View Full Version : Anxiety Symptoms or something else

26-02-08, 22:20

It has taken me a little bit of courage to write on this board. I am one that always reads the postings, searches the forums, etc. but mainly for purposes of reassurances.
Hello everyone,

First of all - this is a tremendous website. It provides loads of helpful info and it is nice to know that there are other people out there with similar symptoms. I appreciate everyone providing there stories and answering other peoples questions.

Instead of searching to see if there are other cases out there like mine, I figure it is more appropriate to simply ask.

My story is kind of a long one. I will try and keep it short. I have definitely sufffered from anxiety in my life before this. I am currently 28 and I had my first panic attack (after I smoked too much weed) when I was 20. This panic attack occurred because of my anxious state (girlfriend and I broke up) and smoking too much. After that point, I suffered for another year or two with anxiety, probably until I was 23. I then ended up getting back together with my college girlfiend, and amazingly my anxiety disappeared. Back then my anxiety was based around intrusive, obsessive thoughts, which would cause the jittery stomach and constant obsessive thinking and reassuring.

My anxiety return over the past summer, at 28 years old. It returned probably due to being extremely busy with working too much, I had basically two full-time jobs. Since it came back though, I feel like it is completely different than how it was before. Some of my symptoms now include:

burning/stinging eyes
pins and needles, mainly in extremeties
burning sensation throughout body (with prickly, shooting feelings)
sharp pain between shoulder blades
arms falling asleep at night
occasional numbness - fingers, butt, lip

I'm sure there are others that I have forgotten. Do these symptoms seem like symptoms of anxiety? I am one of the people that has difficulty accepting the fact that all of these symptoms can be anxiety related, because they truly are physical symptoms.

One of my biggest problems was that I looked up pins and needles, tingling, etc. and next thing I know, I am fearing that I have something very serious like MS or Diabetes, etc. Instead of looking at the reasons why I probably don't have that, I concentrate on the reasons why I do. Next thing I know, i'm looking at how to live my life with one of these conditions.

Also, when someone has a lot of built up stress and anxiety, does it eventually get to the point where it just all empties out and you are left with these panicky feelings and physical symptoms. Until you're body really starts to de-stress, it will continue to experience these feelings?

Another thing that makes the physical symptoms so difficult to deal with is that I don't know how to get rid of them? The symptoms don't seem like they will ever go away. How have you guys gotten rid of physical symptoms? Are these physical symptoms from anxiety or something else?

It's really hard to experience these symptoms right now. I just got a new job offer, my wife is expecting our 1st baby, and there are lot of positive things in my life. Having the constant physical symptoms though is a brutal reminder and its tough to not think about it.

Thanks for everyone's help and for this website.


26-02-08, 23:02
Hi Colin,

I admire your honesty.
Without exception,the posts which I have read which admit to drug misuse have led to anxiety issues.
It is clear that you KNOW that you have anxiety issues.
It is also clear that you are having difficulty ACCEPTING that you have anxiety issues.
This is very common.
As anxiety sufferers we are sceptics at the best of times.
What would acceptance of this mean for you?
It would give you a starting point for your treatment.
Have you had a thorough review with your Doctor?
There are so many treatments available-Meds,CBT,self-help books,websites,Chat rooms,etc.All can help and can form the basis of your recovery.
The alternative currently would appear to be to remain in perpetual discomfort and distress.
This recovery will take time but the vast amounts of energy you have expended on stressing and worrying should give you an idea of the strength that lies within you to fight this.
Everyone here will be behind you 100%.
Best wishes,

28-02-08, 13:15

Thanks for the help.

You know some days, I accept my symptoms and know that this is anxiety.

Other times though, the symptoms just seem to come out of nowhere. Usually, my anxiety and symptoms would stem from a thought or a worry, etc. Now, I can have physical symptoms appear without any thought beforehand. This is the toughest part of what i'm going through. To all the sudden have your feet start tingling and feel pins and needles, when you think you're having a good day. Or to wake up in the morning and feel all tense, with prickly heat sensations going on throughout the body (like today) for again, no reason. It just doesn't make sense to me.

But, if you can tell me that this is normal with anxiety and panic, and other people experience this as well, than I can learn to accept and move foward.

When I first had anxiety, in my early 20s, I did a program called Anxiety Busters. It helped quite a bit and definitely made me feel better. But, I feel like this program was not really geared toward what i'm feeling now, maybe i'm wrong though and I should revisit.

Any other recommendations? I have not seen a Dr. and I do not believe in medication for anxiety. I know it works for some. My brothers suffers from anxiety/depression also, and he has been off and on so many medications. I feel horribly for him because none have truly helped him and he still at the same spot, 15 years later. I used to be someone he could talk to about his problems, now I feel I am going through much of the same that he has.

Thanks for your help Chalky and anyone else..
