View Full Version : Going down hill fast...

25-02-08, 07:06

Tried to get to sleep last night in front of TV and my chest started to tighten up so I got up and had a propropanol 40mg. Went to bed and slept until 5.35am this morning. As soon as I was consious that I was awake I
started with a head rush. Tis made me feel anxious and agitated so I quickly got up and tried to occupy myself. The problem is I am so tierd and when I sit down for a while the head rushes and head zaps start. Then I feel that I am not really here, I feel very unsteady and anxious that I wont be able to perform the days tasks. I real feel that I am going downhill fast...my only problem is how bad can it get? I know if I go to the docs that reality check usually sets me off and the panics start and then I make irrational judgments etc..Strange thing is after two bereavements in quick succession I feel this is the cause except I cannot identify any specific negative thoughts..I do feel very low at the moment and need to get out with some happy people, if I could identify any negative thoughts that were causing these symptoms I am sure I can reassure myself that it is anxiety again, the only problem is that I can identify reasons why I should be anxious but no specific thoughts and so I am worried that this is not anxiety related and that I am losing my mind!!

Any reassurance greatly recieved.


25-02-08, 08:03
Mee you are not losing your mind.

Even though you say the two bereavements haven't given you negative thoughts. Our unconcious mind does believe it, and usually that is where all our emotions come from.

You are doing the right thing by talking about it, a problem shared is a problem halved.

Firstly these daily tasks you are refering to, guess what? Even if you did try to do them today, they would only be there again the next day.

So do yourself a favour and have a day off and have a good rest. Do something you enjoy doing to relax, maybe watch the mid-day movie on Tele, or read a good book.

When we feel like this, the best meds out there is a spoonful of love for ourselves and a relaxing day.

You also say you feel like that maybe going out with some happy people would help. Do you have some friends you can call?

If no-one is available at the moment, I started a thread a couple of w/ends ago, under 'humor'. I've been told they were pretty funny. Go and have a look at them for some light relief.

I'm also here if you want to talk.

I love postive feed-back just like everyone else, as every positive comment we recieve helps to build our self esteem, so let me know what you thought of the jokes I've posted. I slaved over a hot computer terminal for 14 hours to post them. :)

PS: You are not going mad!!!

25-02-08, 18:17
Just a suggestion to calm your brain down. Try going onto an on-line game site like Pogo (www.pogo.com (http://www.pogo.com)). They have lots of easy games that get your attention without being taxing. I find It's a very good way to vegitate and stop my mind rambling. I also like watching the chat scrolling down the side too. It's often better than daytime tv.

On-going try doing meditation. Easiest is to simply concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold breath for two, breathe out for six seconds, hold for two. Concentrate all the time on the air going in and out of your lungs. If you start thinking of anything else just refocus back on your breathing. Do that for about 15 mins a day first thing in the morning or last at night.... It is a bit boring mind you (well ok a lot), but if you can persevere your anxiety levels will lower, or you will fall asleep.


25-02-08, 18:54
Thanks to both inchy and sarajane.

Its great to fell you have someone to talk to.

Sadly it gets worse today. I went out today on a long drive and by about 3 o'clock I was starving and I had a tight chest and acid reflux, I HOPE, I started to think may be it was my heart and my chest felt tight again, I then got really light headed so I tried to tell myself it was because I had not eaten for so long. I got a sandwich and a vannilla slice from the local store where I was, and ate it . I was driving home which was a good 2 hours away and I kept belching but I felt really wierd and disorentated. I could feel the skin on my head tightning and it felt like someone was pulling my head to one side. I then felt like I was going to pass out but of course I didn't, good job as I would have caused a major accident. It felt as if you where extremly tierd and was about to fall asleep at the wheel. It was very frightning. I returned home and still felt very unsteady. I am sitting here and my scalp feels tight there is a tightness accross my breastbone and I feel quiet lightheaded and unsteady on my feet.

Can anyone explain the symptoms? I just beat one set of symptoms then I get some more. 12 months ago I had a heart echo scan, Numerous ECG's taken, a night in Hospital, a Exersise test, 24 hour tape. Nothing was found. Could my heart over the last 12 months developed a problem?


25-02-08, 18:58
I just wanted you to know that I get dizzy and very dis orientated at times. I can't see straight, I feel like I am on a boat, or sometimes drunk.

I just turn the radio up.This morning I sang along to the radio. Trying to focus.
The other day I was in Sainsburys and was convinced that I was going to fall over.

I sympathise......


25-02-08, 21:37
Hi there.

Those feelings yu discribed are exactly what I got especially when driving. I know that they are pure anxiety. What I did is sing nursery rhymes (don't know why) really loudly and open the window. If it gets really bad I pull over and get out of the car and have a break for a few minutes. This definately helped but I became so scared that I would crash that I stopped driving for nearly 2 years. As I have regained control of my anxiety so the symptoms have gone and tonight I have driven for the first time. Only 10 miles but wow it was great. My point being that those symptoms never escalated into anything serious I was fine all along just anxious.