View Full Version : on my own again.

25-02-08, 21:33
My partner is working nights again and I dread it. I never sleep and I know that if I dont sleep I will be panicky and unable to leave the house tomorrow.
I get so worked up and angry with myself and my partner. He comes in in the morning and go to sleep but I have to carry on and look after the girls.
Im not looking forward to another night of misery.
Does anyone else get this???

25-02-08, 21:39
Yeah... my OH is away this week on business. I should be used to it... but I'm not. I try to focus on the good points ( don't have to get his dinner ready/chat to my friends on the phone all night!) but I still get lonely and anxious.

I'm also ratty when my OH phones up.

I try to have a nice bath and when I go to bed make sure I have a good book or magazine to look at in case I can not sleep. And I fall asleep to the radio - it's my best mate on lonely nights.

Hope you get some sleep tonight xxx

25-02-08, 21:47
you too. At least I know Im not the only one pacing the hall at 3 am!!:wacko:

25-02-08, 21:56
Hi There
my husband not away or working shifts but he works very long hours, i hardly ever see him, It's always been like this but since i stopped full time emploment cause anx was getting worse , gradually friends desert you, i get really lonely alot of the time. It's pretty horrible.
Love Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-02-08, 21:57
Hi Kaz.

Sorry to hear you are struggling tonight. Twins under a year old is really hard work and I'm sure you are frazzled. Your anxiety about being on your own is quite natural and that worry that if you don't get enough sleep you wont be able to cope with tomorrow is really common when you have one little one let alone two. Have you discussed this with your gp or health visitor. Do the little ones still get you up during the night. Do you have any family or friends living near who could give you some help 1 or 2 nights a week. When I had my6 year old I was 45 and although it was fantastic I knew that if I didn't get my sleep then I would become panicky. My husband luckily was at home then and he did all the night feeds etc. I think you need some practical help I certainly did. Now my hubby is at work most evenings and I spend most of every day on my own. I find it really difficult sometimes just being responsible for everything. Have you got any relaxation tapes that might help you drift off.

Please do chat with gp or health visitor have you been assessed for post natal depression. Some of your symptoms could be related to this. Take care I'll be thinking of you.

25-02-08, 22:03
I went to see my GP and explained the situation. He gave me temazepam to take when it is bad but I still cant seem to get to sleep and end up feeling awful the next day.
I have got a hypnotherapy cd ( Ionly had my first session on thurs) for insomnia which Im gonna try tonight.
I will let you know how I get on.
Thanks for the support and advice:) :) :)

25-02-08, 23:04
Hi There
I know hwo you feel my hubby goes away a lot and i hate everyminute of it. He may go for weeks on end ive been lucky the past couple of months but im dreading when he goes cos i know it will be for at least 8 weeks. i have 2 children here with me older ones live 300 miles away. I also work so i cant sleep cos i hear noises so therefore am knackered in morning get anxciety attacks too so that doesnt help. I try to relax in bath before i go to bed and have a book to hand.
Take care
Anne xx

Pink Panic
26-02-08, 09:20
I know how you feel too. My partner works on an Oilrig so is away for 2 weeks solid at a time and i hate, hate, hate it.
I don't sleep well when he's away and my anx seems to go through the roof.
I asked my Psych for something and he gave me Quetiapine which makes me totally out of it so they are not ideal when i have my wee girl to look after.

At the mo i'm trying a relaxation CD too in the hope that it can help chill me out a bit.
After you put the girls to bed perhaps you could try doing something to relax you like watching a fave dvd, a nice bath. listening to music?
It's not easy i know and my thoughts are with you :hugs:
