View Full Version : really paniced and it is upsetting everyone close

24-02-08, 19:15
I suffer from health anxiety. But not sure how to get better I have been to the doctors a while back but they just say everything is stress. This weekend has been really bad ive been shaking and constantly worrying as my period is 2 weeks late and have pain in my stomach which i either think is period pain or appedix. I think i am going mad.
I have only just started a new job as well and stuggling to talk to anyone at work due to lack of confience.
my family is getting really upset and my partner wouldnt talk to me over lunch as he said i was constantly cecking my body.
Has anybody else been through this and how can i get better?

24-02-08, 19:44
I'm going through this currently, as I'm sure many other on this forum are, so trust me your not alone darling :)
On how to get better, I don't have a definitive answer on this.
Over only a month or so I've been feeling a lot better, it comes and goes, some days are worse than others, but I think I found my own ways of coping with it.
And the better I feel, the more the anxiety and stress related symptoms go away!
The only advice I can give is to is what I do to make myself feel better.
I just try to make things easier for myself, by trying to relax as much as possible. So I've started having long baths every night instead of showers, drinking lots of herbal teas, and getting plenty of sleep. And like I said above I'm feeling a lot better.
Whenever something to do with my health worries me, I just tell myself I'm being irrational, because really I know I am. And I talk to someone about it, usually my mother, who will also make me realise how irrational I'm being.
Whenever I feel particularly bad, like I did last night, I couldn't sleep so I just watched some of my favourite, light and uplifting programs on TV like FRIENDS and Sex And The City. Then I read more of my romantic comedy book and I was alright.
It's horrible I know, such an awful thing to go through, but you will get better.
Hope I've been of some help, and I hope you start feeling better soon


25-02-08, 08:45
why am i shaking?????

25-02-08, 11:29
You are probably shaking as your panicking. You have just started a new job and that is bound to test most people.

Alicajane has given you some very good advice/suggestions.

I suffer from HA now an again, and when I do its awful, mine always starts following stress, so its possible yours is stress related with starting a new job etc.

Try some of the advice and if it doesn't get better go back and see the doctor, I am much better now, but am on medication. It helps me, but think there are plenty of other thigs to try first.

25-02-08, 13:07
Hi C700,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Expecting non-sufferers to understand can be very hard.There is loads of information available to you,to print off this site which would enable you to educate your loved ones and also allow them to assist you in your recovery.
Whilst things may seem tough/impossible at the minute,your body has an amazing capacity to cope with stress/anxiety and you can and will overcome this.
Best wishes,

25-02-08, 18:53

Just wanted to say I understand. I have Health Anxiety. I obsessivly check my body. I thought I had a blood clot in my calf, so I used to go to the toilet very frequently and check my leg all the time, looking for differences between the legs, colour -everything. Completely obsessive.

I go through highs and lows, at the moment its a low. To help myself (and the ones I love :-) sometimes i go to bed, even if its at 7.30pm, read my book have a hot bath and I have found the radio to be a great source of comfort. Sometimes its best for me to be solitary and battle it on my own. We all have different methods though.

You will get through this - we all will.

Just want you to know I know how you feel :hugs:


26-02-08, 15:28
Anxiety makes us on a constant state of alert - it only takes a smaller trigger of adrenaline to trick us into all the symptoms of panic - and that includes shaking. Accept that your body is reacting the only way it knows how at the moment, its very clever really looking after you in this way. Once you can accept this you will begin to relax and your shaking will ease. It might seem obvious - but you can't panic and relax at the same time, so anything you can do to lessen anxiety and focus on good stuff will really help.
Be kind to yourself