View Full Version : 4 panic attacks in 1 weekend (on a downward spiral)

25-02-08, 09:58
Hiya all

On Saturday I experienced a panic attack infront of my fiancé as I was telling him about my last relationship. The attack was unexpected. The next day, about 8 in the evening, I was doing some college work on the affects of adrenaline ... and we all know what the effects of adrenaline are like, a panic attack. So I could feel my body mimmicking the actions so I decided to stop and just surf the web. About 10ish I had another attack, it was just totally out of my control but not only did I just have the one that evening, I had 3!!

It was a horrible experience, where I had been on high alert with adrenaline for about 3 hours my body just went limp. I laid on my bed physically exhausted yet mentally I was still alert, I could feel my own body going to sleep before I did. As my body started to wake up again the attack came back, then stopped as I felt tired again, then came back. I didn't fall asleep until 1am.

The weird thing as well was that I never cry but last night I did ... I don't know whether it was because I was fed up, scared or tired.

I still feel like I'm on high alert and if I don't keep my cool I feel as though I could have another attack. I'm at college at the moment I just can't concentrate because I'm concentrating more on keeping this attack from bay. But I also feel alone and helpless. I remember posting a thread here saying that I was cured and I didn't have an attack for over a year and a half, I seem to be having them weekly and itis making me tired and irritable, and upset.

Sorry to waste your time, I just feel so ... poo today.

25-02-08, 11:36
Sorry your not feeling good today. It doesn't mean your on a downward spiral, it might have just been a blip, take each day as it comes.

I often have no PA for ages and then 4 in one day. then nothing again for weeks/months.

25-02-08, 12:16
Hello Jadey !
I think we can all relaye to poo days like this !
Log on to : www.tapping.com (http://www.tapping.com) where there are loads of FREE videos to learn how to do EFT so you can bring dodwn this panic.

It costs nothing so give it a try.

Be kind to yourself

25-02-08, 12:30
Hi there hope you are ok.

Was there something about your previous relationship that was unpleasant that brought back feelings of panic? or did talking about it just remind yu of a time when you panicked. Or were you just anxious while you spoke about it. Any of these reasons would have been enough to trigger a panicky feeling. Don't forget that even people who don't suffer from repeated panic attacks still have feelings of panic occasionally its what we are meant to do. Because you have had bad experiences with panic in the past your brain knows how to react more strongly it has probably had lots of practise. But it doesn't mean you have to let it go down that path. Yesterdy was just that a bad day today is not a repeat of yesterday.

25-02-08, 12:32
Hi Jadey,

Sorry to hear about your problems.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

At the same time,it is good that you have been able to identify why they happened.
Telling your fiance about your previous relationship is a biggie and has clearly set the ball rolling.
Your body has then gone into a sate of higher alert following this and has enabled the subsequent attacks to happen.
It is more important than ever that you focus on the things which have helped you over the long-term to stop your attacks.
Go back to basics and take things easy.Keep things simple for a few days.
This is just a blip not back to square one!!!
You can cope with this.
Best wishes,

25-02-08, 13:00
Hiya all and thanks for your messages

My fiancé and I were roleplaying what would have happened on 1st october 2006, the day I dumped my ex.

We went back to reality and when I told him what happened when I was young I had an attack and started crying.

Basically, I was 15 and my ex boyfriend wanted to have sex. At that age I still thought sex was icky and ew. For a week my ex got more and more serious about having sex with me to the point where I got scared. I told him numerous times that I wanted to wait until I was 16 but he wouldn't have any of it. So I ended up loosing my viginity at 15, too young! Since then I have felt like a slut. I only did it with him at the time because I was scared of loosing him because (god help me) I loved him. Since then it has really affected me and there is nothing I can do about it.

I'm at college at the moment, neptuno, but I will definatly check that link out when I am back from work.

Thanks again all

25-02-08, 21:43
I think sometimes crying relieves a bit of tension. I dont cry often, but when I do It is a release. We should all do it a bit more often.
I hope you feel better soon.
Oh and have you spoken to ur Doctor. Beta blockers can help with the effects of adrenaline and, if they are right for you can really help.:)

25-02-08, 22:39
Gosh, I'm one of these people who absolutely hates crying, I only cry if I can't hold it back. Gah! Lol.

Anyway, I've been too scared to go to the doctors, I don't know why. I went about my pill and frozen shoulder yet I won't go for my attacks. My tutors kep pestering me to go to the doctors though my personal tutor has/will email the college counsellor on my behalf. If I need to be refered to a doctor he'll tell me (I hope I don't need to but my attacks are ruling my life).

God I feel so crap. I've just had a 12 hour day, been at college from 9am - 4pm and walked straight to work, started at 5 (takes ages to walk there) and finished after 9pm. I thought I would be tired but instead I'm on high alert again. If I let myself go and have an attack this will ebt he 5th attack in 3 days in a row!

I just want it all to end!!!!!!!!!!!