View Full Version : Hello...

24-02-08, 14:57
Hi everyone,

My name is Heather, I used to have an account on here a few years ago.
I went through a bad patch and found comfort in this website, I also made a very good friend, Who i'm still friends with today!

I find myself going through yet another hard time, So I decided to seek comfort here again, And i'm pleased to say it helps.

I suffer from Panic Disorder, OCD, And deppression.
I don't remember a time without it, Ever since I was small my parents knew something was wrong, They just thought I was shy.
It was'nt until early on in school they knew something was deffinetly wrong.
From around the age of 11 I was put on anti deppressents, I started seeing psycholigists and psychiatrists.
I'm 18 now, And still have the same problems, Although last year I could control them somewhat and was able to go out! To concerts and everything!

Then in December I took Glandular Fever, And my problems are back now worse than ever.
I was'nt fully aware of the symptoms of OCD, My several doctors never explained in detail, I only have come to realise today that i'm not going crazy! By reading the symptoms page I realise the thoughts I have are just my OCD, And it makes me quite angry that all these years I was'nt told that information!

I'm back to being anxious all the time, I take alot more than 4 panic attacks a month, I take sometimes 4 a day!

I'm so up and down all the time I don't know whether i'm coming or going.

I read some of your stories and it seems alot of you have been through traumatic problems that have lead to you feeling like this now.

And I just can't think why i'm like this, I never went through anything traumatising when I was young.
My Mum says she can't ever remember me being any other way, And neither can I.

I have a new psychiatrist and nurse coming out next week, I'm so nervous, I have been let down over the years by so many people who have claimed to want to help me.

My psycholigist mentioned they may want to start cognitive behavioural therapy and I noticed it on this site, Which puts my mind at rest a little, I just wonder whether maybe I have a chemical inbalance in my brain or something neurological is causing this? Maybe I should see about getting tests done? I just don't know anymore.

Anyway that's the short of my story, Which is actually quite long come to think of it, Sorry about that.

I welcome any messages or advice you have.

Thank you, And take care.


buzzing bees
24-02-08, 15:16
hi and welcome here youl make great friends on here but im sure you no it already , wel hi and welcome i hope your ok, take care

24-02-08, 15:19
hi and welcome here youl make great friends on here but im sure you no it already , wel hi and welcome i hope your ok, take care

Thank you xx.

24-02-08, 15:22
Hi Heather,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

24-02-08, 15:32
Hi Heather

Welcome back to the forum hun :)

I have been like this for as long as I can remember too, I can remember as young as 8 years old having intrusive thoughts and my Mum said I would come home from school calling myself stupid and beating myself up over something.

I think sometimes it may be in our "make-up" or maybe a parent has been anxious and we have picked up on it. My father was a really anxious person.

Anyway, I'm sure you will get great advice and support on here hun :)

Jo xxxxx

24-02-08, 15:34

i just resd ur post , never been on here b4 , this is my 1st time !! and im no good at typing (Very slow !!)
I just wanted to say i get really bad anxiety and panic attacks all the time , so i know wat ur going through ... its very hard 2 cope with ! and it can be so lonely ... coz u feel no 1 understands how ur feeling or how to help u .
I am 26 and have had panic attacks since i was 15 so i know exsactly wat a night mare it is , ive had so much help over the years ... and i am slowly not letting them rule my life ... like they have done 4 soooo long .
i am on anti depressants which i hate !!! but they do help alittle , i want u to know ur not alone , there r so many people who have these problems .. its amatter of changing the way u think easier said than done ! i think u rve gotta be keep urself busy doing things u like ... i know its hard to enjoy ne thing when u feel like this .... but u will get better in time .... if u keep positive and try not to focus and worry on the panicattacks .

lots of love

louise xx

24-02-08, 16:11
Hello Heather:welcome: to you! Glad you found the site helpful before and decided to return!

I don't think panxiety and panic necessarily have to have their root in something traumatic which may or may not have happened years ago. Life today is exceptionally stressful and fast-paced, and the increase in people suffering as we do is a clear indication of this.

The main thing sis to know that you're not alone - and you've already made that discovery!

Pleased to meet you!


24-02-08, 16:30
hiya heather :welcome: back to the forum its great to have you here :yesyes:. as you know you will get lots of support from all the great ppl here. i hope to talk to you in the chat room some time. hope we can be of some comfort to you hun. my daughter has cbt at the moment and she is just 14 and it seems to be helping. take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: .


24-02-08, 22:23
Hi Heather
Ive been reading a Claire Weeks book 'peace from nervous suffering' and she says that there does not have to be any deep rooted childhood trauma or event and that to find the cause isnt necessary for recovery. Sometimes you can spend too long trying to get to the root cause when it is pointless unless it is something obvious which you need to come to terms with. The main route to recovery is accepting what you have and learning to cope by breaking the cycle of fear by desensitizing yourself. I would definately recommend her books if you haven't read them already. You just have to get used to the old fashioned terminology.
Donna x

24-02-08, 22:29
Heyy Heather!!!!

Welcome back to NMP, huni! L:) :) :)

Nice to meet you! :)

Take care for now,

Chrissy xx

24-02-08, 23:13
Hi Heather,


You know that everyone on here knows what you are going through, they are great people, they will help and support.



25-02-08, 00:35
Hi Heather,

Welcome back to the site. I too have had anxiety and OCD since early childhood. I also did not have any trauma that I can recall. Many here have had huge success with CBT. I'm glad you came back here when you had a blip, which by the way a lot of us have, because as you know the support here is fantastic.



25-02-08, 12:24
Thank you everyone for your kind words, Advice and support.
It's lovely to meet you all. :)
You're all so sweet.

25-02-08, 12:37
Hi Heather and . . ..


Back to NMP

Lots of love

25-02-08, 16:31
Hello Heather Welcome Back To The Site........i Wish Ya Well.........linda

26-02-08, 17:51
Hi and a big warm welcome back to NMP you will get loads of good advice here and make lots of friends in the process, hope to catch you some time in chat

Take Care

Emma xxxx


26-02-08, 20:02
Hi Heather

Welcome back

What was your previous user name please and I can merge your old account in.


28-02-08, 17:37
Hi Heather and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

03-03-08, 18:23
Hiya Heather,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

03-03-08, 19:17

Welcome back to NMP, as you already know you will get lots of advise and support here and make many friends along the way......Don't forget to visit the chatroom !! :hugs: