View Full Version : I'm dreading this week.......

25-02-08, 18:55
I live in Devon (obviously!) and am having to go to London on Wednesday for 3 days of tests as my autonomic nervous system isn't functioning properly. The tests are designed to get the system to "play" up, i.e. induce a drop in blood pressure etc so that the medics can see where the fault lies.

So that's hurrendous enough but not only that I have the journey to contend with to London on the train, go through the tests then come back home again on the Friday. I'm lucky my parents are travelling up with me, then coming back home, then returning to pick me up. However that won't stop me panicking plus I'll be alone up in London and had to go through the tests. I know I'm in exactly the right place if I do faint/ get ill etc but that still doesn't relax me.

I'm not sleeping, I woke up in the night soaking wet and as soon as I woke up a huge wave of panic hit me and I thought I was going to pass out. I feel sick, my stomach feels empty all the time and I keep feeling shaky and faint like low blood sugar type symptoms.

Why do I have to feel like this??

25-02-08, 19:08
Ur Having Feelings Of Anxiety And Ur Having A Panic Attack .. I Have Had The Same Feels And I Know How Horrible They Feel U Feel Like Ur Going Mad Or Going 2 Pass Out !!!!! But I Promise U Wont . Its So Difficult To Explain To People Who Dont Have This Coz They Think Wat !!!!??? All I Can Say Is That Try Not To Be Afraid Of Ur Feelings Nothing Is Going To Happen .. It Takes Awhile To Deal With This Horrible Feeling I Know Ive Had Them And Still Do ... But Not As Bad As I Used Do .. I Found Reading Books About Panic And Anxiety Really Helpfull Coz It Makes U Understand It More . Also Learning To Be Able To Relax Urself .... And Not Tense Up When U Panic ..... Flow Through It . Try And Breath Slowly And Deeply .... Coz When Ur Anxious U Tense Up .... Try And Let Go To The Tension .... Its Hard At First But Does Wrk When U Can Do It .... If U Wonder If Ur Feeling Tierd Its Coz Ur Tense Relax .... Hope It Helps ?????? !!!!!!! Xxxxxxx

26-02-08, 17:28
Well the dreaded day is nearly upon me.....My train leaves at 9.35am tomorrow morning....I'm still really nervous :(

26-02-08, 17:59
I used to work on the railway as a technician and had to travel to railway collages throughout the country. Now this is when I had agoraphobia, so it was really terrifying for me. What I used to do is take as much reading material as I could, have some headphones with relaxation tapes, and just hope for the best. I think distracting myself from negative thoughts by reading and listening to tapes worked well for me.

Best of luck and try not to worry.

26-02-08, 18:37
Good Luck, before i got as bad as i am about 3 years ago when i used to get the train to work i would always have headphones on as it i could block everything out it helped. I always had really loud clubbing hits on, im thinking of doing this now when i go out. I think your really brave going, your have your Parents for support and they will be a big help xx