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View Full Version : Constant Burning now

13-11-03, 12:18
Question. I was having burning legs and forearms during panic.
Now, It's constant. Is this normal anxiety feelings.
I'm starting to scare myself? I have been doing research on Autoimmune diseases and Connective tissue disease. I really feel terminal here? I'm so scared.
I am really having a hard time w/ this.
Thanks for all your support...

13-11-03, 13:38
Hi Jenn,

Maybe you should make an appointment with your medical doctor, just to assure yourself that there is nothing medically wrong. After that you will know and can assure yourself that what you are going through is not terminal, and that you are not going crazy or dying. What you definitely want to do is "stay away" from self diagnosing!!! or reading anything about other disorders, that is going to increase the anxiety and make you more scared. Try to keep telling yourself that this is anxity/panic and you have made it through this before and you will now. Also practice, practice, practice!!!! the relaxation and breathing exercises Meg mentioned.

Take care dear

Diana xxx

13-11-03, 13:47

You are only making yourself much worse by constant internet researching on wierd and wonderful remote illnesses.
If you want to research then do it on anxiety and panic so you learn more about it.

However, since you've already scared yourself silly, I would like to make the point that autoimmune and connective tissue diseases are both very slow in progression and take years to get severe.
Additionally the symptoms are part of a whole arena and cannnot be interpreted individually.

You are really not helping yourself by adding to your already ragged nervous systems these extra worries that your brain will take on board because you're thinking about them.

Your energies would be much better spent by doing spomething positive ,distracting and physical movement at this point. Sitting at a computer will also not help your breathing pattern thus adding to both panic and the tingling in your extremities.

I don't mean to be brutal- but do take heed.


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