View Full Version : Major Health Anxiety - Palpitations Etc...

25-02-08, 09:09
Hey Guys

Well this is a great website and I finally don't feel so alone :)

I have suffered with Health Anxiety/Panic attacks for some time now. However I have had a bit of a scare.

I have been having palpitations which last only a second or so quite regularly. Anyway I frightened myself and went into a major panic attack and ended up going to hospital as i thought I was dying :-(
So queue a month later, I mentioned to my GP that I was having palptiations and that my anxiety was back with a vengenance and she asked for me to have an ECG which I have had.
The results came back and there is a bit of an abnormality. And she mentioned that it could be Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome. I had no idea what it is. Anyway I googled it - what a huge mistake. The first thing that comes up is this sudden adult death syndrome. Well I have been ill ever since, panicking, thinking I am going to die anytime soon. But that is rare, and its quite treatable.
I have to go back to the doctors tonight for the results of what the cardiologist said, and I am so scared. I am a wreck have had some major panic attacks.
I have two beautiful children and a great partner the thought of me leaving them feels me with dread. I know this sounds really dramatic, but I am finding it so hard.
I don't know when to trust my body as I never know is it real pain/anxiety.

This is so so hard.....


25-02-08, 09:27
oh Emira , you are not gonna leave your hubby and kids :hugs: ,
never trust gps who say it might be this , or it might be that :lac: ,

until you get the final results you dont know whats going on and even if you do have something then they can put it right !!!
Ive got family members who have had heart trouble and the things they have had done are amazing and they are now living full lives:yesyes: .

Im sure you will be fine but when we have anxiety on top then it makes it feel 100 times worse doesnt it ?

Good luck for your appointment and let us know how you get on:hugs:

25-02-08, 09:31
I just feel useless. I cannot bare the the thought of having something wrong. My appointment is at 5.30 today and that just feels like its an age away it really does.
I feel like I am barely getting through each day. How will I cope. I am having palpitations today and I want to cry. I am at work so should try and keep busy.

I feel so hopeless, like I can't do anything properly. Having anxiety like this is like being trapped in my own mind./thoughts. I am in a whirl of negative thinking.

25-02-08, 11:46
hiya emira

please try to stay calm hun i am sure it is nothing to worry about .

i get palps every day , when i first went to the doc he sead the same thing (might be this ...might be another )turns out i was just having ectopic heart beats my heart was fine no problems .
if i google what i am getting like ectopics all sorts comes up it says i could have all kinds of things ,and at the end of the day they are just palps nothing to worry about i am sure you are going to be just the same hun i am sure of it .
let us know how you get on hun

jodie xx:hugs:

25-02-08, 11:54

That helps to know you have/are going through the same thing. Some days I get loads, other days just 1/2. My ECG has been sent off to a cardiologist so I find out tonight if anything else needs to be done.
On my ECG it showed a little blip on the heart line.

I am so paranoid, I over ananlyse everything to the enth degree. I hope its nothing serious. This syndrome can cause sudden death, although thats rare. I have such a fear of getting ill and dying. I have obsessed about most illnesses/conditions


25-02-08, 13:01
Hi Emira,

Sorry to hear about your worries.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
It seems that your Doctor is being very thorough in checking this out.
I hope your results later prove to be re-assuring.
Best wishes,

25-02-08, 18:26
Hey Guys

Well I got back from the doctor and thankfully the ECG is nothing to worry about. So thats something.:)
Now comes the dealing with this Anxiety. My doc has put me back on antidepressants.I am also taking sleeping tablets. AndI have to go back in a fortnight to see how I am doing.

She also mentioned CBH - has anyone tried it?

Thanks for your advice today - how much you all helped you will never know. I will also continue to use this board as it is such a good support function.


25-02-08, 18:35

i am so pleased your ecg was ok i bet you are so glad and relieved.

keep coming back to nmp for the support and meet people who are going through the same symptoms as you are .

jodie xxx