View Full Version : Concentration/spelling mistakes/speech problems

25-02-08, 13:33
Hello all,

I'm pretty freaked out by (yet more) stuff going on with me at the mo; I keep making uncharacteristic spelling mistakes particularly when I'm writing by hand, and my typing has gotten worse as well -this is only well spelled after a lot of back-spacing.

I keep making mistakes in my speech as well; mis-pronouncing things and stumbling over my words.

It doesn't seem to be too severe but its enough to cause me concern and some degree of panic. Off to the doc's again tomorrow morning -terrified she's going to send me to a neurologist although that would at least be something.

Anyone else suffer from this? I'm just about at my wit's end.

Ed x

Pink Panic
25-02-08, 13:37
Hi Howler,

I get this a lot when i'm anx. It's really frustrating and worrying but it does ease hun.


25-02-08, 13:42
Thanks Pink Panic, I know its silly but that's nice to hear. The thing is I keep on thinking I've recovered and not suffering from anxiety any more cos I'm distracted, which is when these things seem to hit me. I don't know if I've just got some sort of 'undercurrent' of anxiety thats with me even if I'm in a good mood?

It could also be down to the fact that my concentration level is ridiculous at the mo, I'm trying to say and do things on 'autopilot' as I normally would and it doesn't seem to work. Started taking Ginkgo Biloba and 5-HTP to see if I can improve things...

Ed x

25-02-08, 16:10
Oh get this all the time convinced I have dementia , I will be speaking to my students and will forget what I'm talking about have to laugh it of and say I will be with you in a minute, or I can't get the right words out. All anx:ohmy:
Hope you feel better soon:hugs:

26-02-08, 06:30
I get this all the time when i'm anxious. My hubby says I go very quiet when I am having a bad time of it. Truth is, my brain is going a million miles an hour and i'm not listening properly to things people say to me - so i come over as someone who is quite vague or vacant!!!! I also have difficulty word finding and remembering things (also convinced myself I have early dementia!!!)
I often think, if I could stop this incessant chatter in my brain - I might actually get something worthwhile out of my mouth lol.
I also feel that even though my brain is racing - my body is in slow motion (really wierd). I'm either dashing around like someone obsessed - or, I cant be bothered to do anything.
I do know, that when I feel well (anxiety is low, no aches and pains, breathing normally etc) I feel I could conquer the world.
I have learnt to enjoy the good days and try and accept the bad days - not easy though.

take care
Judi xxxxx

26-02-08, 10:30
Yep I'm very good at convincing myself I'm coming down with early dementia as well! Not great when googling all your symptoms results in the suggestion of said illness... really must stop doing that; google is the hypochondriac's worst enemy. I wish I could stop all my mind chatter too, its exhuasting.

Ed x

29-02-08, 13:31
Judipat, are we related? Just read your reply and I am going through exactly the same thing. Just glad to know i'm not the only one and i'm not going mad! Well, I hope i'm not!!!:blush:

29-02-08, 13:42
This symtom is what has kicked me off big time, I am feeling anxious and then I get as though I cannot get my words out or my mind goes blank for a few seconds then I start panicking I worry about early dementia too but I have not looked it up on the net, don't want to, too scared. (anyway a famous quote says "BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU LOOK UP, YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE OF A MISPRINT" I think it is Mark Twain).

isn't it brilliant that we can all reassure each other

29-02-08, 16:02
Yep, its not a good idea if you want to avoid a panic attack! I'm a pro at convincing myself I have mad cow disease. You'd think I'd see sense and completely avoid googling such things. I think that as anxiety sufferers we're great at being able to apply all symptoms of an illness to our lives -I'm now sat here scratching at tingling/itching sensations I'm getting all over and analysing my last month's history searching for signs. Urgh.