View Full Version : Going back to Work after 3 years

24-02-08, 23:15
Hi Everyone,

Sorry not to sure what forum to post this in :blush:

Just dropping back in after about 8 months on medication. Glad to say things have changed for the better. Had the some low times, but in general life is alot better :yesyes:. Been up to a friend's wedding, eating out everything I wanted to do that my anxiety / depression always stopped me doing in the past.

My next step is to start back at work and there lies my problem. I've been out of work coming up 3 years now. I'm 26 years old, and have a degree etc. I just don't know how to explain this in my C.V. I can only see putting down about my health issues will get me less interviews.

Was wondering what other people did in similar situations? Is it better to lie.. just don't want to get myself into trouble later on.. Once i can sort out my C.V I would feel confident applying again.


25-02-08, 02:15
Hello Johno,
I just want to say congratulations!
It's so wonderful your feeling so much better.
And good on you going to your friend's wedding and eating out, it's great your able to do those things now.
Well done mate :)

I'm not sure how much help I can be with the CV sadly, I've never had a job before!
But I'm currently trying to put my own CV together, and I'm finding it very tricky.
I've been out of school for years due to my depression/anxiety problems and so I don't have many qualifications and the such.
So I'm finding it tricky to figure out how to explain this, much like you are.
Hopefully having someone in a similar situation will be of some comfort,
Best wishes


25-02-08, 08:16

im in a similar boat....i didnt work for 3 years- too hard with GAD.... ive just finished a degree and also wasnt sure how to handle work...ive been back coming up 3 weeks now, and a bit tired, and little wobbly, but enjoying it, and loving making money again...lol.....i havent told them about my issues, but figure if they arise, then i will tell them then.....like you i figured it wouldnt help me get a job.....so far, so good...left early one day feeling off, but been able to hang in there, and i think it will get easier as time goes and you get comfortable with your surroundings.....im just taking each day as it comes, and thinking ill just do the best i can...i dont want to push myself too much, so lots of deep breathing...lol...

good luck!

25-02-08, 08:54
Hi, I wouldn't worry about it, so many people are unemployed and having a degree doesn't always make it any easier !

By the way I am 44 with no degree but have nephews with them and know how tough it is.

Best just to write the CV and not mention anything unless they ask, then just do a great interview and you should have a job in no-time.

My nephew Scott who is 26 was working abroad and contacted Malaria about 4 years ago, he was very poorly for a long time, and it caused some degree of depression also. He is a bit mad anyway lol and applied for a degree course at Oxford University, went for the interview and was accepted, he was the only one there in jeans and a t-shirt and a hand-written CV lol !! However he decided not to take up the placement, and secured himself a great job working at Manchester University.
He still has 'issues' but this does not effect his work.

You have to look to the future, not explain your past. And I believe that going through a tough time makes us so much stronger and more willing to make a go of it !!

All the luck in the world !! :hugs:

Christine xx :flowers:

25-02-08, 21:42
Thanks for the fast replies and confidence :flowers:

What I'm finding the hardest, is that if you look at my C.V the last thing that happened was 3 years ago. So when I apply, one of the first things I would have to explain is what I was doing for the last 3 years ><. Some people mentioned I should just make up I was on an OE, etc but I don't want to get stuck into a endless lie situation that could come back to bite me.

Or I could say I've 3 years of downtime due to health issues, but I'm sure most recruiters wouldn't favour that much either, worrying I could have it come up again.

When I last applied for a job about 2 years ago, I often was grilled about what I have been doing in the last 1 year, but it was easy to bluff that off to having recently graduated and decided to travel. 3 years is hard for me to explain :blush:

Good to hear other people have transitioned back into work though :yesyes:

25-02-08, 21:58
Hmm, in all honesty Johno, I don't think people would react that badly hearing that you suffered from anxiety/depression.
I would hope in most cases they'd be understanding and sympathetic.
These things happen to a lot of people, it's not uncommon.
And besides, if somewhere doesn't hire you purely because of your past problems with anxiety, would you really want to work there anyway?
Whenever people asked me why I was out of school and had been for several years, I would always panic and make up stories.
One day, I just told people that I'd suffered from depression and an eating disorder, and found that people didn't judge me as much as I'd feared, and were in general very understanding.
Hope all goes well for you,
