View Full Version : hi i'm new and i need advice

26-02-08, 16:43
I am 26 yrs old. About 1 month ago i started burping after i ate. It doesn't matter what i eat it still happens. I have acid reflux but have never has this problem. I finally went to my dr and i just had a adomen ultrasound done and have a scope for monday. But this is really frusrating. And the past couple days i have pain after i eat and lots of gas. my finance says that my breathe stinks too. I have tried brushing mouthwash nothing helps. I just want to know that i am not alone in this and if someone else has had this problem. Thanks faith

26-02-08, 23:22
Hi-- welcome to the site!

I have the same problem, and I've determined that it's because I started eating at double the speed ever since my anxiety started flaring up. My fiance says he's noticed that I wolf my food down and beat him everytime, when before he would always finish before me. This causes me to swallow a lot of air, which causes burping. I've read in many places that burping is expelling air from your stomach,as opposed to your intestines, and people with anxiety often swallow too much of it without realizing it. It's called aerophagia. It's good that you're being tested, but this is one possibility.