View Full Version : struggling a bit

24-02-08, 10:05
For the past couple of days my anxiety has been bad, keep telling myself I have something wrong with me trying to argue with myself, have had the washing machine head and dizzyness thoughts going round and round non stop. Have kept going taken dogs out and done some craft work but keep thinking meds are not working now. Also I am worrying about stupid things like the dogs didn't wake me up this morning although I woke at the same time they ususally cry, worried I might have done them some harm by leaving them. I know these are just irrational fears but why are they back now?:huh:
Sorry if this seems a bit jumbled, just needed to get it out.

24-02-08, 13:37
hi mate

Sorry you seem to be having a bit of a blip. Is work getting you down which is affecting your anx at all.? Its a horrible feeling when you think the meds arent working anymore especially as your GP wants you to reduce so thers not much hope in him increasing it,

Hope you feel better soon

Love Joy

24-02-08, 14:10
Hi Joy , yes I have had a week of as it's half term and tried to get loads of work done but have been fafing about alot, I procrastinate for England but I always do it I won't learn, it's oh I,ll just have a cup of tea first or go on no more panic LOL, or I need to go to the shops I waste loads of time plus I work quite slowly which drives me mad.Iv'e been through all this in counselling and thought I had it sorted, sorry to go on. I do feel abit better after taking the dogs out , must get back yo work LOL:wacko:
Thanks for your reply

24-02-08, 15:46
anxiety gets worse when u think about it to much .... and question urself silly things ... its a natural feeling ... except some people worry more than others ! worrying doesnt get u ne where , just makes u worse , when u start to feel anxitious over something , dont worry to much about it ... u can either beat urself up over worry .... or just 4get bowt it !!!!!! ???? am i making sense ????!!!!! lifes to short to worry about things !!!!!!!!! i find doing exercise and going out side in the fresh air helps when ur feeling down ..

louise xx

24-02-08, 16:25
Hi Lesley,

You are not allowed to beat yourself up!!!

Half-term break is meant to be a break for you-faffing around is therefore compulsory.
Little setbacks happen along the way.
Tomorrow is another day.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

24-02-08, 17:03
Hello Lesley,

My half term was the week before last, and I had my baby grandson to stay for 4 nights. On one of those nights I also had my 3yr old grandson to stay overtoo.

Now, much as I love my little blokes to bits and we had a lovely fun time, I didn't really leave any time at all to recharge my batteries ready for going back to school last Monday.

So, make sure you take time for you - or you won't be any good to anybody, that's what I've had to learn even though I slipped a bit last week lol!!:blush:

Big hugs for you :hugs: :hugs:


24-02-08, 22:23
am I right in thinking you are a teacher? That all sounded so familiar. You look forward to the break plan loads of catching up tasks for both home and school and end up doing hardly anything then feel bad and useless and less than ready for the start of term.

I used to be a teacher. I loved the kids, loved education but just couldn't get the home/school ratio balanced. My anxiety and panic led to me being medically retired. I have full admiration for you all but please look after yourself you are all you've got.

25-02-08, 11:52
Thanks everyone for your advice,yes I am a teacher in adult education, and I now know I must make time for myself as you say if I am too stressed I will be no use to anybody. I do worry about my thoughts trying to accept them as Claire weeks advises but it is hard.Thanks chalky I will do abit if fafing later LOL:yesyes: Think I am a bit hard on myself sometimes:doh:
Hope you are all doing ok
Lesley:flowers: b