View Full Version : Don't play Squash? you're kidding right?

25-02-08, 21:19
I hate Mondays.

What do I hate more than Monday's? well driving on a Monday and listening to Radio 5 when the topic is heart attacks.

Just when you are over healthy anxiety. They have a phone in, a doc as the token expert and the story of a guy who was fit but had a heart attack at 29.

After lots of dribble and talk about what we should do and don't, one caller was told by his GP that he should NOT play squash after the age of 35, wtf?

As a 40 yo who plays the odd game of squash, I started to feel a sense of anxiety I have avoided for a couple of years. This was coupled with the feeling that I am obviously too old to play squash, and should I just give it all up **** now?

Why do they have these friggin debates on the radio, every Tom, Dick and Harry with an opinion and half a brain was calling in giving their story.

And then the Doc? Do this, don't do that, doom and freaking gloom. I felt like calling in myself and asking her when did she think I was going to drop dead, she seemed to know everything else.

Talk about agitated. THEN, I get home and on the news they are talking about introducing new building regulations to adopted wider doors, and stairs to accomodate wheelchairs and stairlifts in newly built houses because we are all living longer?

So what will it be? are we all past it at 35 and are about to drop clutching our chests or do I start saving for my Stannar lift now?

Roll on friggin Friday, at least I can have a drink and relax. Red wine of course, its better for the heart, or so some clown on the radio said once.

Rant over, I am off to put my squash racket on Ebay.

Jaco (still agitated):wtf1:

25-02-08, 21:28
Hi just because his body was fit does'nt mean his body was healthy,
he cud've ate alot of trans fats in his diet, or had some form of illness of the heart that was never detected or treated. So unless you know the inside of that guy, dont worry about the fact he had a heart attack.

If you wana play sport then do it, obviously dont overdo it, that goes for any age group. Know your limits but still enjoy urself:)

25-02-08, 22:26
Great post!!! I've stopped listening to Radio 5because whatever the subject they just go on and on and on.

26-02-08, 00:15
Awwww Jaco darlin' I love your rants lol.

I have no idea why the doctor said you shouldn't be playing squash. You should have phoned and asked if tennis was ok?

Enjoy the wine and have one for me please - but not too many or you'll be seeing UFO's :D

xxx :flowers:

26-02-08, 19:47
I know what you mean on this one - any debate/show/magazine with health stuff in gets ur mind going!

Touch wood have not felt too bad with the old health anx for a while :yahoo: now but know how u feel

Advice - listen to a different radio station :whistles:one that plays music or somethin lol

