View Full Version : Help sleeping...

25-02-08, 16:13
Good afternoon all...
I have been suffering from anxiety for about 4 months now, when i had first attack i went straight to the doctors the next day and was given Sertraline tabs and told to have Thyroid blood test and go back to discuss results in a few weeks... I never took the Sertraline as i googled them and found the side effects looked so horrendous that id rather try and find another way to feel better.Blood test all came back ok apart from Doc gave me Folic Acid and i cant remember what for (im forgetful)...Anyway, i have been walking loads and eating healthy and cut out caffine and have not smoked in 7 wks, i also take Vitamin B complex and Rhodiola rosea daily so i think i have made loads of changes and in myself im begining to feel loads better apart from sleeping..I fall asleep ok but wake up in the night and cant go back to sleep..You name it i have tried it to get back to the land of nod but nothing works, i have those horrid thoughts going round and round and everything alsways seems worse at night time..So does anyone have any tips or can you recomed any herbal pills for sleeping...
Thanks for reading..

25-02-08, 16:57
Hi Kerry,

Wow, hun, you have made lots of changes, thats great hun, WELL DONE,

Have you tried Kalms sleep, they help pramote natral sleep, ask for them at your chemist, if you are on any other meds ask if its ok to take with them. There are other threads with advice on sleep, there are some at the bottom of this page.



26-02-08, 22:20
Hi Kerry,

Folic Acid is for iron.

26-02-08, 23:35
Hi Kerry, try Nytol tablets, not the herbal ones, but fthe ones you buy over the counter at the chemists. They totally knock me out all night and don't feel bad in the morning. Hope they help!