16:31
Oh my god.
I just came back from the dentist.
I showed it to her and said I was worried it was mouth cancer/tongue cancer.
She asked whether I smoked, so I said I quit 2 months ago, and I smoked for 2 and a half/3 years about 5-10 a day.
Whether I had any boyfriends/partners.
So I said "Oh god do you think it's serious?!"
And she said I doubt it's anything to worry about, try not to worry.
So I said I have anxiety/panic attacks and I will be worrying!
She said it could be a number of things, hormone deficiency, an infection, she doesn't know.
Cue me panicing big time, started hyperventilating.
She's referred me to the hospital to a specialist mouth/tongue guy.
I'm freaking out. I started crying hysterically when I left the chair and I haven't stopped since.
I just keep thinking I'm gonna die. I'm not even 16 and I'm gonna die because I smoked. I'm not gonna have a chance to be happy or have children or get married because of what a big idiot I am.
I can't wait the weeks until I see whoever's gonna see me.
I've got straight back into how I was weeks ago, stomach ache, don't want to eat, chest pains, I can barely walk, I can't stop crying and I just want to run away.
And I know I won't be able to sleep.
I can't believe this is happening to me.
Oh god :(

06-03-08, 16:43
Calm down, it cuz just be a normal infection, the mouth is prone to them,
whatever it is, its fixible.

06-03-08, 16:45
It's just the fact that they've referred me to the hospital.
I'm so scared

06-03-08, 16:52
it could be just to make 100% what it is, ur in professional hands

06-03-08, 16:53
I know, I just can't stop panicking.
This is just what I didn't want to happen.

06-03-08, 16:55
its a blessing in disguise, at least when the hospital looks at it they will tell u exactly whats going on so ur mind can be at ease.
pretty much all illnesses/infections are curable these days

06-03-08, 17:11
Hi alicia.

I know that this is difficult but slow down and think about this. All the dentist is doing is getting whatever it is checked out, You have told her that you are really worried about having mouth cancer and she could obviously see that. If she had just said no its fine you probably would have gone home and worried that she has missed something so she has suggested that yu have it checked at the hospital where they have the facilities to run any tests they think you need. She is trying to put your mind at rest. It is probably the dentists policy to have this checked out so that they are covered.

Had the sore got any worse since last week. Have you still got the rough tooth that could be aggravating it. Acerimmer is right the mouth can take a while to heal and isn't helped by all the action it gets from chewing etc. Now I know that it going to be impossible for you not to worry but your anxiety levels will ease off if you make sure you eat and sleep and get some fresh air regularly. Try and plan some things to take your mind off this. I'm sure you are fine.

06-03-08, 17:45
I wish "MOUTH/TONGUE CANCER" would stop flashing in my mind.
I know when I think about it logicially, if it is, then I will have caught it early and it can be treated. And there's a low mortality rate with it as well.
I just keep telling myself if it was serious I would have noticed and the dentist would have sent me to hospital quickly and urgently.
This is just the worst feeling in the world.
I don't want to eat, I don't want to do anything, I can't bear to see or hear from my friends.
I don't know what to do

06-03-08, 17:47
Hi alicia.

I know that this is difficult but slow down and think about this. All the dentist is doing is getting whatever it is checked out, You have told her that you are really worried about having mouth cancer and she could obviously see that. If she had just said no its fine you probably would have gone home and worried that she has missed something so she has suggested that yu have it checked at the hospital where they have the facilities to run any tests they think you need. She is trying to put your mind at rest. It is probably the dentists policy to have this checked out so that they are covered.

Had the sore got any worse since last week. Have you still got the rough tooth that could be aggravating it. Acerimmer is right the mouth can take a while to heal and isn't helped by all the action it gets from chewing etc. Now I know that it going to be impossible for you not to worry but your anxiety levels will ease off if you make sure you eat and sleep and get some fresh air regularly. Try and plan some things to take your mind off this. I'm sure you are fine.

It hasnt gotten any worse since last week, or since I first saw it.
And the dentist has filed down that tooth again.
I'll try my best, thank you.

06-03-08, 18:18
hello,i really feel for your anxiety over this latest worry of yours,you so remind me of myself at your age,ive had panic attacks that i can remember since the age of five years old.i too went from one thing to another worry worry worry all the time,thought i wouldnt see my sixteenth birthday and every birthday for many years and xmas,i too thought everything i got was somthing bad and would kill me,please take my advice although hard when your a panic striken person which i still am so dont think i have forgotten what its like to have panic attacks ,im 49 ive had six children.dont waste your life like i did worrying all the time.i was diagnosed as a death phobic when i was only 11.one phobia you cannot avoid.it ruined half my life when really logically there was no point in worrying.and like others have told you i dont think you have anything dreadful wrong i have just had a dental cyst removed from under a tooth which i was scared about it being somthing more sinister but they have told me its just a cyst and i accept that,my toungue got sores on it from broken teeth that were cutting my tounge and they took weeks to heal after i had the teeth removed.your sixteen enjoy your life.it really upsets me when someone so young is affected by panic attacks and fears about health.i hope you can try to see it for what it really is just a normal healing process in the mouth and your panicky personality sees somthing bad.best wishes linda

06-03-08, 19:26
Thanks for the advice guys.
I'm feeling a little better, but not much sadly.
I'm just so paranoid :(
Agh I just want this to all go away.

