View Full Version : Ok here goes....

24-02-08, 20:34
Ok lost my father and now my aunt.

I woke this morning, memory shot, feel lightheaded all the time and after going to the toilet I had fresh blood on the paper. Now I'm terrified. Illness is all I can see around me, people dying, people with cancer. Scary mess ups at the hospitals. I have a muscular type pain that comes and goes near the fold between my left leg and my stomach button., my groin area, I have had a colonoscopy just after xmas and it was OK. Then I was worrying about my bad memory lately and if I was losing it. I would not want my family to see me become ill slowly like my father and I was planing if I became terminally ill how I would finish it. I have never thought like this before it is really worrying me.


24-02-08, 20:54
I'm so sorry to hear about your dad and aunt, I wish we could all see our own problems as clearly as someone else's, the way you are feeling is because of what you have had to go through and it's your mind playing on your worst fears! and the fresh blood could be a number of less sinister things than what you are thinking and your colonoscopy would have shown anything untoward anyway as it wasn't that long ago you had it done. and as for memory loss that is all anxiety related too especially if you have had alot of other things on your mind latley, i'm only 28 and i forget things all the time, even in the middle of a conversation i suddenly forget what i'm talking about, i drive my hubby up the wall as he has to constantly remind me what we are talking about, i blame it on being 8 months pregnant but i was just as bad before lol!!! I hope your feeling better soon, have you got family or friends to talk to about how you feel

24-02-08, 21:06
Hi Mee,

There are a number of non-sinister explanations for the blood-even a simple tiny tear in the rectum could cause this.
Anxiety can be a pig at times.
We all know people who are unwell or who have died.We also know lots of people who are well but our anxiety tends to prevent us from thinking of them.
Good news travels fast,bad news travels faster.
You will be ok.
Best wishes,

24-02-08, 21:23
I once passed some blood as well, and it's just due to like chalky said, a tear in the rectum.
I freaked out when it first happened, mostly to my Dad who calmed me down and I soon found out what it was.
It went away in a few weeks and was fine.

Whenever anyone with health anxiety has something small happen with their body, we assume the worst unnecessarily.
And the more you think about it, the worse the pain feels, and then the more we assume it's something bad and so on and so on.
I do uit all the time, but I just keep telling myself that I'm being irrational.

You'll be alright darling :)

24-02-08, 22:00

Strees can cause lots of wind and your stools will come out like slush, which causes slight tear, causing fresh blood.
