View Full Version : Alarming discovery in doc notes

26-02-08, 11:08

I visited the docs yesterday at the end of my teather after 6 months of problems which started with a sudden almost diabetic attack with constant urination. anyway this went on daily for 3-4 weeks before it gradually improved, at the time i had liver test and renal which i was told was normal!

anyway i still get these diabetic episodes every so often and have felt unwell and fatigued for pretty much the whole 6 months, ive been told about 40 times by the doc that its anxiety!

anyway i visit doc yesterday ( a different one) who shows me my notes and i see that the renal and liver tests are abnormal (ok top range is 110 and mine was 113 but still abnormal. so now ive looked into kidney problems and realise i may be suffering from kidney disease ! obviously im angry and vey axious now as for 6 months ive been saying im not suffering anxiety except whats occured due to not knowing whats wrong with me.

Im awaiting results of another renal test now to see if there is a problem and im going out of my mind, anyone have any advise?

26-02-08, 11:51
Hi John,

I am not a medical expert.
Your Doctor seems convinced that your problems are anxiety-based.
If you cannot accept his diagnosis-and move forward with a treatment programme through him-perhaps it would be best if you tried to find another GP.
I am in no position to comment on the professonalism of your Doctor but you clearly have no confidence in him.This will only add to your stress.
Your tests do not seem to provide results which would give grave cause for concern.
best wishes,

26-02-08, 17:25
My friend works in a path lab at the hospital and says that there is a leeway on blood test results that are just above or below normal that are classed as lab variations. So your result would NOT be classes as abnormal at all just slight variation on normal which could be due to way test carried out at lab.

Good example is test for potassium - if you clench your hand while blood is being taken it puts your potassium level up or alot of test tubes for blood contain a preservative of potassium salts so if your Dr uses one of these then you will get a slightly higher reading than normal.

If you had anything wrong with you kidney wise then your test results would be way above normal.

I also have days on end when I am super anxious that I am convinced I have kidney problems as I produce lots of pale urine. But I have been doing this for many years and all kidney tests have been normal.

26-02-08, 20:08
Hi there, as already mentioned above, 113 is only just out of range and nothing that the GP would be concerned over.
They would also take other things into account, not just that one particular test. If other tests were high then more tests would have been asked for and possibly a repeat blood test too. Sometimes it can be the actual sample that was tested as also mentioned previously. Seeing as this is an isolated result and only just above what they state then i would relax about this test.xx