06-03-08, 19:31
try to take ur mind off it, talk to people in the chat or on msn, anything

06-03-08, 19:37
Ugh and now I feel sick.
I'm gonna try and watch tv or something.

06-03-08, 19:41
good thinking, watch somthing funny:)

06-03-08, 21:41
So it's 6 hours after I started getting hysterical now.
I'm still crying on and off, and I feel sick. Like I'm gonna throw up.
I'm hungry but I don't want to eat.
I know that's all due to anxiety.
This is so hard to cope with.
I keep thinking about how I'm going to die, and how people are gonna feel.

I'm sorry I keep going on about it.

06-03-08, 21:57
Hi alicia. You are really suffering and I am really feeling for you. If the dentist thought for one minute that this was a life threatening problem yu would be going to the hospital now not waiting for an appointment. I want to come and give you a real big hug. Is your mum with yu or any older family member. Do they know how bad you feel.

The not eating is making your anxiety worse. If you can have something maybe breakfast cereal or toast anything will do. Be a bit strict with yourself and say that if yu don't eat something you are going to make yourself much worse.

Come on just make yourself do that and then you can have a worry again.

06-03-08, 23:22
Thanks sheba2. My mother and father know how I'm feeling, and my mum's trying to comfort me as much as possible. She says that "hand on heart I don't think it's anything to worry about, like the dentist said."
They're being lovely bless them.
I made an emergency appointment with my therapist for tomorrow morning at 11am. I know he'll be helpful. He's a phycologist and I've been seeing him for nearly 2 years due to my previous problems with depression and anorexia.
I have to get the bus there (usually my mum takes me, but she's out tomorrow and can't cancel) which is scaring me a bit. I'm so worried I'm gonna have a panic on the bus. I'm gonna take my CD player, a magazine and listen to some music. Hopefully that'll be okay.
I ate some rice, and I'm gonna go eat some bread in a bit. I always lose my appetite when I get like this, I just make myself eat usually.
I'm gonna try and sleep in a bit, if I can't then I'm just gonna stay up and read/watch TV.
The hospital's next to the place where I have my therapy sessions, I'm so tempted to go there.
It's silly, but whenever I get worries like this I just want to run to the hospital and have them check me out/make me better.
I've tried to go several times before but my parents have stopped me.
They'd probably just think I'm mad.

07-03-08, 09:24
Only managed to sleep for less than an hour last night, if I don't sleep tonight I think I'll take some of the sleeping tablets I bought a while back to induce sleep.
Off for CBT now, got to get the bus which is scary.
Oh well.
Thanks for all the help guys, again, I apologise for going on about it all the time.

07-03-08, 18:26
Hope the therapy session went well and that you get some peace from the worry. You have been through a lot in the last while and going on the bus is a huge thing. Well done.

08-03-08, 20:21
Thanks :)
The CBT session went well, he's a great guy my therapist and calmed me down a lot.
I was feeling awful last night though, I spent 3 hours curled up in a ball, hysterical and crying my eyes out.
All I can think about is cancer and death.
My parents are trying my best to calm to me down, they keep repeating the fact that the dentist said it was nothing to worry about, that I'm being referred routine and not urgent and that I'm just taking this out of proportion.
After a few hours of being in this state I just fell asleep, it's so draining.
Woke up feeling awful, but I chatted to my friend for a while (didn't say anything about this though, I can't bear to) and I'm feeling a little better.

08-03-08, 20:32
even "IF" you had cancer you would'nt die, for a start it would be in its very begining stages and the hospital would fix that faster then you can say "omg cancer" lol
It seams the dentist just wants it looked at to cover their own back,
always best to be over-sure right? :)

08-03-08, 20:35
Thanks :)

08-03-08, 20:37
Welcome as always :)

08-03-08, 22:15
Hi alicia. you did well getting some sleep last night. it is so draining this panic lark. just wanted to say hi and send a hug to you and your family

08-03-08, 22:25
Thanks so much sheba2 and thanks again AceR1mmer.
Your being realy supportive :)

08-03-08, 22:28
You can thank us by healing ur tongue:yesyes:

18-03-08, 11:06
Good news guys!
My fabulous mother pushed the hospital quite a bit, and they gave me an appointment this morning (there'd been a cancellation).
I was so nervous about it for days, but happy I could get it out of the way.
After little sleep, and a PA yesterday I was a wreck this morning all the way into the chair.
The doctor was lovely, had a good look at it and around my mouth and throat and said it's just a small infection. nothing at all to worry about! And she prescirbed me some antibiotics for it.
I said how I was so nervous it was mouth cancer, and she said "Oh darling! It's nothing serious, don't worry."
She even said "In most mouth/tongue cases we tend to take some and send it off to be tested, but I honestly don't see any reason to here."
I'm so relieved to finally know what it is and for it to be no biggie.
I'm over the moon!
Yay :)
And it's my birthday tomorrow, so lots of happiness.


18-03-08, 13:40
:yesyes:great news! glad to hear it, told ya so lol :P

And happy birthday for tomorrow make sure you have a great one!!

18-03-08, 14:33
Thank you! haha :)