View Full Version : Worried about long journey

24-02-08, 17:34

I suffer from panic attacks and am worried about a long journey I am going to make from the north west of england to the south east of england which will take about 7 hours. I will just be a passenger in the car, my partner will be driving. In the past I have had terrifying panic attacks in the car and cannot imagine how I will manage a 7 hour journey. I went on an hour long journey the other day and was exhausted at the end of it. It has been a couple of years since I have been very far from home. I feel i have got to give it a try as I have not seen my mum and sister for ages, my mum is getting on in years and I know she would love to see me. Has any one got any advice about how to deal with this? Or has anyone done a similar journey and coped?

To be honest I am not even 100% convinced I will make it - I know they say panic can't hurt you but I have got it into my head that because I have been on betablockers for 12 years and am now down to a very low dose 6mg! (due to side effects) that my heart will not be able to cope with all the panic after the 12 years of being protected by the betablockers. Has anyone come off betablockers after a long time and survived panic attacks? Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading this