View Full Version : new and unsure!

14-03-05, 22:06
hi there...not sure how i feel...but what other people see - is a very sociable and outgoign person, when inside my mind i am anxious and cant seem to relax. sound familiar? Hmmm... i'm a bit lost within my head, so please excuse the lack of vibrance etc. i dont know what i shall find on this site / forum...but having found it via google...i shall have a good look around. Thanks for reading this. From Tanjarine

PS...am not on any medication and i live in Lincoln, UK

14-03-05, 22:40
hi and welcome to the forum,
im sure you will find as you read the posts that lots of people are going through the same as you and will be able to give some really good advice

fan x

14-03-05, 22:40
Welcome Tanjarine

You must have concerns about this or you wouldn't have come across us .

Have a good look around and do post if we can help on anything specific.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

14-03-05, 22:42
Hi Tanjarine

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

15-03-05, 02:26
Welcome to the forum, Tanjarine.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

15-03-05, 08:56
Hi Tanjarina,

Welocme to the site.


When you fear something.
Learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

15-03-05, 09:11
hey tanjarine,

Welcome to the site, you will find loads of support here!!

Take care

tracy x x

15-03-05, 09:36
Hi Tanjarine
Hope you find this site as useful and informative as I have.
Good luck

15-03-05, 11:31

Thank you guys!! I dont know what to say though!! lol...Errr...i start reading other pples stuff...then i think...omg - this is aweful...reading bout it and feeling it!! Hmmm... not sure if i am going to be my usual jolly self on here...but at least i start counselling today (again!)

Thank you for welcoming me onto the site...tis really appreciated. Albeit a confused lil Tanjarine!!

15-03-05, 14:33
Hi Tanjerine,

Welcome and good luck with your counselling. I am on my third counsellor now but am determined to stick it out to the bitter end this time! Hope it helps you.
Take care,

15-03-05, 14:40
hey thanks...I was having counselling before Xmas...but my counsellor is in hospital now...which is a real shame for obvious reasons for her and myself. At least couselling clears my head to *some* extent and give my partner a break!!


Money is replacable, but this time in your life isnt...So don't be a stranger - Be Yourself!

15-03-05, 14:42
Was it CBT counselling - can you continue it as self help whilst shes away ?

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

15-03-05, 14:48
yeah it was Cog Behavioural Therapy, Meg...but am seeing her replacement counsellor in an hour...so fingers crossed!! She seems workable from when I've spoken on the phone to arrange things...so I think it'll work - ie the conselling relationship interacting! i have been self-healing over the last 4 months...but obviously some prof interaction is needed lol...

Cheers for interest guys xx T

Money is replacable, but this time in your life isnt...So don't be a stranger - Be Yourself!

15-03-05, 14:50
Good luck T.

Im starting Anxiety management soon...does anyone know if this is the same as CBT?

Tatty B xx

15-03-05, 14:54
Thanks Tatty!

I dont know...but maybe it does involve CBT...but wouldnt like to say for sure...hopefully someone else will tell you...lol... good luck with it anyways mate.


Money is replacable, but this time in your life isnt...So don't be a stranger - Be Yourself!

15-03-05, 17:17
Hi Tanjarine
Hope you'll stick around. I'm sure with counselling and the help and support from people on here you'll soon start to feel a bit better.
Take care

15-03-05, 19:04
Hiya Tanjarine

Welcome aboard the fourm - lovely to see you here.

How is the CBT going - are you getting any benefit from it?

Hope to hear more from you soon.


15-03-05, 19:40
yep counselling went well thanks y'all...one step at a time...but a good step - so am pleased!!! hope you are all finding any support that you get, beneficial and fun too!! xx

Money is replacable, but this time in your life isnt...So don't be a stranger - Be Yourself!

15-03-05, 22:05
Welcome aboard and hope you get all the help you need from here.

Pleased the counselling went well.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

15-03-05, 22:27
thanks Sal...tis great to have the support and to have a good day...isnt it everyone?! yeah!! long may they live...

...dont know if i suffer from these things on here...as long as everyone knows i'm not here to abuse the service or anything like that... i think i am sufficiently tired of the pc screen now...lol

bye for now xx Tanjarine

Money is replacable, but this time in your life isnt...So don't be a stranger - Be Yourself!

15-03-05, 22:51
glad to hear its going well, keep it up :D

and keep us posted

fan x