View Full Version : Can't stop crying, can't sleep

24-02-08, 11:07
A year ago I had sigoidoscopy and occult stoolblood test because I had had IBS symptoms for years but I started to get severe feeling of pressure in abdomen usually overnight preventing me sleeping. I also had all gyny bits checked out so nothing to do with that. Everything was normal. The pressure feelings came and went over year. I was told that to diagnose IBS I needed to have a colonoscopy so they had looked at all my colon but after reading the prep sheet I was terrified the prep solution would make me very ill not to mention terrified of the proceedure going wrong.

My GP suggested before xmas that as I had no red flag reasons for the colonsoocpy to canx it at that time and she said she could rearrange if need be. She did say she thought that I would panic about not having it as well so i couldn't win.

8 weeks ago I started waking up in morning with stabbing pains in lower back mainly right side, I have severe spinal degeneration and Dr thought it was causing the pain. BUT when I first wake up is when I have my bowel movements, usually 2-3 am loose then one late eve like sheep droppings! with mucus. I really can't tell if these pains are from my back or from my bowel as I def get pains in back just before I need a bowel movement but my back is also very stiff and painful.

I haven't been able to sleep for weeks - I lay in bed in a panic until I fall asleep about3am - the pressure feelings in abdomen is back at night which makes falling asleep hard anyway. I am only sleepoing for about 4 hrs then waking in a panic and then the stabbing pains in back start.

One part of me says just have the colonsocopy so I can stop worrying about my bowel but I know that I will get in such a panci about the prep that I will now know if its the prep maikng me ill or myself!

I feel as if I am shaking all the time and can't stop crying.

24-02-08, 20:08

pls try to not fret too much, i know this is so easier said then done, im fretting about a blood test as we speak...

i know of a lot of ppl who have had this test your speaking of and no probs...

my mum and stepdad both had one just a few months ago....no probs....

so i suggest you do it, like im getting my guts up to get blood test...i know its scary, but we will feel better for having had it done.....living with symptoms, and not knowing is awful...

ps: i have ibs, and know exactly how painful it can get. 2 days ago i got that shooting pain in my back to my butt...no very nice!!!! also, sometimes i also get woken up with the pain, gosh, when i think of the nights back n forth to the loo.........and the nausea while eating....mines been horrid to me lately, i just hate it....

you will be fine im sure.....and if you can deal wirh ibs,then you can handle anything.....good luck!