View Full Version : Going to doctors...

24-02-08, 00:19
Have any of you ever had experience with going to the doctors just for your mental symptoms? I guess I feel it's easier to talk to the GP if the anxiety is manifesting itself in physical form because you can prove it. I've been twice for my chest pain/ difficulty to breathe and have twice been told it's just worry. But lately, well for months, my symptoms have been in mental form. Every month,but especially in my PMT week, I'm plagued by nightmares, mood swings, panicky feelings, paranoia, insomnia and just general "feeling weird". It's really starting to get me down and drive me mad but I don't know how to approach the doctor about it or even if I should and if they could even do anything? Please help...

I've figured out that my anxiety stems from not being in control, when I think of all the things that scare me it's the thought of not being able to control what's happening or I won't be able to get away from it that overwhelms me, if that makes any difference.

24-02-08, 09:53
Yes I have been for just mental symptems, it is ok to go for just that. Tell them exactley how you've been feeling and you will get the help you need.
Let me know how it goes:flowers:

24-02-08, 22:29
It took me a long time to pluck up the courage to see gp for just (if only it were just) anxiety. I used to go for various 'physical' things and have had numerous unnecessary tests. The relief that came with just admitting that I was basically frightened of everything was immense a small cure in itself. Go and see him and explain with the help of notes or write them a letter first before you make the appointment. This really helped me get things down and in some order. Good luck

27-02-08, 06:30
Charlottie, sorry to hear of your symptoms. Last year I was at the emergency room 3 times in 3 months for panic attacks and anxiety. For about 6 months I battled with all the usual axiety fears, physical symptoms, and the sleep problems (nightmares, insomnia, etc.) Finally, I went to a wonderful doctor who first, took all my symptoms seriously and I had all the test, blood work, x-ray for the lump feeling in my throat and ruled out "everything horrible" as my doctor put it. We realized I was peri-menapausal (I'm only 47 years old) which can cause depression and axiety. Long story short, I am not on Cymbalta, lowest dosage, and I feel like I have my life back. It helped me to know that there was nothing pysically wrong with me and then all the mental stuff started to go away. Good luck to you.